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Can't absorb dragon souls


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I Updated Skyrim 1.9.32 and I can absorb dragon souls now!!! In my case, I try to install DSAMG Mod (Dragon Soul Absorb More Gloriuos) and do a trial and error, after killing a dragon the dragon just lying there doing nothing. The I try to remove Skyrim/Data/scripts/MQKillDragonScript.pex from DSAMG. Reload the dragon battle again and after the slaying, the dragon skin began to melt, Dragon Soul absorb. COOL! Maybe I didnt install the DSAGM Mod correctly!

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it has nothing to do with you not correctly install the DSAMG it's just that the mod is not yet compatible with dragonborn :( ( the mod author said that in his mod description )


hmm .... in my case i had to stop using skse :( for some reason skse too was one of the causes for me not absorbing dragon soul , i read topics that skse maybe the cause but i didn't think it is the main reason for me :blink: , well ... i have overcome this issue :biggrin:

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Just wanted to drop by and say I was having the same problem of not being able to absorb dragon souls either (the first one outside whiterun), but after installling the dragonborn unofficial patch I was able to.


The only other unoffical patch i had installed prior to doing that was the "Unofficial Skyrim Patch".


Also tried tinkering around with mods that I thought could have caused the problem like deadly dragons/dragon combat overhaul/dead body collision but those didn't seem to fix the problem up till the dragonborn patch.


Will also say I was using up to date skse (1.9.32) and of course the latest version of skyrim of the same version (

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Well i just ran into this problem when playing on SKSE so i loaded skyrim through steam instead and it worked so its SKSE for sure but for those of you who dont use SKSE just check your mods for anything that could afect dragons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

From reading all the relevant threads I could find, I have come to the conclusion everyone's situation is different, therefore the solutions to this problem vary.


For me, the problem did not start until I updated to the latest skyrim.esm. I already had all the DLCs and the unofficial patches, except for the Dragonborn patch. My unofficial skyrim patch is not at the latest version because I can't figure out which mods, or even if it is mod at this point, is causing problems for me in the Solitude area. I did not want to start again for a third time!


My solution:

What worked for me was installing Dragon Merchant with Buyable Dragon Souls by MrCasual. I did not use the Merchant, I only installed the mod. Someone on another thread had written that installing this mod worked for him. At first I thought it didn't work for me because I didn't see the usual animation and sounds, but the dragon soul was in my inventory when I looked. Later I added the Unofficial dragonborn patch. Now everything is as it should be. :P



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I also had the issue and tried enabling and disabling a lot of mods, including the unofficial patches (yes also the dragonborn patch). Didnt work.

I found a mod that adds a spell to absorb the dragon soul, works like a charm! Also worked with an already killed dragon (savegame after the fight).




You're welcome :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had the same problem. I had tons of mods including all the unofficial patches.


I was able to solve the issue by putting the loading order for the unofficial skyrim mod before (on top of) the other unofficial mods, you can do this from the skyrim launcher -> Data files.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I finally figured it out! It's a problem with the SKSE. I just deactivated the mods that use the SKSE and started playing Skyrim with the normal launcher and it worked perfectly. I'm about to contact the SKSE team right now to let them know about the problem.

Im not sure. That is were the problem started for me. Maybe i have the wrong load order for the patches.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've read a few threads regarding this, this one seems more informative than others. I have all the dlc content for skyrim, uninstalled/reinstalled skyrim and could not absorb dragon souls. I tried everything in the 5 pages here, except the TESSEdit one. Nothing seemed to work for me.


I was able to absorb dragon souls when I launched thru Steam. So I quit, deleted/uninstalled Skse and reinstalled it launched it, and now It seems to be working. I absorbed the dragon soul at the watchtower.


I started from a new game.


Also, I did not remove the Dragon Soul Absorb Fix file from my system even though it did not fix my issue when I tried it.



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