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Are you cold or warm natured?


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I've been through so many Winters out over the road, it isn't even funny and though I do get enlivened by the chill, I've never really gotten to like the cold, over the long haul. I am the one you see, in the winter time wrapped up like Nanook of the North trying to force my coat, jacket, blanket, sleeping bag and parka enshrouded self threw a mall doorway by getting a running start from the parking lot.

Cold seems to go through me like money on payday. I found out long ago that pay day only meant I had the money to pay others. Seemingly I am only the middle man. lol

I have noticed that there are some people who just don't get the whole Antarctica thing and wear shorts and short sleeves all the way up to where the Mercury in the thermostat implodes like a tiny black hole. I guess they like the feeling of the penguin feathers as they nuzzle up against the guy, looking to warm themselves.

Heck. half the time I want to run up to them, look them right in the eye to see if there is anyone in there that knows it's flipping cold out here. I often imagine seeing a tiny body looking out through the eyes, like a snow truck driver wrapped up in ab parka, with a muffler tied around it's neck, using a mittened hand to wipe the inside of the irises so they can see more clearly how to guide the person towards wherever the mechanical body was going.

No human being should dress for the Caribbean in the sub arctic tundra of upper New York State in thedepths of Winter. Brrrrrr! :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

I was wondering how many people feel as I do and wanted to hear from those alien beings, wherever their planet of origin that are unaffected by the cold. I'm going to wrap myself up and listen. lol. Have a great day!

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I can't get on with cold or heat, I like the spring and the autumn. I feel the cold very easily and suffer badly in the heat, luckily I live in a part of the world where we rarely get extremes of either.

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I hate the hot..hate it hate it hate it...oh and did I mention I hate it? :P


I live in West Virginia and the weather here..which used to have nice four seasons with some occasional extremes...now seems to have hot, sorta hot, really freakin' hot and cold.


I plan to move to Washington State when my kid graduates...four more long years.


However given a preference there is nothing sweeter than a lovely autumn day, wearing jeans and a long sleeve shirt, the trees all colors and a crisp little wind....ahhhh

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Either extreme really doesn't do me any favors....... (I have MS, so, am a bit more susecptible to temp extremes) Generally, the summers here were pretty nice... up until lately... more than four weeks of temps north of 100 dgrees. (F) That is NOT typical. And then of course, we have several weeks in Jan/Feb, where the weather man earns my ire by telling me things like: "The high today will be -5."..... Joy.


I would dearly love to find a place where the temp is generally right around 75, 20% humidity, and it only rains at night...... Oh well. :D

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wanted to hear from those alien beings, wherever their planet of origin that are unaffected by the cold.


Where I live the temperature runs anywhere from -40C (-40F) to 40C (100F), and there are 4 distinct seasons - and I don't mind any of them one bit, but I am a winter person. Give me the cold anyday. I can always put on more clothes when I feel chilly, but I can only take off so many when I am hot.

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wanted to hear from those alien beings, wherever their planet of origin that are unaffected by the cold.


Where I live the temperature runs anywhere from -40C (-40F) to 40C (100F), and there are 4 distinct seasons - and I don't mind any of them one bit, but I am a winter person. Give me the cold anyday. I can always put on more clothes when I feel chilly, but I can only take off so many when I am hot.

And not get arrested. :D

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wanted to hear from those alien beings, wherever their planet of origin that are unaffected by the cold.


Where I live the temperature runs anywhere from -40C (-40F) to 40C (100F), and there are 4 distinct seasons - and I don't mind any of them one bit, but I am a winter person. Give me the cold anyday. I can always put on more clothes when I feel chilly, but I can only take off so many when I am hot.

And not get arrested. :biggrin:


Only once and then I wasn't arrested - it was only a $50.00 fine. Funny, I don't recall any of the females getting a ticket, but the cop did observe the crime scene for quite a long time before he decided I was the offender.

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  • 1 month later...

Living in Finland with days over -20 C and still doing more or less fine i could call my self warm natured =)


Its fun watching some of my friends shiver in cold when we are out Muahahah :devil:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've lived in both Finland and Spain, and so have seen, and more importantly felt, both extremes. I can say that for me, hot is definitely the worse one of the two.


Hot makes me tired, and being a generally lazy guy, that pretty much means a coma, and sweating sucks.


Cold on the other hand helps keep me on my toes, alert and awake, and I really don't mind it unless there is a strong wind which makes it a whole another story. Then again I don't understand those people who wear shorts and a t-shirt in -25 celsius weather either.


Its fun watching some of my friends shiver in cold when we are out Muahahah :devil:


You evil evil person, although I do agree :biggrin: Wait, does that make me a bad person too? :psyduck:

Edited by Teltab
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