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Internet romance


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You guys know that I've bounced around on several forums like this.
There was one a while back tha's sense closed which I was fairly active.
It was like this and was fairly down to Earth. I met a dude on there
that was a mod. He had been suffering from terrible fits of depression
all his life and had several times cut himself before he got treatment.
After that happened he openned up a small site that he ran on the side
to help those, like him who have or was thinking of hurting themselves.
A kind of support group, if you will.

We'll he went missing for
about a week and when he came back, this was last year sometimre, I
found out he'd inadvertantly spilt tea all over his laptop and totally
fried the thing. He was now using his phone to mod at our site as well
as help others on his own. That didn't set right with me. Someone that
helped people need something to help them with. I knew how terrible it
was to try to log on anywhere from a phone, so I ended up buying him a
laptop online. I had to do it that way because he lived in Scotland and
they don't use US current there.

Well, to make a long story
short he and I had been talking and he was always talking about his mom.
She had raised him and his siblings after she kicked her old man to the
curb for cheating on her. She also had her bother and his fiance
staying with her, at the time, because their house was getting restored.
Anyway I started talking to her and we were really hitting it off. We'd
talked and exchanged E-mail addresses, but primarily we communicated on

That thing started going s=Soutyh when her boy
started up about the hardship that his mom was going through paying her
bills. He'd done this stuff in the past, but I've always ignored him. It
sounded like, to me that he was trying to get me to feel sorry for him
and send him more money. Well after a while he stopped but it only took
him a couple of days to start up with his moms financial woes. It
wouldn't have been so bad, but I was having some serious financial
difficulties myself and after about 3 days of hearing that crap I shot
them both a message about my money being my money and It was me who
decided if and when I was going to help someone else out.

his mom came back that she had nothing to do with her son's actions and
was pissed that i included her in one of his ramblings. Well it's been
about a week now and Theres been virtally no communication between his
mom and I. I've pretty much unfriended the guy and am thinking about
doing the same to her. I had apologized for my actions to her but I
think it's time to move on.

I was wandering if you've or someone
you know has ever went through one of these internet romances and what,
if anything ever came out of it.

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Yes, I have been in one destructive "internet romance" earlier which broke part of my mental well being, and currently I am in a committed long distance relationship with my boyfriend.


It depends on the person really, and it depends on how experienced you are. The first one was my first relationship and I was really just madly and stupidly in love, not really knowing the person and just after a month I found out his true self and after a few months of torture ended that game he played with me.


Right now I'm with what I would call my soulmate hopefully, we've met at an interesting time, at interesting points in our lives, we're both very similar yet different, and we just fit well together. We're together for 6 months now and it is beautiful and hard at the same time. But the hardships don't matter as long as I focus on the goal, which is me and him together in our home.


I would usually say internet romances or LDR's are stupid and rarely end up happy, but after I read some comments from people who met on the internet, then moved together and married happily, I think I'm on the right path. Especially with my man, he's got problems but so do I, and we're supporting eachother and I love him beyond everything. We'll end up happy together I know it.


Like Bob Marley said

“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.”
I found that person :happy:
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Long distance/internet relationships are not easy.
It all depends on where your heart really is, not where you think it is,
just like if you are there, seeing the person face to face.
Internet or in person, money problems is the worst enemy almost
any relationship can have. As per the mother getting upset, I can
see her side of things since most people don't want others to know
their problems, especially if they are in dire straights because of
financial problems.
There is also the chance he was tugging at your heart strings to get
money out of you. Not saying he was, but there are some not nice
people out there that take advantage of others. Just be careful.

On a happier note:
Long distance romances can work out....if I may quote my "About Me" page:

Carah, known in Nexus and TesAlliance for her wonderful house mods,
also "Horses Gone Wild", is the other half of my heart. Her and I met in
the Nexus Forums thread "You Know What I Like" in May 2008.
First comments, then PMs, followed by email, IM, then phone calls and
Skype. I had her fly from Canada to Colorado for in person visits.
Romance grew and 27 Dec 2011 we started living together in Colorado.
She wears a beautiful Black Hills Gold ring with a diamond in it,
but no date has yet been set to finalize that transaction...

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On a happier note:

Long distance romances can work out....if I may quote my "About Me" page:

Carah, known in Nexus and TesAlliance for her wonderful house mods,

also "Horses Gone Wild", is the other half of my heart. Her and I met in

the Nexus Forums thread "You Know What I Like" in May 2008.

First comments, then PMs, followed by email, IM, then phone calls and

Skype. I had her fly from Canada to Colorado for in person visits.

Romance grew and 27 Dec 2011 we started living together in Colorado.

She wears a beautiful Black Hills Gold ring with a diamond in it,

but no date has yet been set to finalize that transaction...


Oh wow you did too?

My god it really seems the Nexus has some strange powers that brings people together, or shall I say soulmates together.


Me and James met on August 29th last year, he read my post in the "School kills creativity" thread and saw I wanted to do game designing. He sent me a PM and an offer to do mods with him and his team, we talked, and we got together on the night of the 29th of August. Standing strong now ever since, in love like never before, committed beyond imagination.


It's so nice to hear there are other people who met on the Nexus and made it IRL. I am sure me and James will as well. Thank you for sharing that Malachi.

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On a happier note:

Long distance romances can work out....if I may quote my "About Me" page:

Carah, known in Nexus and TesAlliance for her wonderful house mods,

also "Horses Gone Wild", is the other half of my heart. Her and I met in

the Nexus Forums thread "You Know What I Like" in May 2008.

First comments, then PMs, followed by email, IM, then phone calls and

Skype. I had her fly from Canada to Colorado for in person visits.

Romance grew and 27 Dec 2011 we started living together in Colorado.

She wears a beautiful Black Hills Gold ring with a diamond in it,

but no date has yet been set to finalize that transaction...


Oh wow you did too?

My god it really seems the Nexus has some strange powers that brings people together, or shall I say soulmates together.


Me and James met on August 29th last year, he read my post in the "School kills creativity" thread and saw I wanted to do game designing. He sent me a PM and an offer to do mods with him and his team, we talked, and we got together on the night of the 29th of August. Standing strong now ever since, in love like never before, committed beyond imagination.


It's so nice to hear there are other people who met on the Nexus and made it IRL. I am sure me and James will as well. Thank you for sharing that Malachi.

This is so cool it isn't even funny. Though I've not had much luck finding someone myself, I'm encouraged by the successes of at least four others. Thank you.


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Long distance relationships almost never end well. Friendships? Yes. Relationships... well it depends on how much you are willing to trust the other person. I would never go for it personally.




A good rule of thumb is to never start a romance with someone whose problems are greater than your own.

This is very important also. You might not realize what you are getting into, with the mistake causing a verrrrrrrrryy bad break up.

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Pain is part of life, if you never expose your vulnerable side to anyone you won't get anything out of life.


Speak for yourself, not for others. I met many many many LDR couples who're married now happily. I know some even IRL. If anybody would cheat on you in a LDR, they would cheat on you in a non-LDR too. Not all people are like that, maybe it's just your experiences.

Rule #1 is that love has no rules. Stop trying to make rules for love, stop trying to find someone who has no problems or has less so you can benefit from that. You won't get far if you think like that, love is about making the world a better place. Love isn't selfish like that, it's altruistic, it's giving.


Never tell anyone their relationship won't end well or how their chances are just because it's a LDR or similar. People like you are those that cause relationships to break too, and I don't mean that in an offensive manner. Always support people unless it's obvious that one of the lovers is a horrible person and is completely using the other one. Never discourage them. Never.


/that was a small rant in the name of love on this planet


and happy valentines day

Edited by Iv000
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Wife and I had a long-distance relationship since I was 16 (she was 17 at the time). Dating for a long time, and now.... been married for six months. Simply awesome (though the witch wears the pants in our marriage)...... yes I'm whipped, don't judge me ;D ;D


Happy belated Valentine's to all.

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A good rule of thumb is to never start a romance with someone whose problems are greater than your own.


Wise advice, you can end up in a relationship based on dependency rather than love and respect.

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