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Fallout 4 Patented: What we wanna see brought over from NV


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I'd like to see:


1. A better main quest

2. Better animations

3. More guns

4. More attempts to rebuild civilization (FNV did a good job at this I think).

5. More interesting factions (again, FNV did a good job with this, I'd love to see that expanded on)

6. Perhaps have California as a setting? I'd love to see the BoS take in Elder Lyon's for trial for straying from the path of the Brotherhood.

7. Better character designs - and variety.

8. More voice actors.

9. Less bugs - and a more stable engine.

10. No loading screens. I mean, the Witcher 3's world space is (I think) supposed to be 20% larger than Skyrim and will have no loading screens. I don't see why Fallout can't do the same. It would really help with the feeling that the world is connected and separated into cells.

11. A real third person, I love third person and would love to see it fleshed out more. To be able to play a Fallout where both third person and first person a viable options and don't feel sloppy would be great.

12. Some collaboration between Bethesda Game Studios and Obsidian Entertainment would be amazing.



lets just hope they dont keep using the gamebryo engine :tongue:


I'm hoping they use something like idTech5 to be honest. It's owned by them anyway (ZeniMax Media owns id Software and Bethesda Game Studios), so it shouldn't be an issue.

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1. a larger, more exploratory world with near, endless places to explore (i'm thinking bigger then skyrim but who knows. just nothing cramp and small like New Vegas)


2. what New Vegas did right was use some real world weapons mixed with sci fi fiction weapons to select from. this was cannon in the older fallout games and it was a disappointment realizing fallout 3 never did that and the lack of iron sights


3. a animation mod tool to help modders make fine tune adjustments to make the reloads and animation smoother and perfect for special weapons like bullpups, toggle-lock action (Luger P08 for example), stripper clip reloads, black powder revolvers, belt fed machine guns, or weapons that have that magazine clipping through the hand or whatever they have in mind.(EDIT: after a friend showed me these videos, i would flip if it was possible to have custom reloading animations like these as mods for the next fallout)


4. more voice actors. i kinda want the leaders of small towns or tribes actually sound different from the rest of their citizens/tribal's


5. better, more realistic, if possible, 'prettier' faces that don't look like they were in a cartoon show


6. more random events so not everything is the same when you return to a place. the time you passed that bridge where you fought with the raiders a few days ago you now find a baby carriage trap that was never there before. keep us on your toes and guessing. maybe there really is a baby in that carriage and yet it's still a trap? (a ambush maybe or just a booby trap or nothing at all and there is a baby there or not. seriously, F*** WITH OUR HEADS HERE!)


7. new game engine, maybe the one skyrim uses or maybe use the one wolfenstine: the new order used.


8. i know this won't happen but could we make this PC only or at least make it come out for PC first and THEN dumb it down for the consoles? i felt NV could have been so much more if not for console restrictions.


9. smarter AI. a lot of modders have shown it's possible to make the AI more adaptive and smarter, even using cover and stem packs more often. (maybe bethesda works with obsidian on this. more man power to make things right this time)


10. balanced weapons. even the most crappy of guns actually held some use in a shoot out in New Vegas<--- this is a good thing


11. hints of what the countries over the seas are doing? maybe foreign wastelanders, explorers or solders trying to see if they can take over the fallen nation after so many years after the war? honestly, i'm surprised we didn't get more characters with accents like Moriarty or Raul


12. i know fallout has it's funny moments and i like those but maybe add some more depressing moments too. the struggle for survival can make human beings sometimes lose their humanity, and their sanity so more crazy people please! :D


13. MORE CRAFTING. be it weapon mods or new toy's (weapons) or even food and medicine. both fallout 3 lacked enough things to craft and NV lacked more weapons to craft (still don't know why they removed the railway rifle. that was awesome!)


14. possibly rebuilding a settlement or making a new one. it was depressing and a waste for nipton to be just a smoldering town. maybe DLC that lets us rebuild towns maybe? i recall a few mods that were like that. build a town, let people in, fight off creatures, raiders, ect.

15. more interesting locations would be nice. The strip we know now was suppose to be bigger as well as freeside. besides bigger locations, places like megaton and rivet city were amazing and i always loved the mod that lets those doors or draw bridges open the path for the player. new vegas had none of that...


16. give us something super strong and super scary, even scaryer then deathclaws. i want something just as dangerous as Frank Horrigan. or sheogorath... hey bethesda owns both game series now, they can make a sheogorath camio if they wanted as a rare, random event. who doesn't want some extra madness in their life?


and i end this with a question of my own.... and what i want to see in fallout 4.


17. will it be possible to transfer mods from NV to fallout 4? like Millenia's weapon mods and re textures since most of them use new meshes anyway

Edited by phantomshotgun
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I hope player won't be THE ONE, like in Skyrim. I want player to be just another survivor/scavenger/wanderer with no special abilities. Main reason I couldn't get immersed into Skyrim.

doubt it. in fallout you allways play the "average guy who becomes a badass" fallout 1 you were just sent out to find a replacemnt chip, get kicked out and surive and help people. fallout 3, you came from vault 101 and had to run away to find your father but were hunted down by the vault security that you your self don't know why. fallout new vegas, you were a coruior till you were shot in the head and hunted down the man responsible. if rumors are true about fallout 4 taking place in boston there the commonwealth are, then A. we are another wastelander or B. a android since the insitute Is the most technological place in the wasteland and your some kind of cyborg or android with no memory. who knows

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Firstly i hope they make it so ridiculously key smashing monitor kicking impossibly hard, like a beyond the hardest of all hardcore modes the world space needs to be so apocalypticaly brutal with food, water etc almost impossible to find to enable a crafting and survival system which is absolutely critical to progress the game not an aside to the core gameplay. The main gameplay should be based around minute to minute survival with story progression an extremely rare luxury. disease infection dehydration starvation sleep deprivation (being attacked in your sleep) equipment theft, injured and left to die, slaved, baited jailed etc, the karma system should be pertinent to barter and trading with shopkeepers/doctors/employers refusing trade to scumbags, more bounty hunters / revenge killers such as the regulators and talon company on your butt seeking retribution for your deeds. Creatures / mutated animals need to be massively advanced hunter killers to develop a stealth system of survival based more around Hunting and trapping, crafting traps and deception to overcome beasties. Over powered weapons and power armor need to be scarcely available and difficult to maintain, ammo for these weapons should be craftable and very difficult to do so. i just want to see the wasteland a absolute living hell for survivors with the player forced (by the intensity of progression) to make disgraceful moral disicions throwing the karma system into the fore. i think you get the idea. Right..........MMORPG??!! Originally (before i started mod's) Fallout was about being alone, lost and lonely a** as hell in the wastes then after playing with 4-5 npc's i realised that there is a place for an MMO version.


Lastly i hope they don't legislate against reverse engineering cause that could ruin all our fun....




Equipable weapon slots (limited by strength / agility stats / power armor)


1/2 lower leg slot (survival knife / small caliber pistol)

2 upper leg slots (large caliber pistol / machete / katana / automatic / laser pistol)

belts and bandoliers with 4-10 slots for grenades / mines / ammo)

a backpack slot with say 50 lbs max ( 280lbs get real!!)

and say 2-3 back mounts (grenade rifle / bazooka / sniper rifle)

and your equipped weapon.

When wearing powered power armor of course these limits would be increased (after all the last 1/3 of the game should be a complete alien / B.o.s / Enlave-esqe technofest)

i'd like to see a lot more weapon dropping / hiding when no ammo is available carrying 20 high powered weapons about for half the game with no ammo is ludicris and completely immersion breaking. if you need the fatman for a mission you should have to go and get it from where you hid it.


No fast Travel! and no placing map markers on your hud to follow, navigation should be by a dodgy compass so you have to explore the world totally so when you need that fatman you have to walk back to get it (walk back through hell hahaha!) however mounts and vehicles (Horse's, brahmin, motorbikes, steam engines, trains, and hot air balloons and micro-aircraft, vertibirds would all be cool and lore friendly) i just don't want to see a cop out immersion destroying god-mode like transport system.


Realistic decision making,

ie: not having to play like a complete buddhist monk to unlock huge amounts of content.

(yes i'm refering to the "balancing act of modern gaming reality" article in Game Informer #59)

bad or evil decision making should be punished by the karma system not by locking out quests, same as behaving like a tree hugging pansy pushover. if i want to play like a Quaker one day and a 1%er the next i don't want to be punished for not following 2 distinct paths.

Edited by nemocdt
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Some good ideas and points here but... How many people play the base game with only the DLCs? Not many I think, and the reason we are still playing it after almost 5 years is because of the mods and the mods exist because of the GECK. And the GECK is a godawful f**king mess! That anyone manages to produce anything worthwhile with the dogs-breakfast is incredible and that people produce the superb mods that they do is little short of miraculous and a monument to their talent and persistence.


Unless the devs want Fallout 4 to be a fire-and-forget game, if they want it to have a similar 'lifespan' as FO3 or NV then do whatever it takes to FIX THE F**KING GECK!


Lists of resources by type and sort (not by whatever chronological order they ended up in the game). Stability, moving in and out of Navmesh, Regions, Etc. Just basic stuff like [Ctrl-S] to save for Christs sakes! This is the 21st C and an enterprise that wants to be 'selling units' - for years- is dependent on modders willingness to put up with a kludged together dinosaur.


Given what the modders do for the owners of the game the GECK is little short of a studied insult.

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Some good ideas and points here but... How many people play the base game with only the DLCs? Not many I think, and the reason we are still playing it after almost 5 years is because of the mods and the mods exist because of the GECK. And the GECK is a godawful f**king mess! That anyone manages to produce anything worthwhile with the dogs-breakfast is incredible and that people produce the superb mods that they do is little short of miraculous and a monument to their talent and persistence.


Unless the devs want Fallout 4 to be a fire-and-forget game, if they want it to have a similar 'lifespan' as FO3 or NV then do whatever it takes to FIX THE F**KING GECK!


Lists of resources by type and sort (not by whatever chronological order they ended up in the game). Stability, moving in and out of Navmesh, Regions, Etc. Just basic stuff like [Ctrl-S] to save for Christs sakes! This is the 21st C and an enterprise that wants to be 'selling units' - for years- is dependent on modders willingness to put up with a kludged together dinosaur.


Given what the modders do for the owners of the game the GECK is little short of a studied insult.



I REALLY want that GECK, or whatever it will be called, is something complete and stable.

And more than anything...For the love of all that is holy, give us some better nif editor! >_<


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Realistic decision making,

ie: not having to play like a complete buddhist monk to unlock huge amounts of content.

(yes i'm refering to the "balancing act of modern gaming reality" article in Game Informer #59)

bad or evil decision making should be punished by the karma system not by locking out quests, same as behaving like a tree hugging pansy pushover. if i want to play like a Quaker one day and a 1%er the next i don't want to be punished for not following 2 distinct paths.


I could not disagree more with this idea. Making your karma matter more in the game is much better than making it even more cosmetic. Oblivion made people react differently to you based on your fame/infamy (it's karma system) and it made it awesome for roleplaying, and added greatly to replay value. You got better prices from those that liked you because of your reputation, as well as quests and conversation (sometimes the only way to advance certain quests was to get someone to like you enough to talk). Even FO3 had karma dependent followers.


If you want more "Realistic decision making", then your decisions need consequences: If you are an evil bastage, good people won't deal with you or give you jobs (quests); by the same token a bunch of bad guys won't want Mr (Mrs) Goody Two Shoes hanging out with them. Everybody will (if somewhat reluctantly) deal with someone riding the thin grey line of neutrality however. I like the idea though of certain things only being available if you go to extremes, it lets FO keep its "morally ambiguous" nature while giving those that really swing for the fences towards a certain moral stance something special. If they keep the multiple factions like in NV it adds another layer as well; how do the different factions relate to varying Karma levels? Does one faction accept a white knight easier than a scoundrel or villain? Does another faction become joinable only if you are a heartless killer?


That is the direction karma should go, not become totally just a score with no real value.

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Some good ideas and points here but... How many people play the base game with only the DLCs? Not many I think, and the reason we are still playing it after almost 5 years is because of the mods and the mods exist because of the GECK. And the GECK is a godawful f**king mess! That anyone manages to produce anything worthwhile with the dogs-breakfast is incredible and that people produce the superb mods that they do is little short of miraculous and a monument to their talent and persistence.


Unless the devs want Fallout 4 to be a fire-and-forget game, if they want it to have a similar 'lifespan' as FO3 or NV then do whatever it takes to FIX THE F**KING GECK!


Lists of resources by type and sort (not by whatever chronological order they ended up in the game). Stability, moving in and out of Navmesh, Regions, Etc. Just basic stuff like [Ctrl-S] to save for Christs sakes! This is the 21st C and an enterprise that wants to be 'selling units' - for years- is dependent on modders willingness to put up with a kludged together dinosaur.


Given what the modders do for the owners of the game the GECK is little short of a studied insult.


What would be of a huge help for modding would be easier cell building, basically a Sims style building of walls then selecting a texture and the various windows/signs/whatever. It would turn the 20+ hours of working on a decent sized single cell area that is more than just a empty room into a couple hour project, allowing for much more time/effort put into the rest of a mod. A better method of viewing while building the cell would even be useful for solving the "floating object" problem that plagues modders and the developers themselves (as seen in multiple places in NV).

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