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Game wont launch, I have 250 mods.


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Before you ask, yes I have the following; Nemisis, FNIS, and SKSE. All are installed correctly and worked perfectly fine on a prior launch. I even tried launching before and after running LOOT, and tried launching without SKSE.

Loot doesn't seem to have any issues its yelling at me about, at least less issues than I'm used to getting, and Vortex also isn't yelling at me either. I made edits with Wrye Bash and load order edits with vortex so as to make sure i'm having as few compatibility issues as possible. I'm not getting a CTD or anything, I'm launching the SKSE file to launch the game, its not even opening up a window, its acting like my firewall wont allow the game to launch, as in I hit the play button but once the loading spiral stops the game never launches.

I've been using mods on skyrim for a long time (however I know that I'm still an amateur), I'm honestly stumped, normally I at least get some kind of launch but it never even runs something i can see in task manager, it just never opens the game seemingly.

Would very much appreciate some help, or advice on how to find and resolve the issue, so that I can avoid this in the future.

- Contains 3 files; Loot Load Order, Loot Contents, and Wry Bash Info.

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Vortex has LOOT built into it, you don't need to use LOOT if you're using Vortex


WHICH Skyrim are you playing/modding?


I ask, because you keep saying SKSE, so I assume you're playing/modding Skyrim LE (old Skyrim from 2011), as Skyrim Special Edition uses SKSE64


Im using Oldrim / Skyrim LE I find it more stable and less finicky since they dont update it anymore.

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Purge and try launching. What happens?

Purge? as in reset? I mean I already know the game will run unmodded, I purged and reinstallled all game files and ran the game multiple times before making the mod list.



Purge as in "undeploy mod hardlinks," not as in "reset the game." Purge is a Vortex operation.

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Are you supposed to have All Three installed?

114 72 SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp
115 73 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp
116 74 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp

Also, I've never seen a patch come BEFORE a Mod before

123 7b CCO - Dynamic Skill Progression.esp
124 7c Perk Points at Skill Levels 50-75-100.esp
125 7d Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim CCO Patch.esp
126 7e Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp
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If the game runs after a Vortex Purge - it means you have identified one of your mods as the cause.

Use a binary search to figure out the culprit. Disable half your mods and Deploy. Test. Rinse and repeat.

A variation would be to sort your mods by install date. Disable the recent ones. Deploy and test.

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Purge and try launching. What happens?

Purge? as in reset? I mean I already know the game will run unmodded, I purged and reinstallled all game files and ran the game multiple times before making the mod list.


This worked, as in it now starts, but now None of my mods are working. What did this do?

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