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Best Mods For Skyrim: Your Opinion Counts!


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So I was wondering after a long absence what kind of mods have been created for the awesomeness that is know as Skyrim. Instead of looking at the thousands if not millions of mods available (which I have done already), why not ask your opinion? What are some of the mods you use to make your Skyrim experience the best it can be? What do you think are the best mods for texures, NPC followers, animal followers, meshes, weapons, armor, weather, etc?

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Well all of mine of course ;)


It all depends on your taste, and everyone has different opinions and want different things from their Skyrim experience so there is no right or wrong answer - this thread is really a waste of time to be honest - you are best looking at the top mods on Nexus/Steam etc for your poll results from the 1000's of actual punters rather than modders, who may be biased towards their own stuff, heaven forbid :P

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Touché. However, like I said before, I've done that already. I've seen the ones that have been voted on and whatnot. But I still wouldn't mind hearing what others have to say about them. For example, why did they endorse a certain mod and what did they like the most about it? Or why didn't they endorse a mod and why didn't they like it?

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Essential mods like Unofficial patches.


Immersion mods are my favorites. Mods like Wet and Cold, Frostfall, and Realistic Needs and Diseases.


Weather and Lighting mods: Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel and Realistic Lighting Overhaul


And a mod not available here in Nexus but nonetheless I'd recommend: Xvision Children by Bagserk (just Google it). Say goodbye to potato like children!

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Deadly Dragons

Apocalypse Spell Package

Phenderix Magic Evolved

Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armour



Realistic Needs and Diseases

Wet and Cold



Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Climates of Tamriel

More Rain

More Snow

Lightning Strikes During Thunderstorms

Skyrim Bigger Trees

Skyrim HD

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

Pure Waters/WATER (your preference)



SKSE (obviously)

ATTK Power Loader

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