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Ah thanks.. I honestly am going to uninstall UNP soon its not my cup of tea nothing can be changed to make them look like real people. And i only really wanted one character of a countless thousand to look like a model and she was a high elf and ugly. Seriously I made her gawdy ugly in persnality high in manner godlike in proportion rich and a giant arsehole looking to rule the world with her magic. And honestly I couldn't get into her character. My complete lack of ambition prevented me from doing so. Also I am basically the exact opposite of that character so it wasn't going to work. I had no clue what kind of things she would be doing only really vague ideas. And now Ive abandoned her. She is literally my antithesis in every aspect. So thanks for answering for me and any others that might have been interested. Now I wish to know if there will eventually be a FAR(Forgotten Argonian Roots) compatible version or if that would need to be the texture makers decision. And no it wasn't for what i suspect you are thinking I am straight and female Im not gonna spend hours looking at giant boobs and or butts on any character I make. Ugh. Natural assumption though it is.. -sigh- Thanks everyone for making this and good luck with your finals Drohung.

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ooooi, correct me if im wrong, but if we get a cbbe version of this, cant we convert the armour with outfit studio? :U


so all that would have to be done is the body, and armour conversion can be left to other people, also, i remember bodyslide having a breastless/argonian slider, so we can get boobless argonians too. :U

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The outfit studio (not familiar with it) for CBBE probably would NOT work. The legs have a different shape than any other body type anyone uses. The studio wouldn't recognize them as far as I can tell.


How long until you have the files ready to send, Derok? No rush, of course.

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Never liked most pure evil character in general. They often have no reason for being bad, just because they can. They feel artificial, and put here just to make a story work. An exception is the Joker, other than being insane, he has his own reasons as he's extremely nihilist and considers the world evil.

But TES villains... Bleh.


Sorry for the rant, I just suggest to develop characters on different points of view, like I'm trying to do for my project.


Drohung no idea, when I can I will.

Edited by Derok
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its not gona f*#@ everything up if u use this with unp though is it? im not generally a fan of body mods but i have a few others that say they require it and im no longer sure which (in my long ass list) they r, so removing them will be a pain.

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