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Bahamut...? To each their own, I guess. Personally, I'm more fond of Sardior and especially Null for that matter. Then again, I never liked Paladins to begin with. Damn fanatic little goody two shoes, the lot of them. :tongue:


Anyway, looking forward to the upcoming screenshots in broad daylight. Sadly I can barely see a single scale or horn of your Argonian here.


Oh, I hate Paladins too. I'm a ranger, so my beliefs are loose. Except for lying, Rhemliv does not lie. Frickin' Avenger once told a prisoner we'd release him for info, but lied. I released him to fulfill the promise then shot him in the back because he's a criminal.


I'll get some daylight screenshots shortly!

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So, another big modding thing of mine, music.


Seriously, I added over 100 soundtracks to my game and disabled vanilla tracks.


It's truly a magical experience with the new stuff in the game.

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I'm requesting you upload your install, Drohung. Or maybe just a list of your mods.

Easy enough! I'll upload my load order tomorrow for those interesting, along with a few screenshots I took tonight.

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Hello again from... 160 pages back when I started a few year-long idea of studying. I'm still playing Skyrim, overly modded as ever since I got my gtx680 4GB. So I can fit a s#*! ton of mods on it :P And still using this wonderful mod I got to beta test back then. Is this still under development or has a final version come out? :)

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Hello again from... 160 pages back when I started a few year-long idea of studying. I'm still playing Skyrim, overly modded as ever since I got my gtx680 4GB. So I can fit a s*** ton of mods on it :tongue: And still using this wonderful mod I got to beta test back then. Is this still under development or has a final version come out? :smile:

They're still working on it my Furry brother. I think Drohung mentioned a few pages back that the first release is planned in 2 weeks, which I hope so, as I've been looking forward to this for awhile now myself and it will be replacing a few mods I was using to tide me over while waiting for this one.

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BTW Drohung, though a bit dark, the pics look good, I like the male no undies look as they never looked right on males anyway, whats that you have him in BTW? Thats the kind of look I like and would look good on Nyte. :smile:


Edit: BTW, I too follow Bahamut, my true persona is actually the (Illegitimate) son of Bahamut and a Werefox, who had a fling with his mother during the "Time of Troubles" on Toril (Forgotten Realms). Nyte (Who also calls himself Tauran-Human form (Mage), Nyte in his Werefox form (Ranger) and Dragon Nyte-Half/Dragon form (Paladin) [due to his mixed blood he cannot assume a full dragon form], in Skyrim he appears as an Argonian as seen in my sig.). Now though I say "Follows" he does that loosely, as he has been known to act as an assassin when the situation demands as some evil doers need to be eliminated, permanently, which of course his father frowns on assassinations, Lawful Good entities rarely approve of that kind of thing after all. :P.

Edited by NyteKitsune
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BTW Drohung, though a bit dark, the pics look good, I like the male no undies look as they never looked right on males anyway, whats that you have him in BTW? Thats the kind of look I like and would look good on Nyte. :smile:


Edit: BTW, I too follow Bahamut, my true persona is actually the (Illegitimate) son of Bahamut and a Werefox, who had a fling with his mother during the "Time of Troubles" on Toril (Forgotten Realms). Nyte (Who also calls himself Tauran-Human form (Mage), Nyte in his Werefox form (Ranger) and Dragon Nyte-Half/Dragon form (Paladin) [due to his mixed blood he cannot assume a full dragon form], in Skyrim he appears as an Argonian as seen in my sig.). Now though I say "Follows" he does that loosely, as he has been known to act as an assassin when the situation demands as some evil doers need to be eliminated, permanently, which of course his father frowns on assassinations, Lawful Good entities rarely approve of that kind of thing after all. :tongue:.

That seems like skyrim far re texture. God I love that one!

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BTW Drohung, though a bit dark, the pics look good, I like the male no undies look as they never looked right on males anyway, whats that you have him in BTW? Thats the kind of look I like and would look good on Nyte. :smile:


Edit: BTW, I too follow Bahamut, my true persona is actually the (Illegitimate) son of Bahamut and a Werefox, who had a fling with his mother during the "Time of Troubles" on Toril (Forgotten Realms). Nyte (Who also calls himself Tauran-Human form (Mage), Nyte in his Werefox form (Ranger) and Dragon Nyte-Half/Dragon form (Paladin) [due to his mixed blood he cannot assume a full dragon form], in Skyrim he appears as an Argonian as seen in my sig.). Now though I say "Follows" he does that loosely, as he has been known to act as an assassin when the situation demands as some evil doers need to be eliminated, permanently, which of course his father frowns on assassinations, Lawful Good entities rarely approve of that kind of thing after all. :tongue:.

That seems like skyrim far re texture. God I love that one!

Actually, no retexture is present! It is the base argonian until I can get support for retexture a down.


As for the armor, Nyte, it is a personal set I made for the character. I always play on the lightest weight, so it isn't weight compatible, but I could easily make it so.


The character you see who is the red argonian is actually my DnD character Rhemliv the draconian, who interestingly was once Io himself (the "worldshaper"), as my group followed the belief that a soul always exists beyond "death". He is reincarnated without any memories as a new person, with an inner evil (Io's darker side, Tiamat-ish personality) that would break free sometimes and turn him into a full dragon trying to kill the party. Rhemliv might be a son of Bahamut, his father was never named, but IDK. He isn't actually Io, we've also come to think, although he might be a shard of Io.


Regardless, that is his DnD armor in-game. Rhemliv was a traveling cartographer, so it has all of the bells and whistles one would need. The set is called the "Mapshaper" set.

Edited by Drohung
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