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In percents, how much job is done?


About... 92%, if you don't count the 3D underwear. I don't have classes now, and I'm not employed, so I've got a lot of time to finish it up for you guys


As for the DnD and Beardie mix up, that confused ME for a moment!


Yeah, my bearded dragon's name is Leroy, and my Dungeons and Dragons character's name is Drake. Quite different, they are!

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LOL, looking back at the whole conversation and the past history here I can see how people would mistake it for a DnD scenario, even my comment on climbing and falling issues! Note I have never played DnD. that was just too funny. I only recognized them because they where an example reptile in one of my class lectures.

Edited by ZZZ02
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LOL, looking back at the whole conversation and the past history here I can see how people would mistake it for a DnD scenario, even my comment! Note I have never played DnD. that was just too funny. I only recognized them because they where an example reptile in one of my class lectures.

I have just heard about that lizard today. lol.

Are they fun pets?

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I think all reptiles make good pets (Well with a few exceptions, I wouldn't suggest anything venomous or say... a Komodo Dragon), Personally I'd like a snake, monitor (Though as I currently live in a Micro Studio neither is possible) and due to my furry side I'd love a Red or Black Fox as a pet, hmm... and a raptor of some kind (Hawk, Falcon, etc), Guess I'll have to win the lottery!.... Riiigggghhhhttt. :P

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Bearded dragons are probably the most popular lizard pets due to their docile nature. I also owned a pair of these agamids when I was young.

These days, I shifted my focus more on Chinese crocodile lizards and Philippine sailfin lizards due to their primordial appearance.

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I have a white cat, but she hunts like a small dragon. Not just mices, large rats, a young bunny, a mole... Even a owl! It escaped and got stuck in the boiler. Luckily, we managed to save him/her. Edited by Derok
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I have a tortoise. Lizards are cool, but tortoises are awesome. Back to UBR, though... is CBBE texture compatibility in progress? :o


Compatibility should be finished soon. All it is is a little texture work. Now that I have digital art gear, it's pretty easy to get the foot textures all made.

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