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It hardly matters what is finished first, as there's much still left to do. The smallest of details can make haggard the largest of projects, thus bringing them to completion (regardless of when) counts towards progress.


As for different colors, that depends entirely on whether or not we can make that feature work in nifskope and/or the CK. It'll be easier to have one color though, and to simply let other people change the textures as they see fit.

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@Senviro Why you call it a "small detail"? After all, hands are more or less always visible in both first and third person. So new claws will be very noticeable and will improve beast races a lot. It's not just for aesthetic, it's also for consistency. Claws, to be effective in combact, should have a recurve shape.
@Furrywolf ...Don't ask for pink claws please D:

Edited by Derok
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The seam is because I'm still creating the weight slider. Also I noticed a texture seam, but I'm not sure. When I finish this, anyone wants to test it?

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I would never ask for pink claws! It's super gay :P And awesome.... but the picture there looks awesome to da max! I want them claws on my Argonian nows >:3 That colour is pretty cool with the rest of the hands!

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