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Another teacher alledged having sex with minors


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Does it truly matter if this person is guilty in the eyes of the public. I'm not saying that I think he is either innocent or guilty.

What I am saying is that I think there is a stigma attached to this subject which almost always a perpetual stain on anyone's reputation, no matter if they are falsely accused or not.


I have a 17 year old second cousin who is about the best person you could ever meet, but his naivety is almost criminal. He allowed himself to be invited to the house of a 14 year old and didn't find out if the parents were home. They got into a fake wrestling match and the girl claimed he had groped her.


They found out that the girl had been living with her father, before this and had been kicked out of her old school for doing the same thing. Her father sent her to her mother because she was too much trouble for him and it wasn't but a few months before she tried the same tactic with my cousin. I know this boy his entire life. He has more female friends than male friends and threats all of them like sisters instead of friends.


What I am getting at is the fact that no one should place themselves in the position of having these allegations brought on them. This is why I refuse to babyset and won't be in the same room with someone elses kid without the parent being there. I just won't do it.

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I think the two are very different, if convicted then it is important that the teacher be taken out of society, he's obviously a menace. Your cousin is going to learn a valuable lesson, never put yourself in a position where you can accused of anything like that, as you say just the accusation is enough to destroy your life. In this country the victim is given anonymity in cases like this, I think the defendant should be as well until he/she is convicted for the reasons I stated.


Many years ago I was out with a groups of friends in a pub, we must of been around 19-20 and one of us (not me) got chatting to what he thought was a girl of about the same age, anyway she ended up going to back to his place and you can guess the rest. About three days later the police knocked on his door, it turns out she was 14 and under pressure had told her parents where she'd been that night. The thing went to court and I couldn't believe my eyes, she was in witness box, no make up, wearing a school uniform and with her hair in bunches. Luckily for him these were more sensible times and after several of us told the court what she looked like on that night backed up by the fact that she bought alcohol so obviously must of looked 18+ he was left off with a slapped wrist, I shudder to think what would have happened to him if no one had come forward.

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That story should be easily verified, or disproved......


But, I am sure that teachers and students are having a LOT more sex than ever hits the papers.


False accusations aren't anything new either. A man where I live was going thru a rather nasty breakup. So, the "lady" put her five year old daughter up to accusing the man of "inappropriate conduct", to wit: having sex with her. In several of the 'victim's' interviews, she flat out stated "mommy told me to say.....", but, this guy was forced to plead to a lesser charge, be sentenced to some prison time, put on the sex offender registry, lose his job, his friends, his new wife, his house... etc. Because some 'lady' was mad at him for breaking up with her. He pled to the lesser charge because he saw the writing on the wall, that he WAS going to be convicted. Even given the mass of evidence that mom had put her daughter up to it. He would have been looking at a MANDATORY minimum 25 years.


This case had "railroaded" written all over it, and a good man was totally destroyed. What's troubling is, this isn't an isolated case.......

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That story should be easily verified, or disproved......


But, I am sure that teachers and students are having a LOT more sex than ever hits the papers.


False accusations aren't anything new either. A man where I live was going thru a rather nasty breakup. So, the "lady" put her five year old daughter up to accusing the man of "inappropriate conduct", to wit: having sex with her. In several of the 'victim's' interviews, she flat out stated "mommy told me to say.....", but, this guy was forced to plead to a lesser charge, be sentenced to some prison time, put on the sex offender registry, lose his job, his friends, his new wife, his house... etc. Because some 'lady' was mad at him for breaking up with her. He pled to the lesser charge because he saw the writing on the wall, that he WAS going to be convicted. Even given the mass of evidence that mom had put her daughter up to it. He would have been looking at a MANDATORY minimum 25 years.


This case had "railroaded" written all over it, and a good man was totally destroyed. What's troubling is, this isn't an isolated case.......


Yeah I'm sure there is, I know of at least two relationships from my school days and you regularly see stories in the papers. What makes me smile is the reaction to these stories, if it's a male teacher and a female student there are cries for him to fed his own testicles while hanging from a lamppost, if it's a female teacher and a male student the response usually is "lucky guy, good for him, I wish I could have got some at that age". So much for equality.

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Lets not forget what these things have done to the life of some of the kids. I'm not talking about an adult touching a kid but kids just being kids. Now a days if a boy or girl gets too comfortable with another boy or girl they are treated as if they'd just given each other the plague.







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That's quite sad, that sort of thing is part of growing up, to demonise kids for it is nothing sort of abuse. Common sense seems to be a thing of the past, these days everything is run by mindless automatons incapable of thinking for themselves.

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That story should be easily verified, or disproved......


But, I am sure that teachers and students are having a LOT more sex than ever hits the papers.


False accusations aren't anything new either. A man where I live was going thru a rather nasty breakup. So, the "lady" put her five year old daughter up to accusing the man of "inappropriate conduct", to wit: having sex with her. In several of the 'victim's' interviews, she flat out stated "mommy told me to say.....", but, this guy was forced to plead to a lesser charge, be sentenced to some prison time, put on the sex offender registry, lose his job, his friends, his new wife, his house... etc. Because some 'lady' was mad at him for breaking up with her. He pled to the lesser charge because he saw the writing on the wall, that he WAS going to be convicted. Even given the mass of evidence that mom had put her daughter up to it. He would have been looking at a MANDATORY minimum 25 years.


This case had "railroaded" written all over it, and a good man was totally destroyed. What's troubling is, this isn't an isolated case.......


Yeah I'm sure there is, I know of at least two relationships from my school days and you regularly see stories in the papers. What makes me smile is the reaction to these stories, if it's a male teacher and a female student there are cries for him to fed his own testicles while hanging from a lamppost, if it's a female teacher and a male student the response usually is "lucky guy, good for him, I wish I could have got some at that age". So much for equality.

*Feed his own testicles while hanging from a lamppost* That one scared me a little.

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That's quite sad, that sort of thing is part of growing up, to demonise kids for it is nothing sort of abuse. Common sense seems to be a thing of the past, these days everything is run by mindless automatons incapable of thinking for themselves.

Common Sense is an oxymoron, as it is anything BUT common.

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When I was in high school, a girl, 15 at the time, was trying to shag a science teacher. It was all her, total predator. She has a massive daddy fetish. Anyway, on her 16th birthday she basically jumped his bones. No one knew at the time. She kept that under wraps pretty good. Still no one knows about that.


Pro tip: while walking home from the pub at night, never take a piss near school or park with swing sets.




That story should be easily verified, or disproved......


But, I am sure that teachers and students are having a LOT more sex than ever hits the papers.


False accusations aren't anything new either. A man where I live was going thru a rather nasty breakup. So, the "lady" put her five year old daughter up to accusing the man of "inappropriate conduct", to wit: having sex with her. In several of the 'victim's' interviews, she flat out stated "mommy told me to say.....", but, this guy was forced to plead to a lesser charge, be sentenced to some prison time, put on the sex offender registry, lose his job, his friends, his new wife, his house... etc. Because some 'lady' was mad at him for breaking up with her. He pled to the lesser charge because he saw the writing on the wall, that he WAS going to be convicted. Even given the mass of evidence that mom had put her daughter up to it. He would have been looking at a MANDATORY minimum 25 years.


This case had "railroaded" written all over it, and a good man was totally destroyed. What's troubling is, this isn't an isolated case.......


Yeah I'm sure there is, I know of at least two relationships from my school days and you regularly see stories in the papers. What makes me smile is the reaction to these stories, if it's a male teacher and a female student there are cries for him to fed his own testicles while hanging from a lamppost, if it's a female teacher and a male student the response usually is "lucky guy, good for him, I wish I could have got some at that age". So much for equality.

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  • 5 weeks later...

When it comes to a girl accusing a guy, its guilty til proven innocent. And most of the time, even if you are found innocent, its far too late. I know people who had to move because even through they were proven innocent, everyone still treated him worse then dirt.

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