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Don't have your phone in arms reach, don't have the device you game on in the same room (if you are working with your home computer and it is also your gaming computer then create another account and disable the games on it so you cannot run them while logged into the second account), eat a healthy balanced meal, and self control. Though the wife also helps with nagging me when she is home.
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I spent a decade working remote as a computer programmer after being assaulted at my last brick and mortar job and becoming "physically compromised" due to my injuries. It was not my field of study (was a hardware engineer), so I had to teach myself.


Disciplined? idk. I was always a "dedicated" worker, so once I committed to the job, I worked diligently.


Make a schedule as if you were going to a brick and mortar job. Do everything as if you were going into an office or shop. Get up normally, take a shower, shave, dress etc...


If you happen to have taken a remote job for which you've been classified as an independent contractor, make sure to escrow enough cash from each check to pay your quarterly tax bills, as you'll be responsible for both your normal income tax as well as your social security payments... presuming your live in the US. (that change alone can be a serious mental shock. Handing over multi-thousand dollar checks to the gov every 3 months is rattling at first. Or it was for me anyway).


One thing. Make sure not to be too dedicated. I ended up being maneuvered into a 24/7/365 support position by my last employer, which resulted in overwork and a combo of mental burnout and a relapse in my physical state towards the end of last year with the emergence of sciatica,(spent way too much time sitting at my computer... 16-18 hours a day, which triggered the lower back damage and subsequently sciatica) which was bad enough it forced me to quit, (and a condition I'm still being treated for a year later.)


Don't get high when working, don't drink during working hours, don't play games, don't spend your life on social media "cuz you can get away with it"

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Do you work remotely? If yes, how do you keep yourself disciplined?

We make it seem hard by overthinking it but really it's a simple algorithm:


If (work left to do)

and (haven't worked a full day)

continue working


play video games and drink delicious cold beverages until sleepy


Don't get high when working, don't drink during working hours, don't play games, don't spend your life on social media "cuz you can get away with it"

Good rules for a productive life.

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Some things that helped me:


  • Put barriers between distractions and you. If you don't need constant internet, unplug your router.
  • Set up a new user profile on your PC that doesn't have steam or other games installed. Or uninstall all non-work software if you need to. Ask if work will provide you with a work laptop so you don't have any overlap with your personal software.
  • Set up a seperate Chrome/browser account just for work that doesn't have your usual distracting bookmarks on it.
  • Put your phone on silent in another room, and disconnect from the net (ask if your employer could supply you with a work phone for business purposes).
  • Be accountable; get into the habit of sharing the work you've done with your employer daily.
  • Make sure you're clear on the day's tasks before your start, so you don't have periods of indecision where procrastination can seize the wheel.
  • Do your best but don't be hard on yourself if you lapse in concentration/motivation on occasion, it's tough! Just take a breath and get back to productive work till it's time to clock off.

Best of luck!

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