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Shift + Click To Multi-select Not Working In MODS Window


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v1.3.21 Shift + Click will select only two mods in the MODS window, the first one clicked and the last one clicked. It will not select the block of mods in between. Ctrl + Click is still working normally. On the PLUGINS window, Shift + Click works normally.

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Try a different keyboard.

I was recently having weird problems with my mechanical keyboard and had to replace it


I would open up a window and could select files one by one without having to hold down CTRL, etc


Actually, I have to admit I hadn't thought of that. The fact that this happens in one window and one window only (Vortex MODS) made me think it was a software glitch. But alas, no, a different keyboard didn't help. And I did think to try using "the other" Shift key. Same-same.


Are you able to select blocks in the MODS window using Shift + click?

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Actually, I have to admit I hadn't thought of that. The fact that this happens in one window and one window only (Vortex MODS) made me think it was a software glitch. But alas, no, a different keyboard didn't help. And I did think to try using "the other" Shift key. Same-same.


Are you able to select blocks in the MODS window using Shift + click?



Yes, but I only update to Stable Releases, so I'm on 1.3.20 still

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1.3.21 is the current stable release.


Sorry nt5raham for not replying earlier. I did see your report and tried to reproduce it but shift+click and ctrl+click work fine for me and I can't think of any changes we made recently that would explain this breaking now.

Besides: The mod list and plugin list are the same ui component so any functional change we made would have affected both.


Occasionally we get foreign applications that change ui behavior (stuff like overly fancy windows themes or accessibility tools for people with disabilities) that interfere and break things in Vortex but that too would have affected all table components.


So my guess is that this is somehow connected to the content of your specific mod list, something off with one particular entry in the list that throws it off. Would explain why it's only the mod list and also why we don't have more reports of this problem.

To verify that: could you switch to managing a different game and see if the problem persists there? Also, could you check if your log file contains any error messages after an unsuccessful attempt to select multiple mods?

If it's indeed that selection for a different game works, could you test if selecting a different range of mods in the affected game makes a difference? If that is the case you might be able to narrow down which mod in particular is the offender.

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Thanks Tannin for the feedback! Your hypothesis is interesting.

  • could you switch to managing a different game and see if the problem persists there?

Same behavior managing Skyrim LE.

  • could you check if your log file contains any error messages after an unsuccessful attempt to select multiple mods?

No warning nor error messages in the log file.

  • could you test if selecting a different range of mods in the affected game makes a difference?

This I have already tried ad nauseum. Tried in both games, no difference.

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