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Why nexus is slowing down users?


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after posting about slow download speeds, with all the troubleshooting steps, and being ignored by the nexus team. Me and a friend specialized in internet networks tried to help me solve the download problems on the site, without success, for some reason, all the equipment in my house with the exception of my computer had normal download speeds on the nexus (2mb / s ), my computer with 300Kb / s, when analyzing the internet traffic I detected (same test requested by nexus) that the nexus server deliberately blocks my computer's access (my IP). after using a VPN to mask my computer IP, i got normal download speed. So the nexus team, I want to know why a user who has published mods on the site, uses the platform for years, has their download speeds reduced for no reason. I don't want lame excuses. this kind of thing cannot be done without intention. And I believe that I am not the first to suffer from this.

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after posting about slow download speeds, with all the troubleshooting steps, and being ignored by the nexus team. Me and a friend specialized in internet networks tried to help me solve the download problems on the site, without success, for some reason, all the equipment in my house with the exception of my computer had normal download speeds on the nexus (2mb / s ), my computer with 300Kb / s, when analyzing the internet traffic I detected (same test requested by nexus) that the nexus server deliberately blocks my computer's access (my IP). after using a VPN to mask my computer IP, i got normal download speed. So the nexus team, I want to know why a user who has published mods on the site, uses the platform for years, has their download speeds reduced for no reason. I don't want lame excuses. this kind of thing cannot be done without intention. And I believe that I am not the first to suffer from this.



Since you specialize in internet networks, then it should've been immediately obvious to you that by using a VPN, it routes you to a different location, and thus, uses a different download server from the Nexus than you usually use, probably one that's not as busy as the one you use by default.


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Guess what, manually changing my IP address solves the problem. With or without VPN, the problem is always tracked down to the nexus servers. The only reason for this is because the server blacklisted my last IP address. Returning to them make my download slow again, the test show that the requests by my last IP are being denied by the server, local IP address don't change the route, all the devices in my house uses the same router, and only the computer that most uses nexus are with slow download speeds. The server is not doing this purposely, I trust nexus and now that they are honest and fair. This can be happening due to a bug, is what I believe.



after posting about slow download speeds, with all the troubleshooting steps, and being ignored by the nexus team. Me and a friend specialized in internet networks tried to help me solve the download problems on the site, without success, for some reason, all the equipment in my house with the exception of my computer had normal download speeds on the nexus (2mb / s ), my computer with 300Kb / s, when analyzing the internet traffic I detected (same test requested by nexus) that the nexus server deliberately blocks my computer's access (my IP). after using a VPN to mask my computer IP, i got normal download speed. So the nexus team, I want to know why a user who has published mods on the site, uses the platform for years, has their download speeds reduced for no reason. I don't want lame excuses. this kind of thing cannot be done without intention. And I believe that I am not the first to suffer from this.



Since you specialize in internet networks, then it should've been immediately obvious to you that by using a VPN, it routes you to a different location, and thus, uses a different download server from the Nexus than you usually use, probably one that's not as busy as the one you use by default.



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Sorry to hear you're having problems.


We have no specific per-IP logic on our end so this is either a problem on your end or somewhere in between (e.g. with your ISP).


Please see our help guide here: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do


Edit: I've also hidden your thread entitled "How to solve the capped download speed." as it contains incorrect information that could be detrimental to other users.

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Also, your outgoing (internet) IP address is different to your local network IP address, something your networking expert should have told you. If, for example, you use a laptop and a desktop at home, they will have different local network IP addresses but the same internet IP address.


The internet IP address is the only IP address the site can see/know/do anything with. We have no way of knowing the difference between your laptop and your desktop (using the example above) in our code thus there is nothing on our end that could slow down your desktop, but not your laptop, and vice versa.


If changing your local IP address increases your speeds on the site then that is definitely something to do with your local network setup and nothing to do with us.

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