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Having an idea for a mod but then finding an already existing mod that does a simmilar thing but better

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Good evening everybody!


Has anybody of you ever had an idea for a mod but then after looking around on Nexus found an already existing mod that does basically what you wanted to do, but better?

And your motivation to do stuff goes from 100% to 0% within a few seconds of reading the mod description of that already existing mod.



Well, something like that just happened to me:


I was planning to do a "settlement system overhaul" for a while now, but have never actually started working on it.

Then recently I came across Sim Settlements 2, which completely overhauls the settlement system.


And I just felt like "Well, there is no way I am going to do something like that! And there is no way that I am going to integrate what I had in mind into Sim Settlements 2!"

And my motivation was GONE!



Somebody once said that "there will come a time when everything that can be invented has been invented".

Sometimes I get the feeling that this also applies to making mods ...


Almost every idea out there has been turned into a mod already or isn't possible to implement because of engine limitations.



Sure, I am still working on my "personal stuff", but "trying to contribute something usefull / meaningfull to the community" is getting harder and harder ...

(Not that I am actually contributing anything, I am mostly working on my personal projects, but anyway ...)



So, how do all of you deal with this fact?

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Maybe you have the skills to contribute thing to Sim Settlements 2?

No, like I said, the thing I wanted to implement would conflict with that mod in sooooo many different ways ...

(It would be a "perk system" for building settlement stuff and other crafting)


And Sim Settlements already has a "perk tree" for building different stuff in settlements (as far as I understand it)

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