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NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed


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I wondered why my downloads were failing this morning. The fake FBI infection has been going around for a few months now. It seems like 75% of all the computer repairs I do a week are cleaning this stupid infection. It's two sides of the same coin. Yes it sucks to clean out but it also pays the bills. Also, most, if not all AV programs don't stop it. Once it does detect the infection it generally is too late and the system is compromised.
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Thanks for the heads up.

So, just to get everything 100% clear, NMM was totally unaffected, and this only occurred in a short time period earlier today before being dealt with, so it's smooth sailing from here on out?

I need verification before my paranoia drives me to coat my computer in thermite and torch it.

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In response to post #7634227. #7634317 is also a reply to the same post.

The only reason I haven't tried to get rid of Norton yet is because when I did so on my last computer, I got what was aptly described as the "White Screen Of Doom"I am running Windows 7, so I'll try out MSE. Thank you, xybolt.Also, I have not yet encountered this FBI lock thing yet, so hopefully Norton (Crappy as it is) managed to stop it before it could do harm. Edited by GrendelofSiealvgrund
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