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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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I am in need of further voice actors to fulfill my planned overhaul of dialogue within my mod "Beyond Reach".


What I will need is voice actors who can fulfill the following criteria:


The roles highlighted in red are of the highest priority.

  • Nordic woman
  • Nordic man
  • Male soldier
  • Male old
  • Male Commoner
  • Bandit Male
  • Tribal Male (Slightly crazed)
  • Tribal Female
  • Female condescending
  • Orc Male
Apply to voice act by either sending me a personal message through the nexus (preferred), or by sending an e-mail to my substitute e-mail account "[email protected]".


Instructions for voice actors will be supplied with the scripts, for any further help, contact me.


Apply now!





Are all these roles still open? I'll email you some demos!! :D


Have you considered posting this project up at castingcall.club? Its free and should be easy to manage submissions, in my opinion. :)

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Looking for someone with a deep voice to voice an old Nord man in my town mod Old Hroldan

About 20 to 40 lines. He is fond of telling tales about the town and has a sense of the dramatic in his story telling. He tells the player about the town's history, it's past residents and the ghostly goings on.


Audition Lines:


'Don't be fooled into thinking that this is just some quiet backwater town. There is a lot of history here and some of that is still playing out.'


'I knew the family that lived in that house, back when I was a boy. That house is cursed, that's for sure. No one that ever lived there died a natural death.'


'I have a lot of faith in Mayor Clemicus he is a good man, fair and just.'



Please pm me your audition, thanks! :)

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Hi! I'm looking for a voice for Somnus, a Breton chef, and a projection of the delusional dreamer/ godhead who creates and shapes the world of the Elder Scrolls in his slumber to the melody of endless night. Also, Somnus is available as a follower with an extensive backstory, advanced commentary on most notable locations, and dynamic reactions to the choices you make throughout the game, from completing grand questlines to helping paupers.

Somnus is my submission to the Reddit modder's dungeon contest, so his personal quest will include a dungeon/ worldspace, and time is of the essence when submitting lines. I would be most appreciative if you could finish everything up by September 10th.

Here are a few sample lines for him. Feel free to send me a PM with your audition; I shall respond in a timely manner. Thanks!


Closed, position filled.

Somnus: To sleep, perhance to dream, to dream is venture into the realm beyond the shadowed veil of twilight, where Vaermina holds no sway, and all things can be made real.

Player: Yet all dreams are fundamentally illusions, banished by the first lights of dawn.

Somnus: Really? Every dream seems real enough, and rises to become our world in the moment. You may live your entire life in one, as a figment of a fragmented mind, and it is only when the dreamer wakes that you realize you never existed.

Player: Vaermina holds domain over both dreams and nightmares. None can close their eyes and hope to evade her grasp.

Somnus: True enough, but what I speak of are waking dreams, perched on the knife's edge between worlds, where the imagined can see the light of day, and a single misstep can send you into the abyss.

Player: Then how do I know you're real, that this world is real, and not merely a dream?

Somnus: You don't. Perhaps this world was never real, and you and I are nothing more than the fevered delusions of an insane mind. Yet would this make life any different? I think not.

Player: I don't understand a word of what you just said. The miasma must have addled your mind.

Somnus: You see the truth, yet refuse to believe it. Dreams and reality are but two sides of the same coin, and what is one but part of the other, interchangeable to any degree?

Player: Who are you?

Somnus: I have been called many things, and wore endless faces. Names are but a shadow, cast into the light, and while darkness may seek the day, I bring a veil of endless night. Yet you can call me Somnus, a chef and gourmet from High Rock.

Player: You can rebehold the world, for good or ill, if you left this gloomy temple.

Somnus: So be it. The wheel of fate turns once more, and a soul from another realm once more shapes fair Tamriel. Call me, and I shall walk with you, as surely as shadows fade before the light.

Player: Follow me, I need your help.

Somnus: My eyes are opened.

Edited by mlee3141
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Hello Nexus Mods of Skyrim! I'm a fellow voice actor, who's tossing his hat into the ring with skyrim voice acting. I've already had some experience in the Fallout: New Vegas section of mods, and am looking to expand my portfolio, so to speak.


I've actually had a history of amateur voice acting, and live acting, back in the glory days of Newgrounds, and really enjoyed it, and am looking to get back into it. Here's some basic information about me:

  • Name: Mathias
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 27 (oh god I'm old!)
  • Microphone: CAD U37 (with wind screen, so no annoying "puh" sounds when recording.
  • Voice types: can range from everyday people, to more necrotic, eccentric people, to harsher, deeper villain voices, to the typical Monty Python "pepperpot" voice. I have an especially good semi-raspy to growly voice, which are perfect for Argonian and Khajiit voices

As since I am a full grown adult, I don't have to worry about classes, but I will have to worry about work and things, however, I do tend to have a little more free time than most, and can easily put out lines.

When recording, I like to do the lines multiple times to give variety in the dialog, that way a modder isn't stuck with just one type of the line.

With demos, I'm working on a couple, but here is one that I made, using two very basic voices in a gun store in Fallout. I have another voice project under way, hopefully I'll get it done soon, and edit this.


EDIT* I have finished the second demo. I present: The Adventures of Doctor A.N. Episode 1: What's in a name (Special thanks to RamsesthePigeon for the script)


If you have any comments, questions or concerns, feel free to contact me either here, or email me at [email protected], or on skype via Lichruler.

I hope to hear from some people concerning mods, and look forward to doing any projects I can!

Edited by Lichruler
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Greetings! Ive been here for a while voice acting for a few mods. But because i would say i have improved a lot since i started, i have to update my info and put myself out here again.


  • Name: Joakim "Oxid"
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 20
  • Microphone: Blue Snowball
  • Voice: I try to do any type of character that is given to me. My accent isnt typically nordic unless i force it out.
  • From: Sweden

Here is my Soundcloud, where my first sample ended up and my latest. = www.soundcloud.com/oxid95


A little info about me:


So i have been on the nexus since i knew about it, didnt really make an account until there was some mod that forced you to make an account.

When i realized people actually do really cool things with just their voice. I started thinking... All the sounds and things i say in stupid ways, maybe i can use it to something awesome?


So i applied to voice act, with 0 skill in the subject. But i voiced a character and they used it. i didnt really like the outcome, but that is because i never heard my voice on someone else but myself before.

But now i have a folder full with good and bad recordings ive made through out the year or so ive been active here.

This is a very fun thing to do.


Outside the world of the nexus i play games and make content. That is pretty much videos and pictures. I love to draw and edit and entertain people. Making someone happy makes me happy. What makes me even happier is when someone tell me that i make them happy xD.


Anyhow! I hope you have a good day or night, and wont get pissed off about my wall of text. ^^

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Kyler Nyhagen


Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian
Active: Yes

Playable Races: Imperial, Nord

Experience: Have done a lot of voice acting for various Halo Machinimas, as well as a tad of voice over work for a review show I run

Skills: I know a lot about voice acting, have a Blue Yeti professional microphone, and my own mini sound booth. I use Adobe Audition so I can dynamically process and normalize my audio



My name is Kyler, and I've had a great deal of work previously with voice acting for various youtube channels! I just recently put two and two together and realized that I am able to also do voice acting for Skyrim mods! I know first hand how difficult it is to find voice actors, and even more so for those with quality setups.

I have a Blue Yeti stereo microphone, as well as my own miniature sound booth I use to record! I'm currently looking in to added more characterizations to my voice, but am also willing to do voice where I just sound like...me!

I've linked my demo reel below, feel free to contact me PM if you want! I'm obviously not going to ask for monetary compensation as mods add hundreds of hours of entertainment for me alone, why ask for more!

Voice Samples:


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Hello, I'm looking for voice actors and voice actresses for a mod: Interesting Vanilla NPCs, which is still in early development stage. You can view more info here:



This mod is similar to Interesting NPCs, but as the name implies, our mod will replenish what depth and story the vanilla characters lack, instead of creating new ones. Currently, we're working on Onmund, the mage apprentice. We've made a demo which shows some features of the mod, but as you might know, it is unvoiced.


Demo 2 will be released soon, with world event comments and quest comments, and hopefully - voice!



Here is a list of the characters who still need voice actor(s) and voice actress(es):


1. (male) Onmund (character age: 15 to 25) - mostly intelligent and shows a certain degree of compassion, occasionally emotional

2. (female) Secret character (character age: 20 to 30) - condescending, yet caring and cheerful to certain people, but is ultimately sly and dangerous

3. (male) Villager (character age: 15 to 50) - illogical and rude



Please inbox me if you're interested!



Thank you for your time. Cheers!

Edited by kahasana
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This is Enid.

She is the main character of my follower mod which hopefully will expand with 2 other followers. Mod is planned to have lengthy quests and lots of dialogue and updates.


I'm looking for someone who...

  • Preferably has a British accent. If the voice is spot on though, American is fine.
  • Can voice a haughty, confident character.
  • She sounds like a convincing Thalmor, or even better Anora from Dragon Age Origins.


Example Lines of Dialogue


Player: What brought you to this party?


Ondolemar invited me here. Whether this was his attempt to either torture or court me, that I'm unsure. Let's hope for the former.



Player: How Do you know I’m Dragonborn?


Consider yourself fortunate that the dossier was just finished when you decided to throw that prison escape. Had it arrived to Elenwen's yellow hands a few hours sooner, I don't think your welcome to the party would have been as... polite.


Player: Did you really need to kill her?


(sarcasm) Oh don’t worry. When the report comes out I’ll ensure that she’s mentioned in the footnotes. Is there anything else more inane you need to ask? Do you really feel that bad for a ghost dying?



Still in the process of writing and developing the mod in its early stages. If someone by chance happens to read this in a few weeks/months I PROBABLY will still need a role available.



Other voice roles I will eventually look for (I HAVEN'T WRITTEN ANYTHING YET)


  • Suave male Dremora
  • Male orc child
  • Enid's sister-- a free-spirited priestess of Dibella
  • Female Bosmer. Any accent. Tomboy, sounds mature yet still has this innocence/vulnerability about her. Youtube Cybersix Opening to hear something similar.
Edited by sumojellybean
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Other voice roles I will eventually look for (I HAVEN'T WRITTEN ANYTHING YET)


  • Suave male Dremora


I would love to do just the voice for this, Ive edited Dremora voice files before- you can do that part hahaha. But yeah, let me have a crack at it if this ever becomes available!

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