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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Oh well... I'm a really stupid idiot who apparently doesn't know how to forum :confused: don't know why I didn't see this sticky earlier.

I am looking for a voice actress befitting a synthetic / artificial type of character. Please read more on that here if you think that sounds like an exciting idea:



Mods please feel free to lock the original post and / or moving it into this thread; my apologies.


Copied from the original thread:


Some facts about the character you would get to voice


- Female (mostly emotionless, in some rare situations a little bit more aggressive, very awkward kind of "humor")
- Mid 20s of age (please refer to the "IVONA Salli" voice if you'd like to know how the original follower sounded; there's websites available with free online demos to listen to)

/edit: IVONA Salli is a text to speech voice; unfortunately I was told that I'm most likely not allowed to use it for a mod that's uploaded to the Nexus, so that's why I'm looking for a VA.
- The character is lore-unfriendly. She's in fact an artificial person (i.e. a very advanced mixture of human and machine).

- While her own lore doesn't really fit into the whole picture of Skyrim's history, it does reference many games, movies and stuff in general. She's meant to be "fourth wall" breaking.
- Your voice would have to sound kind of monotonuous / robotic to a certain extent (don't worry about special effects, I can add them afterwards).
- If you actually disregard all of the above and put your own spin on it, that'd be super awesome - as long as it goes in line with the character being a female synthetic.


If you'd like to audition right away, please use any of the following lines as an example phrase:


- "Greetings, citizen of Skyrim. It is no coincidence that we meet. I have observed your actions since your first encounter with Subject: Alduin."

- "My presence in this realm was specifically requested. I cannot go into further detail without breach of protocol."

- "Why not? As long as it helps getting the job done I don't care. I was initially designed to carry out special operations after all."


...or feel free to come up with some own ideas if that's more comfortable. :smile:


General notes:

Your files should be saved as wave format (.wav) for further processing, but other commonly used formats like .mp3 or .ogg would work just as well (as long as the quality isn't too low).

If possible, please do not apply any kind of post-processing effects (like compression, noise cancelling, pitch shifting etc) since that's done on my end, to bring all voices in line with each other.


Thanks for your time. :smile:

Edited by ThraxxMedia
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Actor Stats

Age: 19-20
Gender: Male
Race: Caucasian (Canadian/English, dual national)
Last Updated: 9/5/2016
Active Member: Semi-active

Playable Races:
Imperial, Breton, Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, probably Khajiit and Argonian

Recreational voice actor, 4 years of experience doing comedy voice overs.

Can record in MP3, can sing (Played the title character in a student production of Sweeney Todd), has lived in England and is an English citizen and so can almost flawlessly imitate multiple English dialects (among them cockney and received pronunciation), can replicate a convincing Scottish accent and an exaggerated Irish one, has decent vocal range [ex. shrill Cicero-type voice, calm/condescending elvish voice, or just a comically deep one (Prefers the lower-mid to high range)], is proficient with Sony Vegas and voice modulation for monster voices and the like, can read and accurately pronounce German.

About Me:
Grew up with a knack for imitating voices I heard on the television or radio and made a point of doing so for fun. Began voice acting 4-or-so years ago after being introduced to abridged anime on YouTube. Has been continuously pumping out my own abridged episodes for private enjoyment ever since. Been a huge fan of TES for at least 10 years.

Voice Samples:

https://soundcloud.com/user-335480478/tracks (Keeping in mind that these have nothing to do with TES. They're mostly comedy. That's why I'm here. Broadening my horizons to the realm of non-comedic voicing and whatnot.)

If you want samples of actual Skyrim race voices, just send me trial lines and I'll record them.

Edited by TullyMonstrosity
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Actor Stats


Age: 33
Gender: Male
Race: White / Caucasian
Last Updated: 9/5/2016
Active Member: Inactive for the time being due to personal reasons (until further notice)


Playable Races:
Nords, Imperials, Bretons... honestly don't know, but anything without too much of an accent will probably do. Tried a Khajiit once, it was kinda ok. ^^


About 10-12 years of experience on a non-professional basis (doing voice overs / misc recordings in my spare time).



As stated above, I'm not really that much into accents, but can do voices / imitations in various ranges. According to friends, my impressions of characters like Gollum, Schwarzenegger or Liam O'Brien aka Illidan Stormrage are pretty acceptable. I don't necessarily agree, but who am I to judge? :D My native language is German, but I'm fluid in English just as well. I'm familiar with common audio and video editing software, including but not limited to Adobe Audition, Premiere, Audacity and Vegas.


About Me:
I'm being honest with you guys - doing voice acting more often (maybe even for some publicly released project from another person) would be an absolute joy for me. I've done quite a bit, and over a long period of time, but always kind of kept it all to myself. For example, you've probably read my request for a female VA just two posts above this one - I'm actually considering filling a major role for that mod on my own (unless someone happens to come around the corner and just blows me away... but that's too far in the future right now. The female role has top priority first), so that's basically what I've always been doing: creating stuff, having good fun with it, but unfortunately no one ever really got to see (or hear) it... at least for the most part. I wish that would change. Also, I really wanna step it up a bit and cooperate with people.


The things I actually released are available on YouTube. I'll list a couple of them here as audio sample placeholders, until I record better ones and put them on soundcloud or so.

Please keep in mind that almost all of these samples are in German language (except for the first one). I know, it's a pity, but you kinda get the idea of what my voice sounds like anyway.

Plus - all of the sound editing / mixing / fx stuff was also done by myself, so you get a pretty good picture of what I'm capable of on that field, too. :laugh:


Voice samples:

[DE] Starcraft Brood War cinematic intro parody (recorded in 2004)


Please also keep in mind that some of these recordings are pretty old as of now! I didn't have very good equipment back in the days, so audio quality may differ.

FYI: the voice of the tall bald guy in the Starcraft video is pitched down by a *wee* tiny little bit; all of the other voices are still 100% by myself and 100% untampered with.

Yes... the background stuff, too. =)


As I said, please forgive me that most of them aren't in English... I really hope I can find some time to create a few better examples for you in the future.

Until then, thank you very much for hearing me out. And please - if you're an aspiring female voice actor looking for something different - don't forget to check out my request above. :wink:

I'm adding some additional info to the original post right after I'm done with this one.




Edited by ThraxxMedia
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So I'm back again. I need ONE character voiced and my mod will be complete! All I need is 5-6 lines for a young boy who is stranded on the ice. Is anyone willing to do a little kid voice? It doesn't have to be perfect, he's such a minor character. Let me know if you can pull off a little kid and are willing to help out. PM me if interested!

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I uploaded this mod


a few months ago and on the last update I added zombies. When I tested em out in game I had this crazy idea to make a follower out of one of the female zombies and adding a background story to her and maybe a quest. Now I would need an experienced v-actress able to voice a zombie girl and also edit the voice afterwards to a cool zombie style.


Edit: seems that no girl wants to take the risk lol OK let's expand this matter. If you're a male v-actor and wanna voice a zombie PM me or post on the mod page.

Edited by AncientKane
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Hello hello


I need a male voice actor who is willing to voice lines for my standalone follower, and maybe help develop the character more. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/76270/? . His backstory is a bit big but long story short he's half Imperial half Redguard, was brought up by Khajits but lived in Skyrim for a while so he has a funny accent. He doesn't speak like your average Nord nor quite like a definitely-not-drunk-on-skooma-Khajit. He likes to quote from Rumi too so I imagine his voice to be somewhat deep and calm.


Think you're up for it? PM me with voice samples and I'll send you a few lines to try out.


EDIT: Role has been filled, thank you all.

Edited by R0uu
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Thought i should give it a go,


SDbait AKA Frunsa Deasquat

Actor Stats

Age: 20
Gender: male
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 9/12/2016
Active Member: Joined today

Playable Races:
Depends on what you need.

almost none, but i practice voices a lot, enough to do a bunch of accents and imitations.

I can do many voices and accents, british, australian, mickey mouse, donald duck, shaggy, scooby, fat albert, kermit the frog, and others that escape my thought.

About Me:
I mainly play video games, but i thought i would offer to voice act in something here. Though my quality of microphone may be sub par, i'm not the richest person who can afford a full blown studio, i take pride in my voices.


Voice Samples:

http://www.vocaroo.com/i/s1ktSM6Vz2Yo (idk whats making that interferance in my headset though, its old i guess.)

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So I realize I'm probably beating a dead horse at this point, but I need a couple more lines of voice acting for my Here There Be Monsters mod. I need two female survivors, one a nord and one a redguard, and a young boy survivor. Each one only has about 5-6 lines of dialogue. It's not much, but I just can't find ANYONE willing to help out. Please let me know if you're interested! Thanks!

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