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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hi there :smile:

I am currently working on a mod that is somewhat a bigger project for me. The name for now would be 'Cassia the Nihilist'.

This is basically about a follower who is not a fan of the player. That means she's supposed to have a strong and independent personality. She will question a lot of the world around her but more in a sarcastic/funny than serious way although I also plan to do some dialogue that goes sort of in a philosophical direction. She shall have a twisted relationship towards the player and not just be a friend or lover.

She's a young Imperial woman with a noble background and should have a slight accent that goes in that direction. So if you're up to be her voice please contact me. :smile:


This is what she looks like atm


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I usually just lurk and offer to lend a hand wherever I spot something I might be able to help with, but I figured I'd go ahead and leave this here, finally. :D



Storm Watters (GigaRat, DasGigaRat)

Age: 37
Gender: Female
Race: Caucasian
Last Updated: 9-23-16
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Just about anything, specializing in elderly and beast races.

Various mods over 2-3 years including Enderal, The Forgotten City, Beyond Skyrim, and a recently released indie game called De-Void.

I've done a little modding, myself, so I'm familiar with the format and quality you'll need for the CK.

About Me:
I'm a full time courtroom clerk, I help out with voices for mods on my spare time. I do have a busy schedule, but can accommodate most rush requests if needed. Just let me know so I can prioritize my work. :wink:

Voice Samples:



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Hello everyone


I am posting because I am searching for voice actors for a mod I am working on for Skyrim. The mod is about a Paladin Knight (aka a holy warrior) who the player can romance and go on a quest with that, in part, uncovers his past. At the same time, the quest allows the player to rebuild an organization of warriors in the land and become the leader of it with the Paladin Knight. The Knight’s name is Casavir, he is the lead role, and I got the idea for him based on the Casavir that exists in Neverwinter Nights 2, one of my favorite RPGs of all time. I lean quite a bit on the story that the original had, but I have twisted it and made it my own, so it is a distinct story. I am setting up auditions here for him and the other, more minor roles in the quest, some of which are based on characters from other games I love (Neverwinter Nights and Dragon Age). So, if you recognize the names, that might be why. All acknowledgement goes to the makers of Neverwinter Nights, Neverwinter Nights 2, and Dragon Age Origins and Inquisition for their fabulous characters and stories. I certainly do not claim to own them in any way. This is purely and totally a fan production.


If you are interested in auditioning for any of the roles, please read the below descriptions for each and then make your decision on if you indeed wish to. Some are more demanding than others in terms of effort and time commitment, so I ask that you please consider the descriptions carefully. There are also audition lines for you to send in, and if you’d like, you can audition for multiple roles. Just make sure you’re clear about which roles you’re auditioning for, please.


I am still working on the main quest script, but it will be done by the middle of November 2016 at the latest (hence why I have the audition deadline as Nov. 18th). 70 percent of it is done already. There will be other scripts, however, and those will be done by the end of the year.


As far as the voicing is concerned, my time frame for liking lines to be finished is within 2 weeks to a month after a script or script section has been sent to the actor. I am, of course, willing to work with anyone who cannot do this if there are delays or they need extra time. I just do not want to have consistently late deliveries that take forever to get back to me. I like to be kept in the loop. http://tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/emoticons/default_aa_smile.gif


Deadline for Auditions: November 18th 2016




Please note that some characters’ lines can feature graphic content, including some profanity (although this is rare). For this reason, I request that all interested voice actors be 18 or older. Thank you!


Auditioning Guidelines:


1. Please send all recordings in this format: 16 Bit Mono WAV Format. This is because it is the audio format the game recognizes and thus it will give me the best simulation of how it will sound in-game.


2. Make sure your audio is free of background noise so I can clearly hear you.


3. Send all auditions via PM or email please ([email protected]). DO NOT post them on this thread. If you have questions, however, you may post on this thread and I’ll try to respond, but be aware that it might take me some time.


4. When you record a line, you will see emotion types in parentheses with them below. Those are how I’d like to hear the line so I can gauge the emotional range. Please adhere to them the best you can, but be creative in your interpretations. http://tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/emoticons/default_aa_smile.gif


5. Feel free to send links or recordings of any other voice acting demos you might have as long as they are actual character reels and not recordings of you singing! I will take all materials I receive into consideration when making my decisions.


The Major Role: Status: Open

Lead Role: Casavir


Requirements for Casavir: Must be male. I am looking for a deep voice with lots of bass, and perhaps somewhat of a gravely tone. It needs to be smooth and calming, yet able to be commanding and firm when a situation calls for it. I’d like it to be an American dialect. The role itself, since it is indeed the lead role, necessitates a fairly significant time commitment. There are a formidable amount of lines spread across multiple scripts (3-4 scripts). I would like to be able to have a fair amount of communication with the person who gets this role since it is such a vital one to the mod.


Traits/Qualities/Personality: Casavir is in his mid 30s. Human. He is worldly, intelligent, well-educated, classy and sophisticated, appreciates art as well as combat, and is mostly reserved when it comes to his expressions. He is brave and valorous, but keeps to himself. Although he is strong physically and mentally, he can be sensitive, especially when he feels he has wronged someone; he feels pain deeply and heartily. He is kind and considerate of those around him and highly virtuous. He has high ethical standards, but he has a dark edge to him beneath the surface because of what has happened to him. He is not incapable of humor. In fact, he can be rather witty at times, but he does lean towards a more serious demeanor most of the time. He makes it his mission to help people and better their lives.


Lines for Auditioning:


Line 1: (neutral yet inquisitive)

Hello. Please excuse my bothering you, but are you the Dragonborn?


Line 2: (stern, with a tinge of anger)

You know why that is, Lady Aribeth. I have very good reasons for electing not to discuss it.


Line 3: (appreciative and a bit shy)

My Lady, you are much too good to me, but I refuse to add to your burdens.


Line 4: (panicked and upset)

I didn’t do it on purpose. I swear! I really believed he was one of them and that he was out to hurt her!


Line 5: (laughs lightly, in an amused fashion)

Little did I know I would become something of a Knight myself one day.


Line 6: (romantic and passionate)

I love you, My Lady, with all my heart and soul.


Semi-Major Roles:

Aribeth- Status: Open


Requirements: Must be Female. She needs to have a calm, womanly voice that is soothing and not easily alarmed. Even tempered and articulate. Any accent is acceptable. The role is not too high in terms of time commitment.



Aribeth is a Paladin like Casavir. She is in her mid 30s as well. Human. She has seen much in her time on the battlefield and it has instilled within her a stoic sense of determination and underlying sadness from the losses of comrades she has experienced. She has also lost a loved one because of a misunderstanding that set her on a dark, depressing course for quite a while. Now, she is wiser because of the trauma she has been through and the years that have passed. She functions as a sort of advisor role to Casavir and the Dragonborn.


Lines for auditioning:


Line 1: (Neutral and mildly excited)

Hello Casavir. It’s good to see you again. Ah, and I see you’ve found the Dragonborn! It’s good to make your acquaintance at long last, miss.


Line 2: (Inquisitive)

Yes. Hasn’t he mentioned me?


Line 3: (reassuring and calm)

Yes. I know, Casavir. There is no reason to get defensive. I have no intentions of betraying your confidence.


Line 4: (depressed/ full of heartache)

It was, without a question. To this day, I am haunted by his loss.


Ophala - Status: Open


Requirements: Must be Female. She needs to sound pensive and steady. American accent preferred, but I’ll also entertain English ones. Low in terms of time commitment since she is present in only one scene in the mod.


Description: She once had a close relationship with Casavir. Age is 18. Human. She is full of regret over how she has handled certain things in her life, most of them relating to her interactions with Casavir. Currently, she is in a terrible situation she is desperate to escape from and enlists the Dragonborn and Casavir’s aid to help her get free of it. She is not above using underhanded means to achieve her goals.


Lines for auditioning:


Line 1: (frantic excitement)

Yes! Finally, you came! I knew you would!


Line 2: (regretful and sincere)

Casavir, you are not to blame for any of this. It is I who owe you an apology.


Line 3: (upset and defensive)

I know. Believe me. If there had been any other way, I would have gladly taken it, but it seemed to be the only option.


Line 4: (grateful and hopeful)

Thank you, both of you. I feel a weight has been lifted.


Cullen - Status: Open


Requirements: Must be Male. A mostly American dialect is preferred, but a touch of English would be welcome. He needs a somewhat deep voice, but not as deep as Casavir’s. I’d like more of a lilt to his voice. The work load is not too high for this one. It's comparable to Aribeth's.


Description: Like Casavir, Cullen is a man experienced in combat. Age is early 30s. Human. He was once a holy warrior himself and a commander. He has experienced much personal trauma that has left an indelible mark on his psyche. He constantly has to fight to ensure that it does not take over and affect him. He was once in love with a woman, but that relationship is over, and he has come to Skyrim to begin a new life and get a fresh start. In terms of his personality, he is quite kind, charming, and witty. He’s a bit of a strategist – and he doesn’t mind who knows it.


Lines for auditioning:


Line 1: (appalled and disbelieving)

You must be joking. There’s no way you can be serious.


Line 2: (fearless and firm)

I’m not afraid of you. You’re nothing but a bunch of ragged thieves.


Line 3: (charming and funny)

I introduced myself and yet didn’t actually tell you who I am. That isn’t very useful, is it?


Line 4: (sadness but moves into positivity)

Well, that is...wonderful to hear. I’ve heard great things about his Order


I will be adding many more roles to audition for in the near future. These are just the primary ones. Keep checking back on the thread if you’re interested! http://tesalliance.org/forums/uploads/emoticons/default_aa_biggrin.gif

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Actor Stats

Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: White/Cacasian[
Last Updated: 10/13/2016
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races: Not sure. Yet. I guess maybe Nord with an accent? Some say I have childlish voice but I do I don't!! OK, maybe a little.

I can do child's voice but hopefully grown-up too!


I can speak Polish. Some say it's one of greatest skills.

About Me:
Job hunting leaves me with more free time than before and I adore quests made by nexus users... fully voiced NPC are the best.
Wish I could be a follower for Dovahkiin. And fun fun fun. Little contribution to games. [/size]

Voice Samples:
some random lines + longer lines

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Hello! I have some parts open for the Legend of Zelda mod I am working on, and is linked in my signature. I figured I would post here.


Saria - Very childlike, obviously

Fairies - Basically needs to sound like Navi ("hey! listen!")

An unrevealed female character - speaks softly in a scottish accent


Send me a message here if you want to try out. I will come back and edit this post as the parts get filled.

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Trying to do a voiced follower with a unique personality and story. She's a young Nord/Imperial with serious and funny dialogue. It'd be nice if you already have some experience in voice-acting or maybe even in creating dialogue since I have to learn pretty much everything from scratch. Here's her appearance so far: https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/110/38618565-1476890014.jpg

Send me a message if you're interested :)

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Actor Stats


Age: 20

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian (Canadian/English, dual national)

Last Updated: 9/5/2016

Active Member: Semi-active


Playable Races:

Imperial, Breton, Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, probably Khajiit and Argonian



Recreational voice actor, 4 years of experience doing comedy voice overs.



Can record in MP3, can sing (Played the title character in a student production of Sweeney Todd), has lived in England and is an English citizen and so can almost flawlessly imitate multiple English dialects (among them cockney and received pronunciation), can replicate a convincing Scottish accent and an exaggerated Irish one, has decent vocal range [ex. shrill Cicero-type voice, calm/condescending elvish voice, or just a comically deep one (Prefers the lower-mid to high range)], is proficient with Sony Vegas and voice modulation for monster voices and the like, can read and accurately pronounce German.

About Me:

Grew up with a knack for imitating voices I heard on the television or radio and made a point of doing so for fun. Began voice acting 4-or-so years ago after being introduced to abridged anime on YouTube. Has been continuously pumping out my own abridged episodes for private enjoyment ever since. Been a huge fan of TES for at least 10 years.


Voice Samples:

https://soundcloud.com/user-335480478/tracks (Keeping in mind that these have nothing to do with TES. They're mostly comedy. That's why I'm here. Broadening my horizons to the realm of non-comedic voicing and whatnot.)

If you want samples of actual Skyrim race voices, just send me trial lines and I'll record them.



Just a bumper post. I'm a tad anxious for inquiries.

Would prefer a leading role as I've been pining for something like that lately.

Blech :tongue: . . .

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