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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Hi all I need a small male part voiced for my new race mod "The Nightspawn". If anyone would like to do it would be great. I would like the voice files to be recorded in .wav format and special effects added to make the voice sound demonic (if this is not done I may modify the voice files myself to this end.). Anyway here is the part.




Edited by morrowind1979
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Kerstyn Unger

Actor Stats

Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: White
Last Updated: 2/27/2017
Active Member: Yup

Playable Races:
Imperial, Breton, Nord, ALL DEM ELVES, and willing try Khajiit

Green Thumb

Skills: Still green but willing to build them up. But I can for sure do the quirky characters.

About Me:
Skyrim was my first real RPG. I still am involved with it and enjoy writing and creating my own stories. I enjoy mostly fantasy because of it. My current microphone is a Blue Yeti. I have plenty of free time and quiet area to do recordings.

Voice Samples:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! This is a combination of general and specific call for voice actors. I've been wanting to get into quest modding for a long time, but recently I've finally found the drive to push on with it. So obviously, I'd like to get to know a few voice actors, so I can have everything fully voiced. The quests will all feature unique characters, interesting stories, and diverging paths and consequences based on player actions. At least, that's the plan!


Specifically, I have one quest nearing completion that I'd like to start auditioning voices for. The characters in question are Briring, a wealthy male Nord, Merete, a female Breton, two female Nord witches, and a Hagraven. I promise that future mods will have more male characters!


So, if you're interested in either this quest, future quests, or both, please give me a message. I'd love to build up relationships with a pool of voice actors, so I'm looking forward to hearing from anyone interested!


EDIT: This quest is fully cast, but as I said - I'll be doing more in the future, so feel free to reach out if you'd like.

Edited by BelowTheSun
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Looking for multiple parts to be voiced for my new worldspace mod. (25 Male parts 8 female Parts). I would need the lines to be recorded in .wav format and special effects added to each part to make each one sound like its retrospective description (If this is not done I will modify and distort the voice accordingly). If anyone is interested in any of the parts please send auditions to [email protected]. Thanks. You don't have to record the full set of lines for the initial audition, one line will do.






Disciples of the Night (female devil worshipers)

He has woken!

He bathes in the black sky!

High Priestess (evil female devil worshipper)

[player]: What's going on here?

Silence worm! How dare you defile our ritual! We shall call forth our great god from his dominion beyond space and time!

Once again The Black Star will march upon Tamriel. His time has come! He has woken!

I will sacrafice you in his name!

High Priest (evil male devil worshipper)

[player]: We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I just want the vortis.

Only those deemed worthy by the Black Star himself may take the vortis and seek his counsel!

You are neither worthy nor welcome!

[player]: Fine. The hard way it is then.

Arrogant worm! Pride comes before the fall! And make no mistake, you will fall!

Lost souls NPC's (female)

Where am I?

What is this place?

Help me!!

I, I don't belong here!

Asmodeus (Rising Fiend Lord male)

[player]: Where did you come from?

There's no time. You must listen!

You must break the seals upon the Temple of Absolute Darkness. The Black Vortis lies Within.

It will open the gateway to the Black Palace.

[Player]: Why are you helping me?

We both seek the same goal, the destruction of Azhul-Ra!

Upon his death a power vacuum will be created in the Outer Sphere.

I intend to fill that vacuum and usurp the mantle of Arch Fiend. Wait! No! H-He is coming!


Azhul-Ra The Arch Fiend (male evil fallen god)





Fight or die!


Choose your path wisely!

I am he whose heart is cold as stone.

I am he whose soul is black as night.

The ten thousand year slumber has ended. I am awake!

Your pathetic weapons are useless against me! Hahahahahahaha!

Asmodeus! You treacherous worm! You shall burn for this!

You will never break the seals! You will die trying!

Sardius my champion, I have need of your services.

Hunt down and kill the one who intrudes within my realm!

And Sardius... Do it slowly, make it suffer!

Your victory is fleeting! Long after you have turned to moss and dust my ten thousand year sleep will once again end!

I am eternal like the night! I will outlive you! I will return! Hahahahahahahaha!

[player]: Who are you?

Oh I have so many names... The Prince of Sorrow to some, The Black Star to others, The Adversary,

but most know me as Azhul-Ra, The Arch Fiend. Call me what you will little insect!

[player]: Then I've found my quarry. I've been sent by Moldavius' descendant to kill you!

Moldavius was weak! He died begging and screaming on his knees!!

Even now his soul burns in agony alongside his weak pathetic descendants! Hahahahahahaha!

The ten thousand year sleep has ended! I have woken! Your world is mine! You will all burn!!

[player]: I wont let that happen. I'll stop you here and now!

Hahahahahaha! Do you even know whom you face? Among my brethren I am a god! I am divine!

Your tiny insignificant mortal mind can not even begin to comprehend the power I wield!

I have existed since the beginning of time itself! Your lifespan is but a flicker compared to mine!

I am fear and despair! I am sin and darkness! I am The Adversary!! You will not stop me child! Nothing can hold back the night!

Nothing can stop the doom I will bring to your world!

Oversoul (spectral Demonic Overfiend male)

[player]: What are you?

I am an eater of worlds! I consume the souls of the dead. They give me power! They make me stronger! I hunger for powerful souls!

I sense great power in you. I shall devour your soul! Your power will be mine!

[player]: You consume the souls of the dead? But I am not dead.

No matter, I will soon remedy that! Hahahahahaha!

Avatar of the Arch Fiend (Arch Fiend Voice)male

[player]: Are you the master of this tower?

I am he whose heart is cold as stone. I am he whose soul is black as night. The ten thousand year slumber has ended. I am awake!

You came here to break the seal of darkness, but it is you who shall be broken!

There is no light that can stand against the shadow! You too will be swallowed by the shadow!

Djinn (Demonic Lord of Fire) male

[player]: Another servant of the Arch Fiend I presume?

You presume correct. Those who do not swear fealty to the Prince of Sorrow are the enemy and their fate is a most unpleasant one.

[player]: Let me guess. Death?

No. There are fates far worse than death. The souls of those who oppose Azhul-Ra burn in relentless agony for eternity.

It is most unwise to oppose him! I show great wisdom in my fealty!

My lord has declared you his enemy and has judged that you will suffer a slow and painful death.

When I am done with you the master will feast upon your soul and you shall become nothing more than an empty husk!

I will relish your agony and rejoice in your suffering!

Sardius (Heavily armour clad demon champion male)

That was pathetic!

You live still so I may watch you suffer!

I condem you to the darkness!

I have failed you my master!

Ask of me what you will.

It shall be done.

Yes my master.

The Black Star sends his regards!

Moldavius (Badly rotted undead necromancer) male

[player]: Who are you?

Once I was Moldavius, a great and powerful necromancer in the service of Molag Bal. I struck terror into the hearts of the living!

I had dominion over the dead! But now I am nothing! Only a shadow, a husk, a damned soul in eternal torment...

[player]: How did this come to pass?

A cruel and fickle twist of fate! A mistake I made centuries, or maybe eons ago. I have been in torment so long I can no longer remember.

I sought the counsel of my master Molag Bal but instead I only found the darkness and cruelty of the Arch Fiend.

I curse his name till the end of time!!

[player]: Then we have a common enemy. I seek the destruction of the Arch Fiend

Hahahahaha! A fool's errand! The Arch Fiend is a foe beyond any of us, or our gods. He is darkness incarnate!

He is an ancient immortal as old as time itself. There is no weapon or spell that can inflict harm upon him. He is eternal!

[Player]: Every enemy has a weakness. There must be some way to defeat him!

Once there was a blade forged by the gods themselves that could hurt him, as much as one such as he could be hurt.

Nightsbane! But it matters not, the blade was broken and lost long ago.

There will be no dawn, the night shall be eternal and all life shall become as I am now...

[player]: We both have much to gain from the Arch Fiend's death! Tell me what you know!

Very well I shall indulge your notions of grandeur. It matters not. You will die anyway.

Take my research notes on Nightsbane. They will show you the resting places of the blade fragments.

But be warned! They are not unguarded! Powerful servants of Azhul-Ra guard the fragments with their lives.

I would wish you luck, but I don't think I will be seeing you again... Hahahahahahahaha. Foolish whelp!

[player]: I have returned and I have reforged Nightsbane!

It matters not. The Arch Fiend shall crush you and feast upon your soul! Perhaps you will end up in the cell next to mine.

Comrades in torment till the end of time! Hahahahahaha!

Skin Dancer (Skeletal Shape Shifting demon Male)

[Player]: What is this place?

A sanctuary of the flesh! A place to become one with the flesh! The flesh as the canvas and my will as the brush!

[Player]: That's insane!

No, there is only the flesh and the patterns to which we submit it! You are a blank canvas!

A picture that yearns to be painted! The time for talk is done! I will wear your flesh like a glove!

The flesh hears my call!

Shadow Knight (Demonic Knight) male

In the name of Azhul-Ra!

I honor my lord by destroying you!

You live still so I may watch you suffer!

You are weak!

Id (Demon of Nightmares) male

[Player]: Where did you come from?

I am the dreamer. The dreamer is me. We are one. You are none!

[Player]: You speak in riddles demon

Demon? No child, I am no demon. When we first arrived here we beheld the evil of the Arch Fiend and the Outer Sphere.

At that moment all the compassion, the benevolence and the good inside of us died and we descended into a perpetual nightmare.

I am what was left, the darkness, hate and repulsion! We can never awaken from the nightmare.

All we have left is our hatred and our lust for destruction. Our only purpose now is to spread our hate and suffering to all who cross our path.

Are you ready to face the dreaming? Are you ready to face our nightmare? Hahahahahahahaha!

Malignar (Spectral Dragon) female

[Player]: I've come for the blade fragment

And which blade fragment might that be little morsel?

[Player]: I seek Nightsbane!

Roooaaarrggh! Accursed light bringer, instrument of the weak and pitiful Old Gods!

For what purpose do you seek the blade? Why should I surrender my fragment to you?

[Player]: With Nightsbane I can defeat the Arch Fiend

Hahahahahahahaha! A weapon is only as powerful as the one who wields it. You are nothing!

You will not defeat The Black Star! He will crush your puny ambitions like insects in the dust. Hahahahahahaha!

But I digress. You want the blade fragment? Then take it if you are able!

The Collector (Ancient faceless demon male)

[Player]: Who are you?

Who or what I am is unimportant. But what I offer is of value.

[Player]: And what do you offer exactly?

A bargain, a pact, a deal that is favourable to both parties.

[Player]: Okay I'm listening

I require the aquisition of certain items of arcane power scattered throughout the Outer Sphere.

Bring me what I desire and I will grant you artifacts of great power!

[Player]: Why not just go and aquire them yourself? Why do you need me?

You know nothing! I cannot leave this wretched void between the worlds! Not yet...

If I attempted to do so my physical body would wither and die and I would fade from exsistence!

So what say you? Do we have a bargain?

[Player]: Very well. Tell me what you need

Bring me one hundred human hearts, one hundred fiend hearts and thirty golden hearts.

You will be rewarded well for each task you complete.

[Player]: The reward had better be worth my efforts

Do not insult me! My word is my bond! Your reward will be more than sufficient! Now go! You have much to do.

[Player]: I have one hundred human hearts

Well Done! I grant thee the power to summon the Shadow Mares!

[Player]: I have one hundred fiend hearts

Excellent! I grant thee the Shadow Knight Shield!

[Player]: I have thirty golden hearts

Outstanding! I bestow unto you a small fortune and the Obsidian Blade of Chaos! A weapon of raw unbridled power!

[Player]: I have completed all your tasks

You have done me a great honor! Now leave me! I have no further tasks for you and I have much to do!

Lost Soul Julia (Female Ghost)

[player]: Hello

Whats this? Another illusion sent to torment me or lure me out into the desert?

You may have taken my father fiend, but you shall not take me!

[player]: I am neither an illusion nor a fiend. What are you babbling about?

Y-Your real? Forgive me stranger, there is an evil that haunts me and I must remain vigilant against its tricks.

[player]: Tell me of this evil. What happened to your father?

It is a taker of souls. My fathers' was but one of many.

It invades your mind. It comes to you disguised as your family, your friends, or ones whom you love or trust.

It's so seductive. It whispers to you, it tempts you, it lures you out into the desert.

There's something evil out there sealed in the old ruined temple. It took my father. And now it wants me.

My fathers soul is in torment. He appeared to me and through his anguished cries he warned me to stay away from the desert at all costs.

He told me he managed to seal the temple doors before it took him and he gave me the key.

As long as I have the key it will take no more souls. This I swore to my father before he vanished before my eyes.

It torments me relentlessy! It fills my mind with visions of my fathers suffering. It hungers for my soul. It lusts for freedom!

I'm so, so tired. I don't know how much longer I can resist. I-I fear I will soon succumb to its power.

[player]: Hmmmm.. I could destroy this evil for you if it were to pay well

Very well I have nothing to lose. Take the key, it will unlock the temple doors. Destroy the evil! Avenge my father!

Do this and I will reward you well.

[player]: It is done. I have avenged your father.

I know you speak the truth. I sensed his passing. Finally he is at peace.

You have earned your reward. Take his ring and my dowry. The ring will protect you from harm.

Our business is concluded. Leave me be.

Lost Soul Saracen (Male Ghost)

[player]: Hello

Hello there, come warm yourself by the fire and I'll share a story with you.

Have you heard the tale of Mobius the cruel before?

[player]: Can't say that I have

Excellent. The I'll begin. Mobius was born in the kingdom of Valencia in the year 4E2.

As a child Mobius was obssesed with the dark arts of necromancy. He would torture and kill small animals, then raise their broken corpses.

He would raise them from the dead over and over again, each time inflicting worse harm upon them than the last.

As Mobius reached adulthood he moved onto people and over time he became known as Mobius the Cruel.

He caught the attention of Valbadas, the kings wizard who was wise and skilled in the ways of Necromancy.

Mobius studied under Valbadas for some time learning everything his new master had to teach, until his powers surpassed those of his master.

Then as all who seek power do Mobius turned on his master, he drained the very lifeforce from his master.

Valbadas withered into an empty lifeless shell and crumbled to dust at Mobius' feet.

[player]: Such power!

Indeed. Mobius raised a mighy army of the dead from Valbadas' tower and became a scourge upon Valencia.

His actions did not go unnoticed however. King Xarkzes saw the blight Mobius had become on his kingdom.

He gathered his army, summoned Valencia's mightiest sorcerers and marched upon Mobius' tower.

The King's army suffered great casualties but eventually laid waste to Mobius army of the dead. But they could not slay Mobius himself.

They beheaded him, dismembered him, cut him, burned him and the sorcerers cast mighty spells of destruction upon him.

No matter what they did to Mobius his broken body would reassemble itself and rise from the dead time after time.

Realisng he could not kill Mobius the king ordered his sorcerers to perform a banishing on him.

The soldiers kept Mobius busy in combat while the sorcerers cast the banishment upon him. Mobius was banished to the Outer Sphere.

The kingdom of Valencia rejoiced in its victory and an era of peace and prosperity came to the land.

[player]: And what of Mobius?

It is said Mobius roamed the plains of the Outer Sphere for an eternity seeking his revenge and a way back to Valencia.

He never found it. Legend has it his final resting place is a crypt in the Ethereal Plain.

There the lifeless husk of this once great Necromancer rots and turns to dust and upon his brow rests the Crown of the Dead.

[player]: The Crown of the Dead?

A powerful artifact forged by Mobius himself. It gives it's wearer great power and dominion over the dead.

[player]: Hmmmm. Perhaps I will investigate this legend when I have the time.

If you ever manage to recover the Crown of the Dead I would pay handsomely to see it.

[player]: I have the Crown of the Dead.

What? Let me see! A marvelous specimen indeed! As promised here is your pay.

Pandemonium (Malevolent evil demonic spirit male)

There will be no escape. You shall never see the light of day again! You are mine now! Hahahahahahaha!

I will be your undoing! I will be your doom!

You reek of fear! The stench is overwhelming!


The blades shield me from harm! Hahahahahahaha!

Do you fear the darkness? Do you fear the unknown? Do you fear death?

Angra Maiynu (powerful destructive demon male)

You will all burn!

[player]: *EXAMINE STATUE*

In a time long past I held the mantle of Arch Fiend! My power was absolute! I cut a bloody path of destruction in my wake!

Now here I remain dormant, bound to this statue for all eternity!

[player]: How did it come to be that you were bound to this statue?

My reign as Arch Fiend came during the ten thousand year sleep. When Azhul Ra awoke I did not wish to relinquish my title!

The Black Star made an example of me and condemned me to this living nightmare! Mighty is the power of Azhul Ra!

[player]: Is there some way to free you?

I propose a bargain! Bind me to your soul, Free me and I will lend you my power!

[player]: Why would I want to bind you to my soul? Whats to stop you taking over totally?

I am bound by that which binds me! You would be the master calling me up only when you desire! So what say you? do we have a bargain?

[player]: No way. I dont like the idea of having a fiend bound to my soul.

You are weak! Return when you are a worthy vessel of my power!

[player]: I desire your power. How do I bind you?

Bring me a black soul gem, some shadow essence, and the heart of a powerful fiend! Then I will reveal unto you the spell of binding!

[player]: I have the items required for the binding ritual

You are worthy! I will now speak the incantation! Azhul Ez Infernalis! Ex Libre Mortis!

I am free! Hahahahahahaha! Call upon me when you will!

Arae (Demoness of Curses Female)

[Player]: Who are you?

You opened my chest. You bear the curssse of Arae.

[player]: You are the one responsible for the curse I bear?

Yesss! The temptation of the weak is sssso ssssweet! It iss nectar to me!

[player]: I demand you remove this curse at once!

Ssssilence maggot!! You are in no position to demand anything from me!

[player]: Forgive me. Please tell me how to lift this curse.

I could lift the curssse but I ssssee no reason why I ssshould! Your only other option is to ssslay me in battle!

Dessstroy me and you dessstroy the curssse! But I believe I will prevail and it will be you who is desstroyed!

[player]: We shall see!

Very well! I will sssavor every sssecond of your agony!

Wise Woman (female shaman)

[player]: Hello

Greetings traveller. Do you seek my counsel?

[player]: Yes. I opened a chest in the Vale of the Spurned and have been cursed.

The work of Arae! Demoness of curses and temptation! Sorry friend my spells are useless against her power.

[player]: Surely there is something you can do?

Only Arae herself can lift the curse. Let me see your map, her lair lies here in the withered forest.

Be warned traveller. Arae is wicked and totaly devoid of mercy or pity.

She will not aid you willingly. You will have to persaude her. How you do so is up to you.

Now take your leave of me. I can be of no further help.

Daeva of Sorcery (Ancient demon god of sorcery female)

[player]: What is this place?

This is the realm of black miracles and dark splendor. This is my domain! What do you seek here fleshling?

[player]: How about one of those miracles?

Insect!! You are a lower, inferior form of life! You are not worthy of my splendor!

But do not fret, I shall bestow upon you a miracle worthy of one such as you.

I will turn you inside out and decorate the floor with your entrails! Hahahahahahaha!

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Hey morrowind1979, awesome that you have a new project. Not a audition from me but a suggestion.

It might be helpful to use spoiler tags in your casting call.

You've listed 31 roles each with about 3 to 25 lines each. I suggest this because it will make your casting call easier to navigate for any potential auditions and it will reduce the amount of scrolling others will need to navigate these pages. Good luck!





Female: Daeva of Sorcery (Ancient demon god of sorcery)




[player]: What is this place?


This is the realm of black miracles and dark splendor. This is my domain! What do you seek here fleshling?


[player]: How about one of those miracles?


Insect!! You are a lower, inferior form of life! You are not worthy of my splendor!


But do not fret, I shall bestow upon you a miracle worthy of one such as you.


I will turn you inside out and decorate the floor with your entrails! Hahahahahahaha!



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Hey morrowind1979, awesome that you have a new project. Not a audition from me but a suggestion.

It might be helpful to use spoiler tags in your casting call.

You've listed 31 roles each with about 3 to 25 lines each. I suggest this because it will make your casting call easier to navigate for any potential auditions and it will reduce the amount of scrolling others will need to navigate these pages. Good luck!





Female: Daeva of Sorcery (Ancient demon god of sorcery)




[player]: What is this place?


This is the realm of black miracles and dark splendor. This is my domain! What do you seek here fleshling?


[player]: How about one of those miracles?


Insect!! You are a lower, inferior form of life! You are not worthy of my splendor!


But do not fret, I shall bestow upon you a miracle worthy of one such as you.


I will turn you inside out and decorate the floor with your entrails! Hahahahahahaha!




I don't know how to add spoiler buttons. It took me weeks to find out how to attach an image lolol

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Hey morrowind1979, awesome that you have a new project. Not a audition from me but a suggestion.

It might be helpful to use spoiler tags in your casting call.

You've listed 31 roles each with about 3 to 25 lines each. I suggest this because it will make your casting call easier to navigate for any potential auditions and it will reduce the amount of scrolling others will need to navigate these pages. Good luck!





Female: Daeva of Sorcery (Ancient demon god of sorcery)




[player]: What is this place?


This is the realm of black miracles and dark splendor. This is my domain! What do you seek here fleshling?


[player]: How about one of those miracles?


Insect!! You are a lower, inferior form of life! You are not worthy of my splendor!


But do not fret, I shall bestow upon you a miracle worthy of one such as you.


I will turn you inside out and decorate the floor with your entrails! Hahahahahahaha!



I don't know how to add spoiler buttons. It took me weeks to find out how to attach an image lolol


LOL took me a while too. Just click the button for BBcode ( the little white square ) {spoiler} your text {/spoiler}. Replace the { } with [ ]

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Insanity (aka Hailey)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Location/Time Zone: Western US, PST
Last Updated: 3/24/2017
Contact: PM, but I'm easier to reach in Skype. If you're interested in using me as a voice talent, PM me and I'll give it to you.

Blue Snowball USB microphone
Basic pop filter
Audio Technica Headphones-M40x

About 4 years. Mostly personal/hobby projects and voice roles for friends in their videos. Mainly doing this to gain more experience.

Voice Type(s)/Skills:
I'm better suited for young sounding characters. My voice isn't super mature or deep, so I don't think I could play sexy or sultry roles. I pretty much just have that general "teen-aged girl" voice, but not the annoying kind. I can do a few accents (General American, Australian, American Southern, Spanish). I can speak the Japanese language too, but not super fluently.

My 'Portfolio':

Small roles for my friend's YouTube videos, like right here and here. They decided it was a good idea to record lines from Teamspeak, so the voices in the videos are of medium-quality.
Many, many song covers and conversation recordings on my Soundcloud that I do when I'm bored. Not exactly made for quality, just to practice audio mixing and stuff.

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Hi guys.

I am theDemonJackal, and I am usually a Fallout (mostly new vegas) VA but felt that I should probably stretch out a bit and move on to that of Skyrim. I have voiced a good few mods up to now, and always enjoy lending my voice to mods. Here is my soundcloud:


I am actually really bad at talking about myself, but I do enjoy voice work and would love to branch out into other realms of the activity. In NV I have voiced characters in:

The North Road

Anatomy of Disaster


Abraham Drinkin


Boom to the Moon



Anyways, I hope to be working with you guys in the future.

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age: 19

gender: male

race: white

last updated: 26-3-2017

active: way to (have nothing to do so i'll jump at anything)


playable races:

normal man (imperial, breton, not to tough nord, elfs which don't need to sound to distinct), khajiit rather well. will try everything.


experiance: starting out



talk in third person with no problem

audacity (get rid of buzzing, cut out bland and bad parts, normalise audio, probably more that i can't think of right now)




about me:

i have nothing to do at the moment so i'm giving modding and voice acting a shot. i have so little to do that i can get the lines, record them and send them back at the same day if the background allows it.


voice samples:

way to long yes, but it does show of a large portion of what i can do.

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