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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: White
Active Member: New, but active(check forums every day)

Playable Races:
Give me anything and I will do it.

Trip to the bank part 2(Ryker recording)

About Me:

I have a 3 decibel voice range. I do accents and voices all day long to annoy my co-workers and have a very very very outgoing personality and work well with others. I will re-record until I perfect what I am recording. My passion is to become a voice over professional, however voice acting is also a passion of mine. I have free time, mostly at night, and I usually get the finished work back in the same day. If you wish to directly get ahold of me my email is [email protected]. However if you PM me here on the site, it sends me an email as well, which goes right to my phone. So with that said I will begin working as soon as I get the email.

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My original post is on Page 13. Just to let people who might be interested know, I've update my soundcloud with a Morrowind-style Dunmer voice. Still rough, but with practice I'm sure I'll get it down.




Contains a playlist of 5 samples. Varying from shoddy to good. (My Khajiit voice sounds better in my head, and I'm not really happy with it.)

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Thought I should add my name to the list.

Complete the Circuit

Gender: Male

Playable Races:
Better at Elves, Khajiit and Argonians, but I am willing to try anything

Experience: Starting off

Last Updated: 30/10/2013

I am willing to help in any mod you fancy throwing my way. I am also able to do some audio editing.

Demo: https://soundcloud.com/complete-the-circuit/sets/skyrim-voices-demo

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Hi guys.


Need experienced voice actors to help with my mod project which is upcoming for Skyrim!


Check it out here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1189204-upcoming-skyrim-mod-riverwood-redeveloped-alpha-recruiting-experienced-modders/






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Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: White/Caucasian
Last Updated: 26/05/15
Active Member: More or less

Playable Races:
Imperial, Nord, possibly elves

It would be my first true recording.

I can voice children, voice act in english and french, and mimic a few accents. I am decent at acting.

Voice Samples:
None yet.

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Hi everyone, I think I will also leave my name here.


Just to let you all know, I'm very new to the forums here, so I may appear a bit lost in some of the stuff here. My Elder Scrolls lore is very limited.


Starrkk (Or Dusty)



Age: 21


Gender: Male


​Race: White/Caucasian


Active member: I have not really visited the forums before, but I browse and download mods a lot.



Playable races: Unsure here. Dialects were never really my strong suit.


Experience: Studying Voice Acting in college, but haven't gotten any real first hand experience.


Skills: Deep voice, sinister voice, calm voice. I have a bit of a range to my voice, but I can't say that I'm good because that'd be for you all to judge. I have Audacity on my computer, but I only have the basics of it down (Recording and saving. I'm used to Adobe Audition, but purchasing that one is...well expensive.)


About me: I was told that I have a good sounding voice, so when I started college, I set out to study to be a voice actor.



Voice Samples:


Just so you all know, my samples here are rather dated. As such, they will have some voice crackage in some of them. My own fault for not being able to update as much as I would like to. I will try to get some more newer ones up soon.





Thank you for taking the time to read this!

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Grey Coyote


NAME: Eric




AGE: 23


RACE: South Asian (Indian background). Canadian Citizen.


ACTIVE?: I'll check back every couple of days.




SKILLS/POSSIBLE ROLES: I've a somewhat gruff, deep voice, making me sound older than I am, and best suited to the Imperial, Breton, or Redguard accent. I could easily be cast as a military officer, villain, grizzled veteran, a companion to the player character, or even a narrator. Other possibilities are many.


VOICE SAMPLE: Only one for tonight, and a rather dull one. This is an excerpt from some of the lines of the Jackal in Far Cry 2. Rather monotonous, but it's meant primarily as a sample of my voice type. Also, I'm speaking quietly.


I've got a far greater range. I promise.



ABOUT ME: I work well with others, and am a decent problem-solver. I can share my personal e-mail address with anyone who thinks they could use my voice, and I'd be willing to participate in almost any mod. If the mod creator would like someone to proofread and/or edit dialogue or text that'll appear in-game, I'm quite a capable editor as well.



Feel free to contact me in tells. I'm just getting started and would love to have my voice out there.


I'll add more samples upon request - Just tell me what to read or what to say, and give me some context if it's dialogue.

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