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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Actor Stats

Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: White/Caucasian
Last Updated: 07/31/2016
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:

Starting out

Can speak English, German and Spanish

High quality condenser mic


About Me:
I can (currently) make a crazy voice, high pitched voice and deep, grown up voice

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There is a story about a mighty blade that can only be wielded for justice and honor.

But this sword was lost in the currents of time and it's location is unknown.

This is all about to change as the Dragonborn begins the hunt for this powerful artifact of a bygone era. But he/she is not alone in this search... Others are seeking it for different reasons.

Who in the end will be able to reforge this sword?


We are open to ideas and collaboration(with other modders or with non modders). Themes that are NOT accepted are:

- vampires

- werewolves

- necromancy(raising dead people, capture there soul’s)

Requesting Actors:

We want to integrate the characters to the world space and level design we created, we don't want another vanilla game, WE WANT A STORY.

For my part of the story I like to build the dialog and integration with the actors and offer some freedom over the dialogue and discuss the ideas together.




Foxy Fullmoon


Non Modders:

Swadian(raresmocanu)- ideeas and design feedback-beta tester

Thank you for viewing

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ACTOR (or actress) REQUEST

I'm looking for someone to voice my follower mod, it is a male khajiit named Anatoly.


*the mod* http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/77545/?


You don't have to have any voice acting experience, I'm just looking for someone willing to voice and work with me on a developing a story and personality for the follower, there are no actor requirements just as long as your willing to lay a few hundred lines of dialogue with possible future updates to the character


If your interested just PM me.

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Age: 22

Race: White, North American

Gender: Female

Playable Races: Imperials, Bretons, Nords, Khajiit, Bosmer (Morrowind-style)

Experience: I have submitted a few auditions on Casting Call Club, but no major roles to date.

Equipment: Harlan Hogan VO:1-A microphone, Audacity

About me: I have an intense love of video games, and I've followed the mods on this site for a long while; it's amazing to see the talent and creativity of this community. While I have no modding experience, I'd love to get involved as a voice actor. I'm still fairly new and learning things every day, but it would be amazing to be a part of a project.

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CrashMasterJMM - John Majkowski (Updated)


Actor Stats


Age: 36

Gender: Male

Race: White Cacasian

Last updated: 08/10/2016

Active Member: Yes


Playable Races:

Would like to think I could voice any race.



Starting out.



Voice - Multiple accents, Natural voice pitch shifting

Technical - Use of Audio and Video editing software.


Voice Samples:



About Me:

I come from Southern New England... specifically Rhode Island. Currently living in North Carolina. Putting myself out here... if you like what you hear.. let me know and PM me. I check the Nexus often.

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Actor Stats

Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 8/21/2016
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Woodelf, High elf, Nord

Starting out

Can vary in types of female voices Ex: Seductive, childish, loving, hateful, fairy, divine type. Recently Ive been working with a friend to do some voice acting on his adventure map and would love to get more experience (I work for free!)

About Me:

I have been playing for a good while and absolutely adore the world. Ive been told many times that I should do voice acting, I figured id start on one of the best modding sites for skyrim. Hell I even read out my own choices for my character on skyrim. Please feel free to contact me here or on skype if you want to hear some voices! I sadly have not had a chance to set up a voice resume yet, but I hope you atleast give me a chance!

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Actor Stats

Age: 17
Gender: Male
Race: White/Middle Eastern
Last Updated: 8/24/2016
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Specialty: Khajiit, Beasts.

Can also do Humanoids.

Starting out

Throaty voices: Anything from an old man to a chain smoker.

Various Accents: American, Arabian, Hispanic. Can attempt German, French, and British.

+Lots of free time for voice acting.

About Me:
Imitating people with memorable voices has been a hobby of mine for a long time; I do it all the time with the teachers at school. Now I'm looking to harness that hobby to contribute to something memorable.

Voice Samples:


Updated Samples:

Khajiit: https://soundcloud.com/user-462699786/khajiitthe-second-great-waraudition

Nord(Galmar-like voice): https://soundcloud.com/user-462699786/nord-balfhe-hard-heart-the-second-great-war-audition


Skywind Auditions:

Khajiit: https://soundcloud.com/user-462699786/drozhiir-skywind-audition-updated

Orc: https://soundcloud.com/user-462699786/bugrol-gro-bagul

Edited by SyrianAws
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I'm opening auditions for any female VA's out there for two separate roles:

1) A darkly seductive and villainous vampire lady. Main villain.
2) Main character's little sister. Lovely, playful, sassy and adorable.

I also need a guy who can do a Dunmer voice too! Well, a Dunmer ghost anyway :tongue:


Shoot me an PM and we can discuss, it's a long backstory xD


EDIT: One role down, two to go!

Edited by Darkrogue21
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Actor Stats

Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: White/Caucasian
Last Updated: 8/24/2016
Active Member: Semi-active

Playable Races:
Imperials, Redguards, Wood Elves, willing to try Khajit and Argonian

Returning voice actor, 5 years of experience doing comedy and fandubs

Can record in MP3, can sing (Baritone-Tenor), can approximate a Scottish or Irish accent, can do monster/creature voices

About Me:
Did voice acting regularly about a decade ago as part of the "Organization LIX" Kingdom Hearts parody group, as well as small productions through the Voice Acting Alliance. Fell out of the hobby for several years, have been working on becoming active again. I've got more Skyrim mod ideas than I have the CK knowledge to actually create.

Voice Samples:


https://soundcloud.com/stellarvisions (not much here yet, but I'm working on it)

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