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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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I have a very small project that will require the voice of a young (11-12) but intelligent, precocious and perhaps a little broody male orc. Because he should sound somewhat adolescent, the right kind of female voice actor might also work here, so I'm open to a male or female VA. I should also note that I don't think that a young orc has to necessarily have the 'gravely' aspect that characterizes adult orc voices.


If you think you might fill the role well, please send me a message via nexus.

I'll provide details about the role privately.


Thanks a lot.

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Actor Stats

(Prefer to go by Ruubzz or Ruby then my username on here)

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Race: White
Last Updated: 25/10/2016
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
I will attempt anything within Skyrim but I do feel as of now I am better at the Elven Races. Although I feel more attuned to the Elven Races I have been practicing with the others and at a given opportunity should be able to preform.

Completely new experience to me, raw talent as of now but have worked on experimental parody songs. that have been recorded in the same process.

Skills: Although not a skill, I own a high quality microphone. Born and bread in England making it very easy to speak in a posh manner that comes in more then helpful with the elves of this world. I am also good at showing emotion through my own speech and changing my tone and mood to play a role.

About Me: Been playing games on and off for years. Currently working a 16 to 30 hour job I have realized that in my free time I have come to find a lack of things to do. With my own confidence and interest in the modding world I've found myself here more interested then ever before to work besides these amazing modders in something I too was once interested in at college. As I no longer have the skills needed to create these beautiful mods myself I look to assist these individuals in helping bring their stories to life with the help of my voice.

Voice Samples:

This is always being updated daily, so feel free to follow as I progress and improve.


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Just a bumper post. I'm a tad anxious for inquiries.

Would prefer a leading role as I've been pining for something like that lately.

Blech :tongue: . . .


That Blackadder scene is absolutely brilliant! :ohmy:


Thanks a bunch, I freaking love that show. I basically recited bits of that line off by heart.

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Age: 17
Gender: Female
Race: Russian/Norwegian
Last Updated: 30/10/2016
Active Member: Yes, but contact me on email: [email protected], I'm more active there.

Playable Races: Any race works fine.

I'm just starting out. People recommended things like this for me because they said i'd be good at voice acting.


I've got a great quality mic, and I know how to "be the character". I can do lots of accents including french, indian, russian, norwegian, british and so on. I'm really good at "speaking with feelings", for example do a sad voice or something like that.

About Me: Played video games for a long time. Skyrim has to be one of my favorite games in the world, so i would love to get into the modding communtiy and help you guys as much as I can. I'm also always available.

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Age: 22

Gender: Female
Last Updated: October 31 2016




Run a youtube channel, dabbles with streaming, interested in expanding to voice work


New to this, but trying and willing to learn

Voice pallet:

Not Available at the moment

If you are interested in hearing more of my voice (but not acting) feel free to roam around my several youtube channels linked below and feel free to give feed back on anything.


If you are interested in having me in any of your projects, feel free to shoot me a message on here, and email at [email protected] or contact me through youtube somehow.

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Age: 18

Gender: Male
âLast Updated: 11/3/2016

Description: I'm told I have a very good sounding voice. People say I should be on the radio, or be some kind of narrator. Naturally It's kind of low, not super deep, but I'm a baritone. I've never done this sort of thing, but I really want to try, and I'm very open to constructive criticism.


Accent: North Western United States

Microphone: My mic is a mod mic 4.0 which, despite how it appears, sounds very nice. Not exactly studio producer professional quality, but I think it more than does the job.

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Hi! I can do a variety of voices and I have a small social media presence so I could help with promotion too.


I have acting experience, mainly theatre.


I have 2 voice samples:


The first is Dunmer, inspired by Karliah from Skyrim.






The second is a high elf, that was rushed and could be better but it's all I have on my tablet atm! Both were recorded with my tablet for a rush audition for Skywind. I have better equipmemt at home.






I can provide Khajiit samples too upon request.


My email is: [email protected]


Feel free to contact me for more details


I would love to support any game/mod creators!

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Hello , I am looking for a female voice actress for a very small role , she must be mature ( age 30 ) sound vicious , sexy slow paced, , sensual , the character is a witch prostitute . If any is up for the role could you post some samples? Possibly non english accent , eventually any foreign one is fine .

Sample sentence :

"There's warmth and fire... Do you not wish to warm yourself, by my fire?"

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