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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Alright folks... so I'm gonna refresh my original post with this, since back then I wrote that I wasn't available at the time (due to personal circumstances) but now times have changed and I would love to get into it again. Therefore, and because the original post is buried underneath so many old pages now, I suppose it's okay to just come up with a new one, aye? Here we go:


Actor Stats


Age: 34

Gender: Male

Race: White / Caucasian
Last Updated: 9/13/2017
Active Member: Yes. Thanks to some changes in my personal life, I can be active on here again.

Playable Races: Nords, Imperials, Bretons... honestly don't know, but anything without too much of an accent will probably do. Tried a Khajiit once, it was kinda ok. ^^

Experience: About 10-12 years of experience on a non-professional basis (doing voice overs / misc recordings in my spare time).


Skills: As stated above, I'm not really that much into accents, but can do voices / impersonations of various kinds. According to friends, my rendition of characters like Gollum, Schwarzenegger or Liam O'Brien aka Illidan Stormrage are pretty acceptable. I don't necessarily agree, but who am I to judge? :D My native language is German, but I'm fluid in English just as well. I'm familiar with common audio and video editing software, including but not limited to Adobe Audition, Premiere, Audacity and Vegas. Will do my best to deliver the best quality possible.


About Me: I'm being honest with you guys - doing voice acting more often (maybe even for some publicly released project) would be an absolute joy for me, especially after returning from the long break I took. I don't wanna put you on the edge any further though, so I'll attach some samples now, which should give you a general idea of things I'm capable of. Some of those demos might be in a foreign language, so apologies if that's the case.


Voice samples:
Seven Pounds - Phone Call: Ezra Turner (both voices done by me)

Audition for a Skyrim mod (I'm sorry, I don't remember what it was called)

Random ramblings #1 (please forgive the bad mic quality!)

Random ramblings #2 (pretty obvious I'm a Blizzard fan)

Edited by ThraxxMedia
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So I thought why not give this a try! I have a voice. I have a microphone. Love to do people a favor. So here's something about me:


Age: 26
Gender: Female
Race: caucasian

Playable Races:
Been mostly a Nord, kajit/wood elf in VERY early playtroughs. The i thought: Dragonborn is a Nord legend, hence a Nord it shall be :)

None in voice acting (yet). Do accasionaly sing - or at least make an attempt.

Got some neat equipment (simple Samsing microphone but it does the trick) and can add whatever effect you want. Got some skill with editing vocals on Adobe Audition.

About Me:

Real name: Linda. 26 yo Dutchie, speak English as a second language my entire life. Love metal music, fantasy stuff, pretty much everytime I see a dragon somewhere it lifts my spirits. Been playing Skyrim for about 4 and a half years now. First ''real'' game i got addicted to. I don't pretend to be a gaming nerd, got a handfull of games that i enjoy. nothing more. Discovered nexus mods about a year or two ago. Been overloading my game with mods eversince. I REALLY respect modders who create huge worlds almost better than Bethesda can. There were mods that made my jaw drop a lot more than the actual game, and i can only say; kudos to that! Would love to be a part of that. And with no programming/mod creating skills whatsoever, (mostly, technical stuff frightens me), i thought i could always lend you my voice.



I have a youtube channel which is kinda a metal vlog-thing. If you wanna hear what my jabbering sounds like, this is what i have for you. If you happen to be into melodic/sympho/power metal, feel free to stick around and subscribe. Appreciate! :) â https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLHupUBBMU8Y9wmszb2GqNg


Got any questions? Feel free to ask them!




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Quickly Want to ask: How do the modders and VAs cooperate? I can mod in a follower and do quest scripting, and id ask for a voice actor, but how exactly does it work? Does the modder send over the script and then the VA sends over the audio files? I just have been curious since ive been unable to make a uniquely voiced follower even if they can have unique dialogue options and appearance and stats / whatnot.

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Quickly Want to ask: How do the modders and VAs cooperate? I can mod in a follower and do quest scripting, and id ask for a voice actor, but how exactly does it work? Does the modder send over the script and then the VA sends over the audio files? I just have been curious since ive been unable to make a uniquely voiced follower even if they can have unique dialogue options and appearance and stats / whatnot.

Essentially yes, a modder may PM a VA and ask for samples. If they like what they get then they send over the lines, the VA records them and sends them back and the modder adds them to the game.

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Quickly Want to ask: How do the modders and VAs cooperate? I can mod in a follower and do quest scripting, and id ask for a voice actor, but how exactly does it work? Does the modder send over the script and then the VA sends over the audio files? I just have been curious since ive been unable to make a uniquely voiced follower even if they can have unique dialogue options and appearance and stats / whatnot.


It differs from mod author to mod author. Normally you'll hold some form of auditions with some sample lines and wait for responses. Once you've chosen someone you can either send them the scripts, wait for the lines to come back, and then either implement them or request retakes, or you can sit down in some form of call with them (usually Skype or Discord) and give them live direction whilst they record.


Who does the audio editing (cleaning and cutting up of the lines) also differs from mod author to mod author.

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Actor Stats

Race: White/British
Last Updated: 22/09/2017
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races: Nord/Bosmer/Imperial

Experience: Starting out

Skills: I've always been good at changing my pitch without a moments notice

About Me: British blacksmith who wishes to give voice acting a try. The Elder Scroll games have always been near and dear to my heart.

Samples: In the making

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actor Stats

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Race: White/Cacasian
Last Updated: 10/4/17
Active Member: Yes

Playable Races:
Nords, Neutral-Accented Races (Wood Elves, Brenton, Ext). I can do Imperial/British accents somewhat decently, but I can't guarantee real English folks won't recognize the fakeness.

Four years or so of hobby work. Did drama and such in college/high school.

Know my way around Audacity. I can make my voice sound like a ghost, Protoss, or other supernatural entities with editing.



Decent microphone

About Me:
I've always enjoyed acting, even if it's only just for fun. Seems like there's a lot of great mods out there that only have the drawback of a lack of voice acting, so I'd like to help out there if I can.





Bonus: Super secret revelation of where arrows were really taken at the end.

Note: Updated this since I have time to do a lot of voice acting now. Sorry to anyone who I didn't get back to before - life got in the way.

Edited by Jackxter
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Good day, I am public enemy, creator of the fallout 4 mod the adventures of the silver shroud. I am currently making a sequel to the mod and am looking for a male voice actor in the bass range (like the deep voice singer in 60 minuteman and rocket 69) to star as one of the mods major villians.


Please pm or comment if you have questions or interested.

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Actor Stats

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Race: White / Caucasian

Playable Races: Anything except an Argonian or the Russian-esque Khajiit style

Experience: I GM some RPG's and like doing Voices for my characters (though my female voices are quite lacking) and have been doing so for about two years

Skills: Can do fairly stereotypical irish and German accents as well as a country accent and my normal American accent. I've got a pretty decent mic as well.

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