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The Voice Actors of Skyrim (Nexus)


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Jake "Ark" Nelson

Last Update: 2014/11/28 10:30 p.m. PST


Age: 21, 22 next july


Race: Scandinavian Mut, British Isles, German


Active Member: Yea, pretty active if you count searching for mods and reading forums for 75% of the day active.


Playable Races: Haven't really tried much, but I'm pretty sure I can't do beast races. I can mimic a variety of accents. Nord for sure, would love to try my hands at an elven character.


Experience: Acted in high school, will be voicing a character from the upcoming mod Temple Watch, and an upcoming follower mod I'm currently working on.


Skills: Singer(little rusty), bass player as well, well learning how to play the bass anyways, can record quality voice works and I have the knowledge to edit the tracks to remove unwanted effects. And I'm somewhat versed in the Ck, even made a few mods, although only one is actually a mod.


About Me: Wanted to try voice acting as it seems like something that would be fun, chill guy, can sing somewhat like the singer for Sleeping with Sirens, If I'm not on Skyrim or the Nexus I'm practicing my voicework or playing wow while doing it.


Demo Reel: Soundcloud not much, but I can add more to it later


Contact info:


[email protected]

Edited by Arkyna
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Jake "Ark" Nelson

Last Update: 2014/11/28 2:56 a.m. PST


Age: 21, 22 next july


Race: Scandinavian Mut, British Isles, German


Active Member: Yea, pretty active if you count searching for mods and reading forums for 75% of the day active.


Playable Races: Haven't really tried much, but I'm pretty sure I can't do beast races. I can mimic a variety of accents. Nord for sure, would love to try my hands at an elven character.


Experience: Acted in high school, will be voicing a character from the upcoming mod Temple Watch, and an upcoming follower mod I'm currently working on.


Skills: Singer(little rusty), bass player as well, well learning how to play the bass anyways, can record quality voice works and I have the knowledge to edit the tracks to remove unwanted effects. And I'm somewhat versed in the Ck, even made a few mods, although only one is actually a mod.


About Me: Wanted to try voice acting as it seems like something that would be fun, chill guy, can sing somewhat like the singer for Sleeping with Sirens, If I'm not on Skyrim or the Nexus I'm practicing my voicework or playing wow while doing it.


Contact info:


[email protected]


Please provide some samples of your work. Someone who can do Nord could be very useful to me right now, but I need to hear samples.

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Jake "Ark" Nelson

Last Update: 2014/11/28 2:56 a.m. PST


Age: 21, 22 next july


Race: Scandinavian Mut, British Isles, German


Active Member: Yea, pretty active if you count searching for mods and reading forums for 75% of the day active.


Playable Races: Haven't really tried much, but I'm pretty sure I can't do beast races. I can mimic a variety of accents. Nord for sure, would love to try my hands at an elven character.


Experience: Acted in high school, will be voicing a character from the upcoming mod Temple Watch, and an upcoming follower mod I'm currently working on.


Skills: Singer(little rusty), bass player as well, well learning how to play the bass anyways, can record quality voice works and I have the knowledge to edit the tracks to remove unwanted effects. And I'm somewhat versed in the Ck, even made a few mods, although only one is actually a mod.


About Me: Wanted to try voice acting as it seems like something that would be fun, chill guy, can sing somewhat like the singer for Sleeping with Sirens, If I'm not on Skyrim or the Nexus I'm practicing my voicework or playing wow while doing it.


Contact info:


[email protected]


Please provide some samples of your work. Someone who can do Nord could be very useful to me right now, but I need to hear samples.


i'll have some up tomorrow, and will link my soundcloud, hope you don't mind that they might be the lines used in game but with my best sounding nordic accent


my soundcloud if you need more let me know

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Looking for voice actors for the expansion of this recently released mod....Shezrie's Old Hroldan Town.


I am building an underground street/village and plan to voice 10 more NPCs for this new area. I am looking for people with good quality recording equipment, good acting ability that can provide the lines within a month as this expansion will be done pretty quickly.


A little back ground, the people who reside in my underground street vary from the down on their luck, your average thief/assassin avoiding the law, the completely insane to the just lower class, poverty stricken uneducated folks.


Each NPC will have about 10-20 lines. I will start with a few of the more challenging roles...


http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n99/Shezrie/bullet_ball_glass_red.pngTavern owner - gruff, uneducated orc or nord. This guy is of an imposing size, battle scarred and has a tough, no nonsense attitude that comes from years of throwing scum out of his tavern by the seat of their pants. Filled.


Audition lines:


'Wot can I get ya? 'ave to be ale though, we ain't got nothin' else'


'You one of them 'upsiders' 'ere to cause trouble?'


'Mind yer manners or I'll throw ye out by the seat of ye pants!'



http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n99/Shezrie/bullet_ball_glass_red.pngMad woman - bit of an old hag, this woman is convinced that you (if you are male) are her knight in shining armor who has come to take her away. She has been waiting a loooong time for you and here you finally are.


Audition lines:


'There you are! Where have you been, you promised to come so long ago.'


'I am all ready and pretty for our wedding.'


'I have been saving myself for you all these years and now you are finally here!'



http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n99/Shezrie/bullet_ball_glass_red.pngMad man - This guy (middle aged) thinks he is rich and has a lot of gold to give away. He generously gives his 'gold' to any and everyone who talks to him.


Audition lines:


'You look down on your luck! Here, have some gold, I have so much to spare!'


'Back for more, of course you can have more there is more than enough for everyone!'


'No need to thank me! The gods blessed me with great riches and it is my charitable duty to help those less fortunate.'



http://i110.photobucket.com/albums/n99/Shezrie/bullet_ball_glass_red.pngSweet Roll Bandit - Folks who have explored the town carefully already know of this guy. This is a slimy, weedy, weak guy. Completely mad, but kinda heart breaking when you realize why he does what he does. Filled.


Audition lines:


'They called me stupid, they did, an look where it got 'em! Now theys cryin' cause I got all their sweet rolls!'


'Anytime that Helmer baker makes more sweetrolls I gets there first and take 'em all.'


'They called me stupid an they threw all their sweet rolls at me, now I 'ave all their sweet rolls an they can't be throwin' any more at me an callin' me names. I win!'



Also looking for regular Nords, Imperials, Khajiit, Argonian, Breton, Dunmer...male and female, to play other NPCs that range from telling a sad tale of their lives to outright rude and abusive to the player.

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Just did these for TESR. I'm pretty picky about the mods I work on, but it doesn't hurt to show off new race samples.




Has anyone ever told you your speaking voice is a dead-ringer for Christian Bale's when he adapts an American Accent? I downloaded Helgen Reborn recently and when I first came across Valerius, I was convinced for a second that I was listening to Christian Bale, haha. You've got a rather strikingly similar timbre.

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Just did these for TESR. I'm pretty picky about the mods I work on, but it doesn't hurt to show off new race samples.




Has anyone ever told you your speaking voice is a dead-ringer for Christian Bale's when he adapts an American Accent? I downloaded Helgen Reborn recently and when I first came across Valerius, I was convinced for a second that I was listening to Christian Bale, haha. You've got a rather strikingly similar timbre.


I have, actually, when I narrated this (also Elder Scrolls-related, haha) audio drama.



Listening back though, that narration is God-awful.

Edited by RiverK
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Yeah, I can definitely hear it there. And I think it was a nice, solid, neutral narration -- your clear enunciation is well-suited to it and the delivery is wisely subdued without coming across as lacking. That all being said, I'm extremely harsh on my earlier VA endeavors myself, so I understand the inclination to look back and cringe at one's own material, for sure.

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Auditions for Immersive Quests

Caught in the Backstreets


Closing 12/05/14.


Pheo Mercurio (Male, Imperial, 50) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


Elerine Galieles (Female, Breton, 30) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


Bormlin (Male, Nord, 25) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


Jo'Kir (Male, Khajiit, 25) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


Bandit Guard (Male, Imperial, 30) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


Skooma Dealer/Enthiel (Male, Bosmer, 30) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


When sending in lines, please record at 44100 Hz, Mono, and export in 16 bit WAV. If you want to clean or edit your voice files, send two versions of your audio - one without cleaning, compressing, normalizing, etc. and one with all those effects. Voice altering to fit the character does not count, so if you want to do that but not cleaning or other editing you can just send in one, uncleaned version.


If you're interested in any of the roles, please email me at [email protected] making sure to include a link to (or an included file with) your sample lines (both versions if necessary). Please have all your sample lines in one .wav (NOT one for each line), unless you also have a cleaned version, in which case include them in two .wavs. Also make sure to tell me which role you are applying for. If you make the role, then I'll tell you, and update the page. If not, I will also notify you.


You may also PM me your audition.

Auditions extended until the 5th of December. Pheo is especially needing more auditions - he's just an imperial who's (slightly) older.

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Auditions for Immersive Quests

Caught in the Backstreets


Closing 12/05/14.


Pheo Mercurio (Male, Imperial, 50) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


Elerine Galieles (Female, Breton, 30) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


Bormlin (Male, Nord, 25) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


Jo'Kir (Male, Khajiit, 25) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


Bandit Guard (Male, Imperial, 30) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


Skooma Dealer/Enthiel (Male, Bosmer, 30) ALL INFO FOUND HERE

Audition Lines


When sending in lines, please record at 44100 Hz, Mono, and export in 16 bit WAV. If you want to clean or edit your voice files, send two versions of your audio - one without cleaning, compressing, normalizing, etc. and one with all those effects. Voice altering to fit the character does not count, so if you want to do that but not cleaning or other editing you can just send in one, uncleaned version.


If you're interested in any of the roles, please email me at [email protected] making sure to include a link to (or an included file with) your sample lines (both versions if necessary). Please have all your sample lines in one .wav (NOT one for each line), unless you also have a cleaned version, in which case include them in two .wavs. Also make sure to tell me which role you are applying for. If you make the role, then I'll tell you, and update the page. If not, I will also notify you.


You may also PM me your audition.

Auditions extended until the 5th of December. Pheo is especially needing more auditions - he's just an imperial who's (slightly) older.

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