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Vortex Hangs When Installing Mods


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I've used Vortex for the past few years w/o any real issue.


Today, I went to install a mod for Skyrim and the blue bar in the top right fills all the way but then just hangs there indefinitely. This happens regardless of mod and regardless of game. I've tried the following with no effect:


1) Uninstalling/reinstalling Vortex

2) Uninstalling/reinstalling Skyrim

3) Uninstalling/re-downloading mods

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I've used Vortex for the past few years w/o any real issue.


Today, I went to install a mod for Skyrim and the blue bar in the top right fills all the way but then just hangs there indefinitely. This happens regardless of mod and regardless of game. I've tried the following with no effect:


1) Uninstalling/reinstalling Vortex

2) Uninstalling/reinstalling Skyrim

3) Uninstalling/re-downloading mods



Uninstalling and Reinstalling usually never solves anything.

For one, uninstalling and reinstalling your game, doesn't remove any mod files from the game folder that may be causing problems, because the Uninstaller only removes the files it installed, so it will leave behind a bunch of mods and other files it had nothing to do with installing.

So, doing that is a complete waste of time, unless you actually manually DELETE the game folder


Uninstalling and Reinstalling Vortex also doesn't help, because if your Antivirus Program blocked part of Vortex from installing, all it's going to do is block that part of Vortex from installing a second time.





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