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In response to post #7839687.

I'm going to have to second Lisnpuppy's question. All the negative I've seen is a bit of squabbling over whether its a good idea or not to allow mod authors full moderation powers over comments on their mods, and one person who threadjacked into moder-haterville.

Opening up the Nexus to other games isn't at all a measure of the inadequacy of our current mods/modding community. In fact, I'd look at it the opposite-- the games on the Nexus (the largest of which is Skyrim), and the wonderful community they have here, and the awesome website to support them are what is prompting this opening up of the Nexus to other games. Authors of mods Elsweyr are looking at our community and this website and going "wow, I'd like a piece of that".
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In response to post #7836700. #7837964, #7838010, #7838058, #7838308, #7838548, #7838722, #7838761, #7839396 are all replies on the same post.

Dark0ne: Let me just say that I find FTNex's rant to be rude, distasteful and I am rather irked that it is tacked onto my post. I think we can all guess what FTNex stands for.Let me further clarify that I love the Nexus, if I didn't then I wouldn't spend my hard earned money to support it. The only problem I have ever had with Nexus is the comment system but I never communicated my dislike of it in the past. Now though, I'm publishing mods and donating to the site so anytime that I see the subject come up I am going to politely but loudly 'voice' my opinion on the subject.On another matter, giving everyone the ability to delete their own post would be nice. I know that I've needed such a basic feature in the past, mostly because I asked for help and ended up solving it myself or my post is out of date. I know of at least one time when I posted my comment entirely on the wrong mod page (it was really late at night).As to the comment rep system, I had no idea that Nexus had haters like that, as I said I was away for a couple of months during which it was removed; wtf is wrong with people? Thanks for answering that one DrakeTheDragon!And thanks Ahvaren for answering #3! Edited by vipermkii
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I am somewhat confused what your issue is with the comment system?


Though you can not delete a post entirely there is nothing stopping you from editing the post. We are always happy to lock/hide a thread you start at your request.


I personally think giving anyone and everyone the ability to delete post would make moderating a nightmare and making trying to figure out what people are replying to a nightmare (as you have seen there is enough angst at just letting mod authors handle stuff in their own file threads.) Now that the replies are embedded (or as you note...some things are tacked together so that people can see replies to certain post without reading the entire sometimes hundreds of pages of post) it would probably mess things up royally. Dark0ne might chime in on this though.

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In response to post #7841390.

Are you kidding? Have you ever had to slog through 20 pages of comments looking for and answer to a problem with no guarantee that the answer is even there because you don't want to risk being the 50th person to post the exact same question and piss off and drive away the author? Edited by vipermkii
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Um..I think that is one of the reasons for the now new format of replies. And since I am not psychic then I can honestly say I had not idea what you were referring to with the comments. If you said it earlier I missed it.


Mod authors also now have the ability to "sticky" post to help keep frequently asked questions/ans/info at the top of the pages.


What do you think could be done differently?

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In response to post #7841390. #7841469 is also a reply to the same post.

to be fair, those authors that act that way usually have other unrelated problems and are really looking for an excuse to quit.Self editing does have its pros and cons though...on one hand, you can remove that stupid comment you made completely instead of editing it to now say "Nevermind, I was dumb", on the other hand if someone actually had a follow up comment that explained a solution to your problem, you would then make their contribution pointless as someone possibly scanning the forums for that exact same problem would never find that related solution. I think the author controlled moderation is a fair compromise because at least then they can weed out old bug reports and questions that no longer apply to their mod, thus weeding those 20 (or 50, or 100) pages down to something more presentable to the users. Yes, they could use it to "censor" people they don't like...but we expect each other to act like adults ( ...except on April Fools Day...). The new comment linking system does work pretty well though, as related conversations all "float" to the top...and I think that's pretty neat. Edit: oh, and I forgot about the "sticky" ability...that one is awesome too. Edited by jediakyrol
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In response to post #7836700. #7837964, #7838010, #7838058, #7838308, #7838548, #7838722, #7838761, #7839396, #7841191 are all replies on the same post.

Say about the idea of "deleting" comments a user makes, perhaps something that just hides the comment/post from appearing to normal users? Moderators can still see the comment but to everyone else it doesn't appear or show up. From there a Moderator can delete it if they want.For example, let's say someone writes/posts something that's really, really stupid or dumb. They realize that so they want to delete it, not because they've broken rules but because it could lead to a negative few in the eyes of others. They delete it and it disappears. Now say that maybe it DOES break rules, they have flamed someone but tried to cover it up to prevent getting in trouble. Since it's only hidden from view the Moderators can still see it.I'm not sure if something like this already exists but it's used on another website my guild uses for a different game. You can delete the post/thread but it notifies you that it doesn't actually fully delete, the Moderators can still view your post/thread. That could be a good alternative for those who do an accidental double-post or just want to remove their post period.On some forums it will even show the poster's name and in the post body it would read the post was removed by the author, or removed by a Moderator. So the placeholder is there but the content of the post no longer appears. Edited by SamusKnight2K
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