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Inspiration needed for a race mod


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:D i figured out how to make new eye textures within 5 minutes.just got a vanilla regular human eye texture,pasted the texture of the color part of my eye over the colored part of the vanilla human eye,and there they are. 3 different colors in preveiw (i made around 7 colors total i think)






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im rather satisfied atm with the way her khajit teeth have come out so far. i mean,you look at her face when she has her mouth closed and think "awww,cute little baby fangs poking out from her mouth" but then she opens her mouth,and your like "awww ****"

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im rather satisfied atm with the way her khajit teeth have come out so far. i mean,you look at her face when she has her mouth closed and think "awww,cute little baby fangs poking out from her mouth" but then she opens her mouth,and your like "awww ****"


A new biting attack animation perhaps (and now you will be cursing my name for all eternity).

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well,that would be fantastic but i dont know how to make animations,thats about as far out of my purveiw as tax preparation is to one of oblivion's zombies


Hmm ... I thought that zombies just ate the tax men and then presented the poop to their necromancer masters as gifts.


At least this keeps me off the Mishkax Eternal Damnation list.

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well its not like i can use the vampire bite animation,that would look kind of goofy to use in a standing position


That one did come to mind for me, though I've never actually seen it in action in the game. Something else that did occur to me was that the attack would only be to areas of the body using the Skin designation for material (so no biting armor ... bad for dental health and such).

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ive still got the issue of her two greater powers, "praxis putridum" and "dieing breath" to sort out. i made a new magic effect for dieing breath using the oblivion magic extender but all sorts of weird and crazy things happen when you use it. and with praxis,im a little irritated that the casting animation is stuck on the touch spell,i want to make it where the casting animation is her putting up her fists,and also,i need to know how to boost hand to hand damage in scripting because i want her to be able to nearly 1 hit enemies when she is using it. also it would be nice to be able to force her to use heavier attack animations while using praxis

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