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Inspiration needed for a race mod


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whew. female hgec custom race body texture with tattoos and scars and bite marks done (hopefully,im not sure the spine tattoo lined up right but saved my work just incase). now on to the hands and face,teeth and tail. still holding out hope that my editing of the teeth texture will hold up.

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sadly the male side of my custom race is mostly using imperial vanilla assets texture wise, i never ever play male chars as a rule,so the lack of customized content for the male gender is appalling,but id need a reason to work on that

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now working on earrings texture. and im serious,while i dont neccesarily imply that id put bite marks on the male texture i honestly cant figure out anything unique for the male textures.


and anything involving molag bal is a HUGE nono for me due to unpleasent events for me earlier in life shall we say...

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a little of an idea ive come up with for a backstory. Involves a failed (or is it?) attempt to create a being capable of drawing out a highly reclusive being,similar to a daedric prince in many respects,who rather curiously has a strong anti-mimetic effect as part of it's existence. vaguely similar to sheogorath in the same way peryite is vaguely similar to jyggalag. it could be said this of him/her/whatever else's existence "while all of creation is a clock,and the daedra/aedra within it gears that make it run,it is a foward ticking of this clock in the end. Sheogorath is the embodiment of the clocking ticking fowards and backwards unpredictably,at different rates.a dysfunction of creation,a sterling example of madness incarnate. and,far beyond the minds of many mortals (and even daedric princes) and immortals to comphrehend,yet still, lyes something else entirely. a being whose existence cannot be conceived of,not by hermaeus,not by nocturnal,not by the most learned mortal or immortal. a being that watches this clock,this interplay of order and disorder,with great amusement. the only words of itself it has ever been said to have allowed to reach mundus are thus "on the nature of my existence. If hermaeus mora had a form,he would be unable to look at me in the same way you mortals cannot turn far enough to watch your own rear ends.i simply cannot be known,and thus to beings like hermaeus,i do not exist. nary have i ever had a reason to dip my hand into mundus,or anywhere within oblivion. however,if ever there was a being sprung forth from existence,or un-existence that was truly unknown,enough to remind me of myself. then i might be convinced to pay a visit to said being. and shall i do so,neither man,creature,or daedra will be the same again"

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now having completed the earrings and teeth,before i move on to the head texture i do have another technical question to ask,is there anyway to resize the mesh for khajit teeth to work with a human head?i had originally wanted to use khajit teeth but stopped when i saw how they would look in the CSE on a human head. my skills with blender would only work for the mesh resizing (i think) but there is other coding involved with the models in oblivion yes?

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Well in the previosu post when you did mention a clockwork, then someone did pop up in my mind and that is Sotha Sil.


I do not know really. If you are able to resize stuff in Blender, you should also be able to move each vertical as well I suppose. To have control over the moving of them, you need to change the camera with the numeric keyboard, switching between 7, 1 and 3, up, and from each side. When you resize stuff, are you doing that in Edit mode? Just press TAB when you are in Layout mode to get to the Modeling/Edit mode.

Edited by Pellape
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