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why is conspiracy such a widespread problem ?


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Conspiracy is what the left calls uncomfortable examinations of their widely held opinions that pass for fact.

The founders believed in Free Speech , the left believes in censorship.

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One big problem with "Conspiracy Theory", is that the word "Theory" is being used incorrectly, because it implies that a Hypothesis was formed, and tested so that the Conspiracy could be bumped up to a "Theory'

But that's par for the course, with uninformed anti-science people throwing around "The big words" in an appeal to authority, to spread their nonsense that, despite being debunked several times over, they double-down, because they are so emotionally invested in the stupid "theory" to begin with.

The Anti-Vaxx movement, is one such thing, and what these conspiracy theories do, is allows, unimportant, stupid people, who never set foot in a science class, to appear important to others, to where they give bad advice to others and literally kill people with that advice.

People go along with conspiracies in order to appear that they have "inside information" that nobody else does, because it makes them feel important for a while.
People who believe conspiracy theories are gullible, and very easy to manipulate, because they are so desperate to "look smart"








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Conspiracy is what the left calls uncomfortable examinations of their widely held opinions that pass for fact.

The founders believed in Free Speech , the left believes in censorship.


The LEFT believes in censorship?


It's the RIGHT, that's taking away our rights to protest, to vote, among other things.


The right blames the left, for what the Right is actually doing.

It worked in 1930s Germany too.

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I know of Nurses who refuse to take the needle. Also people with phd's and higher education levels are less likely to get the vaccine. Why is that you think?




Here is the thing that is most misleading is the fact although this info you are sharing is stressing hesitancy, it's not a very reliable source of information alone. Because while people who have PHd's have a higher hesitancy this does not mean they aren't still getting vaccinated. Even I was hesitant about getting vaccinated but I still went in and got a shot when I still could. If you dive deeper into the actual Carnegie Mellon University site, They give a lot more info about the actual research. As an example there is a difference between those who are hesitant and those that just down right refuse.




From this article above you can do more research from it by searching on the actual methods each person used when they conducted it between January and May.


But who you going to believe? A site that is reporting on a graph done by Carnegie Mellon University or the actual Carnegie Mellon University site and their conclusions? I guess some might say neither.

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The state of being hesitant means you are not doing something or are slow to act. You were not hesitant if you ran out and got poked as soon as you could. That is actually the complete opposite of the meaning of the word. I on the other hand am hesitant, and have decided to take the wait and see approach.


You go ahead and have faith in a vaccine they make you wave all liabilities for the providers who like Johnson and Johnson can't even make baby powder without putting asbestos in it. People like Bill Gates fighting to keep patents to maximize profits, and the government backing this shows how little all of this has to do with health.

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The state of being hesitant means you are not doing something or are slow to act. You were not hesitant if you ran out and got poked as soon as you could. That is actually the complete opposite of the meaning of the word. I on the other hand am hesitant, and have decided to take the wait and see approach.


“What's concerning is there is a subset of the population that's got strong levels of hesitancy, as in refusal to take the vaccine, not potential concern about it, and the size of that group isn’t changing,” - Robin Mejia, who helped conduct the research from Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Pittsburgh to help identify groups hesitant about COVID-19 Vaccine. In their findings they stress there is a huge difference between levels of hesitancy and complete refusal.


Robin Mejia manages the Statistics and Human Rights Program at the Center for Human Rights Science and holds a special faculty appointment in the Department of Statistics and Data Science. Maybe you should hit up Mejia and tell her what the definition of hesitancy is because your definition doesn't seem to be a clear factor in their research.

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Pointless argument. You go ahead and have others do your thinking for you. It's really common sense so the is no need to debate the definition of "is" as a famous liberal attempted to do to avoid the truth.


If you want to live like chattel, I'm sure you can still hop on a plane to the UK or Australia.

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Pointless argument. You go ahead and have others do your thinking for you. It's really common sense so the is no need to debate the definition of "is" as a famous liberal attempted to do to avoid the truth.


If you want to live like chattel, I'm sure you can still hop on a plane to the UK or Australia.


You do realize I was being impartial and completely debunking the very article you originally sited when you said this....



I know of Nurses who refuse to take the needle. Also people with phd's and higher education levels are less likely to get the vaccine. Why is that you think?




I guess now you don't believe the link you originally posted claiming that people who have PHD's and high education levels are less likely to get the vaccine? I was just simply pointing out that their site is completely misleading. I never claimed to believe Carnegie Mellon University research in the 1st place either.


This is going back to root cause of a lack of "Critical Thinking". I guess it never occurred to you to actually visit the Carnegie Mellon University site and instead came to your conclusion that "people with phd's and higher education levels are less likely to get the vaccine." just because you read it on unherd.com


Then when I pointed how misleading that website is and then refer to the actual Carnegie Mellon University conclusions made from their official website from the very research they did it suddenly no longer fit the narrative you were trying to point out and now you obviously don't accept it.


But I will agree with you on one thing, this is a pointless argument. Because no matter how much information is thrown at you, as long as it doesn't fit a narrative you can accept you just going to reject it anyways. Because I am just some left wing liberal who has others think for me instead of thinking for myself.

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