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External Changes


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So this isn't a bug or anything, it's just me not knowing exactly how to proceed. I got a popup window in Vortex, stating that External Changes had happened. It gave me options to accept changes, thereby deleting 143 files, or revert to the original files. There was also an option just to hit "Cancel" and get out of that popup window (which I did, because I'm nervous about deleting 143 files). Affected mods include a few armor/clothing mods & CCBE (1 file for that). Looking at the files, most are mesh files. There was also the mod We Are the Minutement. As far as external changes go, I did use FO4Edit from the tools entry to change some values for the radiant quests in WatM, and used Body Slide (also from the tools menu) to adjust the female body (CBBE), and to build several armor/clothing mods. I'm assuming that this is what the "External Changes" popup box is referring to, but I'm hesitant to just delete 143 files, especially since the changes are already evident when I run FO4 (at least for the clothing/armor/body). So is it safe to delete those 143 files?

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The only person who can truly decide if those files are safe to delete is you. It sounds like it was caused by BodySlide, but I've not really used that tool so I'm not sure. It could be intended behaviour.


You can revert the changes if you're not sure.

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If you REVERT to the Original Files, you will revert all of your changes, BACK to the files that are in the Mod Staging Folder

Since you changed 143 files in your DATA folder, the hardlinks have been severed to the 143 files in the Mod Staging Folder are different than the ones in the data folder, so now two different version of each of the 143 files exist
One version in the Mod Staging Folder and one version in the Data folder.

Vortex will delete the files in the Mod Staging Folder so that it won't get confused between the files that now exist in the DATA folder vs the files in the Mod Staging Folder.

Just to be safe though.
Would it be easy for you to select the files you edited in FO4Edit, and just zip them up as a backup first?

I do that all the time, I'll select the files, right click and add them to a 7z, (Just in case they get deleted, I can always unzip the 7z full of the files, and resume from there

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@HadToRgister- Thank-you for that explanation, and for the advice on backing up those files, which I didn't think of, but intend to do. I was fairly certain that the External Changes box referred to those changes I made with BS & FO4Edit, as it only referenced those files that I worked on, I just got a bit paranoid when it came to actually deleting those files. I've used BS for several years in both FO4 & Skyrim, and it's the first time I can remember seeing that (although I did get that when using FNIS for Skyrim). My first time at using FO4Edit, so I'm leaning it slowly, but gods, what a great tool that is. Thanks again.

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