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Download history functionality on file comments for mod authors


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I've already found two people who only downloaded the plugin and not the main assets file, and another who was using a 6 month old version where the bug they're reporting was fixed 4 versions prior to current.
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I think this is a fine idea, too, and I'm all for it. It looks like being a great head-ache preventative.

I hope, though, that mod authors will be kind enough to keep in mind that a recent download date (or none at all) in a user's history (say, mine, for instance) doesn't always necessarily mean that I haven't been running the mod as long as I've said. Someone above mentioned the very small mods one doesn't need to be logged in to download. Whenever I notice these in my own mod archives, I've already been logging in to download them again on purpose to get them into my history list. Or when I've downloaded a mod from elsewhere, like TESA or ORE, I try to remember to DL it from Nexus, too, again just to “register” it in my history here. But I may have been running it a long time before my DL date seems to indicate.

And then there was the time several months ago when, a long time after DLing and installing the Unique Landscapes Compilation OMOD, I decided I must DL every one of them from their own pages just so I might endorse them individually as they deserve. Alas, to this day only one of them has ever shown up in my Download History, and I'm getting mentally set to do it all over again. They're not in my History, but I've been running them all of them for over a year. And I got them from Nexus.

If I want to ask an author a question, it's not a big deal for me to remember (most days, anyway) to say I'm running version so-and-so, or that I got it at such-and-such a site. But if I forget, and/or my Download History doesn't seem to quite add up, I hope I won't be dismissed as some sort of trolling fraudster twit who has no business to say anything at all, when there may be a simple explanation that can clear everything up after a patient question or two.

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What if there was a way to know whether they used NMM to install it or not? I've had people complain about my mods not working on the parts where I specifically say not to use NMM for. (Since there's multiple texture options)

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In response to post #8005867. #8006102 is also a reply to the same post.

@Zaldiir: I had a period where NMM refused to do the downloading for me, so I downloaded manually, but still used NMM to install mods. (I've used it a fair bit for Morrowind to repackage some mods to my own liking and then handle installation incl. file conflicting and uninstallation with NMM.)
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