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There is no "whole point" of uploading something to the Nexus. Everyone has a different reason. Just because your reason is to get as much popularity as possible does not make that the "whole point" about it.

Either you try to be the best at something, or you are content to wallow in mediocrity. How is trying to succeed a bad thing again?
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There is no "whole point" of uploading something to the Nexus. Everyone has a different reason. Just because your reason is to get as much popularity as possible does not make that the "whole point" about it.

Either you try to be the best at something, or you are content to wallow in mediocrity. How is trying to succeed a bad thing again?

Did I ever say that to succeed is a bad thing? Nope...

You said that the whole point of uploading something to the Nexus was for popularity, and I totally disagree - that was the extent of it. If you want to read more into it than what was actually written, that's your call.


Success is not divided into "poor" / "mediocre" / "best" . I am more than content with not being the best at something - that does not mean I don't want to be great at it.


Being "Best" at something takes other people's success into the equation, and might not even mean that you are really that great at something - you are just better than others who have tried to be good. Being "Great" at something is solely based on you, and your skills - I do not need to look at other people's work to push myself to be better. The challenge alone is enough for me.

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To add to the list:


  1. Use the "Articles" system regularly to engage with your users. Ask questions, blog, explain what you've done and what you're going to do with your mod. It shows people you're still actively supporting your files and also shows on the front page of the sites.
  2. Post a release thread on the official forums
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I'm curious what types of things other people do to get more page views, comments and downloads on their own mods. It feels like I've almost exhausted the options on the Skyrim Nexus, but perhaps there is more.

Either they make something good that people want or they make 50 accounts to endorse their own stuff.

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...or they make 50 accounts to endorse their own stuff.

...and get banned accordingly, not to forget.


Let's not get this mistaken for a sane advice by some clueless bystanders, will we?

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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@ Dark0ne


Excellent advice to add to the list! Adding a release thread is not something I had thought of. Also, using the Articles system is something to check out.


@ Everyone else


Most people seem to be focused on "How Not to Advertise" rather than what we could be doing to make our mod pages more enticing and cater to our commenters, downloaders and followers. I suggest starting your own thread on what modding means to you, or what motivates you to mod if that's what you feel passionate about discussing. But that's not the purpose of this particular forum.

Edited by davidagladish
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Usually when I'm browsing around the forums and what not, if I see someone who has a high post count and quite a few kudos points, I have a look at the mods they have released. Someone like that must obviously please the populace.


Only problem is when people spam a whole lot of crap or farm for kudos points to look more presitigious. (I can admit to farming kudos points in the past... I feel shameful now. Don't take them away though, they are my preciousssssssses) :P


Becoming an active and engaging member of the community helps people to recognise you and download your mods. Not everyone has the time on their hands to invest fully though...


Not the best way of finding mods, but it's one way.

Edited by billyro
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Another thing I do with my mod is to try to answer as many comments on my mod as possible, people like it when the author responds to their posts. Of course when you do get popular and get 100000 posts a day, it's a bit harder to respond, a good FAQ or sticky post about certain topics usually kills a lot of repeat technical comments and makes it easier load on you
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  • 2 weeks later...

I think one thing to keep in mind is that most mods get few endorsements regardless of their popularity. For instance , SkyUI is the most endorsed mod of all time with 1,740,854 UD and 45,356 endorsements. That means only a.024 ratio of UD to endorsements. you can carry that on to the next two: A Quality World Map - With Roads .024 and Calientes Female Body Mod Big Bottom Edition -CBBE .015.


Then take Helgen Reborn, the most endorsed file in the last two weeks. 36,699 UD and 1376 endorsements for .037 ratio.


It is clearly apparent that no matter the unique downloads most downloaders simply do not endorse files they use.

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If they actually use them. Perhaps most people just download files, try them and throw them away.


Also, 1.5% endorsement rate vs 3.7% is actually quite a difference in mod quality (or perhaps target audience? Maybe the crowd that's just looking to fap isn't likely to endorse?)

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