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  1. Thanks for the details, Pickysaurus. This news actually makes me very happy. To find out that Bethesda actually ported Fallout 4 to a new compiler is wonderful news. It means it's no longer going to be a 2015 game engine. It also means I don't care at all how long it takes for the Fallout 4 mods to work with the new game because it means the new game will be worth playing. After playing well over 10 thousand in-game hours with the 2015 engine, I'm so delighted for the change. I guess I have time to watch the Fallout TV series now. I've been playing the game instead until now *laughs*
  2. Please be aware nobody can answer your question as nobody knows what technique you used to install your mods If you installed the with a mod manager, you should be able to uninstall them the same way. If you installed them manually, you probably need to uninstall the whole game, empty the directories and then reinstall the game, especially if you had hundreds of mods. Also, if you have only 10 gigabytes of storage on your drive, you need to start uninstalling or deleting a lot of stuff from that drive. You should try to avoid filling a drive more than 50% if you want to maintain the longevity and performance of the drive. The less storage you have remaining, the less performance and the faster your drive will die.
  3. You probably wouldn't like Starfield then *laughs* The first several shots with a sniper rifle usually miss no matter how carefully aimed I should have listed that among the terrible aim games. FYI, you probably would like Ghost Recon Wildlands. It's pretty amazing. Just avoid Ghost Recon Point Break. It's got the worst keyboard/mouse aiming I've ever experienced. Also if you haven't played the Far Cry series (especially 3, 4, 5 and new dawn), those are must plays as well.
  4. You're not wrong, but I don't think Fallout 4's aiming mechanics are as bad as games such as Watch Dogs or Ghost Recon Point Break (Ghost Recon Wildlands was perfect, but its sequel is the worst I've ever experienced in any PC game). I've also been very fond of handguns for the last 35ish years of my life, but aside from amazing games like Sniper Elite, I have low expectations of realism in PC games. For Fallout 4, aiming with a laser musket is exactly as you describe, CrowOfitachi. You aim correctly, and you miss no matter how well you aim. Some guns in Fallout 4 can only be used with VATS and not with free aim. But in general the hand guns in Fallout 4 hit more or less where you put the reticule. You mention the .44 magnum in Fallout 4, that's one of the reasonably accurate hand guns in the game. Again, it's not like Sniper Elite (the best murder simulator in PC games), but it's way, way better than many other games by big companies p.s. to make sure we're talking apples and apples, I play in third person. I never play first person. If you mean the first person aiming in Fallout 4 misses with a .44 magnum, I have no clue as I don't ever aim that way. I use the reticule in third person.
  5. I use Nexus Mod Manager Community Edition with hundreds of mods and plugins, and I love it.
  6. It's been a few years since I looked at the NPC records that way, but I think you might have to set their workshop permissions to be able to send them to workshops. I recommend looking at a few settler records specifically for any flags related to workshops.
  7. It really depends on what mod made the custom companion. For instance, I know that Problems of Survivor custom companions stay where you dismiss them. Whatever mod you're using for your custom companion, you'll need to check with the mod author if you think there's an issue.
  8. I don't have that issue, but I don't use ENBs nor Reshade. I use Darker Nights (at darkest setting) as well as Nuclear Colors and sometimes Color Changers. The only time I have the effect you describe is when I deliberately force it with the shp console command to make films like: But I had to force that effect manually.
  9. While I'm not aware of such a mod, I am curious what you mean by without level scaling. Wouldn't anything become trivial at higher levels if it doesn't scale in difficulty as you get stronger?
  10. Elevators are tricky with followers in Fallout 4. I usually crouch (sneak) facing the entrance to force the NPC to go behind me. But I do also make sure to click on my follower in console before activating an elevator so that if something goes wrong, and they get stuck on the previous floor, I can use the "moveto player" console command to bring my follower to me.
  11. Post Script: There's a mod called Skimpy Armor Resources which some mods use to check how skimpy your clothing is to adjust how people react to you. Please note that if you use SAR, then either the mod subaverage linked or UCO will have a soft conflict with it. Skimpy Armor Resources depends on what's equipped on each slot, and the two mods we linked here remove the ability to track that. You can still use SAR with UCO or the predecessor subaverage linked, but only by forcing a setting in the debug menu, not by actually tracking what you're wearing.
  12. The link subaverage gave looks like it should work. I've been using Unified Clothing Overhaul since 2016 and consider it a must-have mod for Fallout 4. It does a lot of enhancements to clothing and gear (including letting you dye armor or make it invisible), but it also removes the underarmor slots from vanilla clothing which allows you to wear armor over it.
  13. This playthrough I decided to try out Ada (the robot NPC follower) using Servitron instead of Ada2Human. It (she?) is pretty friggin' cool this way. I'd had the mod installed for years but didn't try it until now. (I have a film with her in the Supporter section if anyone is curious, but even though it's safe to watch, by Nexus standards it might not be.) Anyway, I forgot how obnoxiously close she follows. I haven't done the Ada quest in years, and now I remember why. She keeps walking up my butt while I'm trying to loot, constantly getting in the way of my scavenging and dead body searching and even sometimes walking in front of me just as I'm sneaking up on enemies. Does anyone know if there's a way I can adjust her to follow at a much greater distance. If it requires changing something in FO4Edit I'd be okay with that. Thanks.
  14. That's so interesting. Last playthrough (yes I started a new one a day or two ago) that's the location I picked for my settlement as well. I'd test your mod (which looks gorgeous), but I don't have Settlement Transfer Blueprints. Also my new playthrough is trying out the High Heels Training which makes her walk very slowly *laughs* But I just stopped by to mention your blueprint looks gorgeous
  15. Also if you got settlers from a beacon or random encounter, you can change what you got by using the "recycleactor" console command on them. It'll erase whatever items they have in their pack, but it will give you a fresh random roll on what type of settler it is. For instance, if I get a ghoul in a non-Slog settlement, I generally do the recycleactor until I get something I'd like. So the reverse works as well, doing recycleactor on a human until you roll a ghoul.
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