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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. Very cool, I second this request, I would like to see the bullets in boxes instead of the shells.
  2. You might have a corrupted save but I can't explain why there's the black screen and laughing. No one has ever reported such a thing before. Sorry to say but your save game is gone. You may try these methods then re-test your save game: 1. set your monitor refresh rate to 60hz 2. lower all of your graphical settings to minimum 3. updating your video card and sound card driver 4. can be heat related, make sure CPU temperature is not higher than 55C when you play.
  3. It might be .net framework related. Download the latest one from windows update, it should fix the problem.
  4. Please post your load order. (Open up Fallout Mod Manager, click load order on the top, then copy to clipboard and paste it here. Do you play with mods? Are you using GOTY Edition?
  5. Ban Ancient Aeon for spelling and typing my screen name wrongly.
  6. How do you plan on compiling all of the realism mods together? It will most like be more than 500mb, then you won't be able to host it on Nexus anymore.
  7. Fallout 3 by itself is not a buggy game at all, neither it is unstable. You're running too many mods at a time. Try running only 1 overhaul, then you'll never see CTD's again. For a start, try removing all unofficial patch, use the official 1.7 patch.
  8. It is not a dumb question at all. Go to the main site (DragonAgeNexus/Fallout3Nexus/etc...) to download files, not the forum. You'll see a files button in the middle of the page usually, click on it and select the file you want to download. Remember, you must log in your account for the main site in order to download files.
  9. Have you tested with a new game? There's a possibility that you have a corrupted save game, you're able to load it but crashes after a few minutes or seconds.
  10. I loved civilization 4, will totally get this. Hopefully it'll turn out better than expected, I don't really care much of the graphic's since it's more of a board game.
  11. I'm not a fan of Dr.Who and your ideas are so so... Good luck finding a modder to do all of these for you. :)
  12. 2) Common problem with Fallout 3 mechanics. Download and use this mod, it will greatly decrease those but will still happen occasionally. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=311 For the first and third, I agree with evilneko.
  13. The only way for you to know if it is totally mod related is to uncheck all of your mods, then start a new game. If the problem still persists, then it's not mod related.
  14. Nope... Pre-war money is considered trash in the original game. Unless you're using this mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10314 Now you can use pre-war money to purchase weapons.
  15. I've never encountered such a problem before. Did you toggle and apply archive invalidation after installing the head gear mods?
  16. A huge project for a modder to tackle, a whole team of modders would need to be assembled to get this done. Even for the short request, it'll take a few months to get it done. Good luck getting modders to work on it. Just for your information, you cannot use songs from the 70's if you were to distribute this mod. They're still under copyright. As a general rule of thumb, 50 year rule on copyrited material is used. That is the date of the music was created.
  17. Try using this: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8886 - Fallout stutter remover It also depends on the mods you have, if you run a few overhaul mods at the same time, then it'll still pretty much lag even if you have a better system than the current one. Lower your screen resolution and turn of vsync. Set water reflection quality to medium and turn off soft reflection. Fallout 3 does not support Crossfire dual ATI cards, read this: http://ve3d.ign.com/articles/news/42840/Fa...t-3-Performance A lot of the in-game graphics cannot be changed with the start-up menu, I suggest using this as a guide and tweak the .INI file to your liking. Use this as reference: http://www.tweakguides.com/Fallout3_1.html
  18. Does this happen to other games on your PC? Try updating your graphic's card driver.
  19. You need to toggle and apply archive invalidation for new meshes/textures to show properly. For the FEM voice, you need to double click the "you must run this for ap to work.exe" before placing the sound folder into your Fallout 3 data folder. For the speed mod, remember to only check one only.
  20. Make sure you do not set it more than 6. Otherwise it might spoil your card.
  21. Yes, it does help but only minor. But if you want a real difference, then try these: Fallout stutter remover: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8886 If you're using Nvidia graphics card, go to Nvidia control panel and set Maximum pre-rendered frames to 6 or less (default should be 2) Turn water reflection quality to medium and turn off soft reflection, you won't notice any difference but it helps reduce lag. Lower your anti-aliasing and screen resolution too if possible. Try not to use more than 1 overhaul mods at a time, will drastically increase lag if your rig isn't up for it. Make sure your CPU temperature has an optimum temperature of 48C to 55C when you play, if it crosses over 60C then it'll definitely lag and cause CTD.
  22. Fallout3.esm EVE.esp SpeedMod-WalkFast.esp (Inactive) * This mod does not exist in the current template SpeedMod-WalkFaster.esp (Inactive) * This mod does not exist in the current template SpeedMod-WalkFastest.esp (Inactive) * This mod does not exist in the current template SpeedMod-WalkRunFast.esp (Inactive) * This mod does not exist in the current template SpeedMod-WalkRunFaster.esp (Inactive) * This mod does not exist in the current template SpeedMod-WalkRunFastest.esp * This mod does not exist in the current template MaxLevel30.esp (Inactive) * This mod does not exist in the current template MaxLevel40.esp * This mod does not exist in the current template EVE Operation Anchorage.esp ! This plugin depends on master 'anchorage.esm', which is not loading Requires Anchorage.ESM sc_buying_slaves.esp * This mod does not exist in the current template Do you mean exnem bodies (Exnem's Fallout 3 Nude Body Replacer v1.1.0.fomod)? Where is the clothes mod? It's not showing on your load order, that means you didn't place the mod files correctly to the Fallout 3 data folder. For the increase walk run speed, it shows that you've activated it, there should be a difference. Is that your full load order? At the FOMM menu, at the top click load order, then copy to clipboard, then paste it here.
  23. What's the real problem? You can't start the game? Crash to desktop? You do know that the load order report from FOMM is not accurate and pretty useless right? When it shows (inactive) means you didn't activate it thus won't run the mod when you start the game, * The current load order of this mod does not match the current template ( doesn't mean anything as long you check it at the load order menu, it will surely run). Just ignore all the * messages. If you can start the game without crashing to desktop, means your game is running the mods perfectly. By the way, what you're trying to do right now isn't called "modding" Fallout 3, it's more of getting mods to run/checking your load order. To mod Fallout 3, you need GECk and a lot of patience/understanding about the game mechanics/scripts.
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