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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. I might have found a possible solution to fix the FOMM start up problem. You need to install microsoft dotnetfx 2. Download and install this: EDIT: http://www.microsoft.com/NET/
  2. You do not need to reinstall the game again. Now that you've reinstalled, straight away install FOMM. Do not install all the piles of mod at an instant. Slowly pick the one that you want (I recommend installing DLC's first then overhaul mods first), install the mods one by one and start the game, see if there is still CTD. The important thing is FOMM, you must be able to start it.
  3. Can you start the game after a clean reinstall? No mods running, just a simple game start.
  4. Dune? The real time strategy? Collecting sand spice for money? I used to love that game.
  5. Just place all of your companion mods before [X] Mart's Mutant Mod.esp. Before an overhaul mod. The final one would be T.R.A.S.C.H. Example: ...(.esm files should be way above) --------------------------------- ... ... ...(other companion mods) Sharing and caring.esp T.R.A.S.C.H.esp Mart's Mutant Mod.esp
  6. Nope, no such sniper yet being modded. If you want to make that, you'll need some basic modeling techniques. You also need a program called Nifskope. You can find all you need to know here. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope http://www.fallout3nexus.com/articles/article.php?id=26
  7. You might need to start a new game, your old save games might not work anymore.
  8. Blackouts under XP - taken from http://www.nma-fallout.com ------------------ If they only happen infrequently, you might consider ignoring the problem. If you bring a new screen with the 'C' or 'P' key and close it again, it will have wiped the blackness off the screen. This can reduce the problem to a minor nuisance. OK, let me clarify things once and for all for those who are having problems launching the game or having blackouts in the game under Windows XP. Now, there is a workaround thats gonna cause a bit of inconvenience but it works for many old games including Fallout 1&2. There is an option in XP in your hardware>device manager that allows you to disable your video card - do it! (dont worry, you will still be getting descent graphics), then restart your computer, close all your background programs on the taskbar(optional) and voila! Note: This solution was tested only for ATI Radeon 6500 and 9000. Also, if you need any patches(like "children fix" for UK version), some info or tweaks then check this site (http://www.teamx.ru/eng/files/utils/index.shtml) I found this great article on how to optimize Windows XP by trimming some fats off it Check it out, Its a life-saver (http://www.3dluvr.com/content/article/123) You can try turning down the amount of hardware acceleration on your computer, which can be found at Desktop -> Properties -> Settings -> Advanced -> Troubleshoot. Try different settings on the hardware acceleration slider and see how they work. Another thing you can try is adjusting the priority of the Fallout process. To do this, alt+tab (if this doesn't work, skip this step and just press ctrl+alt+del, which should minimize the game and bring up the Task Manager anyway) out of the game while it is running and press ctrl+alt+del. In the Windows Task Manager, click on the Processes tab and find the Fallout process, it will have 'Fallout' in the name. Right click on the process and choose "Set Priority" adjust this and see what effect it has on the game. You can also try what helped a previous user by the name of duc: Disable AGP Fast Writes in the System bios: this is usually under chip set or PCI settings. Disable AGP Write Combining: For the Latest Nvidia Forceware Drivers this is under display properties -> settings tab -> advanced -> troubleshooting and may only show up under certain hardware / driver combinations Disclaimer: These tweaks may only help certain hardware / software combinations, the result for me was improved fallout 1 stability and a reduced number of blackouts. Both of these settings give only a very small performance boost (~= 1%) and can have nasty system stability side effects so there is really not much reason to leave them on. Here is a thread about running the DxWindow application to avoid blackouts. http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=39638
  9. So far I don't think there's such a mod for Fallout 3 yet. I think it's less interesting to decorate in Fallout 3, but it's totally different in Oblivion. Fallout 3 has junk clutters while Oblivion has lots of cool clutters for you to decorate. Maybe that's the reason it hasn't been made. Would you rather decorate your house with tin cans and scrap metals or shiny colourful awesome glass potion bottles? :rolleyes:
  10. Nope, it's not too late to join. Just PM Pushkatu. This has been going on for about a month I think, the number of votes are still the same. (+1-1).
  11. Another one of my latest creation. http://img138.imageshack.us/img138/8839/zeldam.png Edit: Sorry for double post, won't happen again.
  12. Hmm... I think I know where he got the metal clank from. Here: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=23 - Realistic Gunshot Sounds The shotgun sound is from this and also the bullet impact. If you dislike the weapon sounds then don't use it, just use the impact sounds. You should hear it now during V.A.T.S. I'm also using this mod, so that's the reason why I couldn't tell with the vanilla one.
  13. Erm... without any mods. Are you sure you don't have those in your game? Power armor already has the reflect bullet effect.
  14. Armor/clothing mod rarely crashes the game. You might have a corrupted save game, having that many mods can do that to your save. Try starting a new game and test if the problem still persist (the waiting crash bug).
  15. Patch the game to official 1.7 patch and you don't need the unofficial ones anymore. Try removing the perk first, see if it still turns into a bloody mess. Player.removeperk 00094EBA. These 2 might not be compatible with each other, unless they're from the same mod and officially confirmed to be compatible by the author. realisticdismemberment.esp unbloodymess.esp Try using one of them only.
  16. When did this started happening? Did you install any new mods recently?
  17. It is not compatible with FOOK then. There's a possibility that XFO is not compatible with FOOK. I'm not using FOOK, so I can't test for you. You'd have to play the game without XFO.
  18. There's a possibility that XFO is not compatible with FOOK. I'm not using FOOK, so I can't test for you.
  19. Most likely your end because it's rare for members to report issues like this. But a few days ago there's a person from Sri Lanka reporting the same issue and it was his ISP's cause, not relating to the site. Try using a download manager to download instead of the default Firefox/Explorer downloader.
  20. You can only use it up until Operation Anchorage only if I'm not mistaken. If you run other DLC's then it wouldn't be compatible.
  21. Yes, that would be pretty cool. I second this request. But I think it would lag the game.
  22. Firstly, disable the unofficial patch. You don't need it anymore since you're using the latest 1.7 patch. You can test the game out by dying without using bullet time, see if your save game is still affected.
  23. I'd have to disagree with you there. Not all of us want that, it's just not logical that when you're wearing tight leather armor or vault suits then it'll jiggle away. Vanilla female NPC wear undershirts. Anyway, I don't have a clue whether it is possible but I really hope so because lots of us are waiting for animated clothings/hair that flow with the wind and physics.
  24. I asked the moderators to move this thread to the request section, it should be there. It has been suggested before, I think it is not possible due to current limitations of FOSE. I'm unsure though, let's let the script modders comment on this.
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