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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. Might be a mod conflict, please post us your load order and the type of FO3 that you own, is it GOTY Edition or the normal one?
  2. Murlock99 has been banned. No point bumping on this thread.
  3. Fallout stutter remover: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8886 Better performance for older PCs - no blur effect on hit: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3674
  4. You just need to learn how to search for mods. Here's one that totally changes AI, combat is much more realistic and tactical with this. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6492 - Combat enhanced tactics
  5. Your wish is granted for once, yes, for real! You can type really fast but you just don't notice it! I wish to have my ex-girlfriend back. Lol! ;D
  6. Hello there! Nice to meet another fellow Chinese on NexusForums.
  7. 1) No, you don't need it anymore since you're using Fallout 3 GOTY edition, just download the official 1.7 patch. 2) I've personally used FOOK before but... I removed it since there's too many stuff that I dislike than like. It comes down to personal taste, for a new player, I do not recommend FOOK. I use other overhaul mods. Play without any mods in your first game. 3)It is not included in FOOK (I'm unsure of the latest FOOK version, someone correct me if I'm wrong), you need to download and use it. Not everyone uses Fellout, I do not think it makes the game look better but it totally destroys the game's atmosphere, I love the green tint. Also comes down to personal taste, if you like the green tint, then don't use Fellout, if you dislike the original green tint, use Fellout. 4)You only need A) B) and C). You don't need the unofficial patch, read no 1). 5)Most of them aren't included in FOOK. There are plenty, try searching top endorsed files in descending order in each category, you'll find the best ones including graphical enhancements, but here are my favourites: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10607 - dynamic weather http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=5420 - depth of field http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=555 - atmospheric sun glare http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=774 - terrain pack http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=101 - enhance blood texture If you want better sounds, try out my mod. The link is at my signature. 6)There are bonuses to "good" and "bad" replies. It depends on the conversation and the character. Having different conversations may even lead/unlock further conversations. If you want to play as a good guy, reply nicely, vise versa for the opposite. Have fun playing Fallout 3!
  8. Hi! Love your Fallout 3 mods!
  9. Hello there and welcome to NexusForums. I'm Chinese too! :biggrin:
  10. Try to use this console code. "movetoqt" without the quotes, that should move you to the next destination of your current quest that involves Dr.Li. Hopefully you'll teleport to her instead of Rivet City, maybe she's stuck somewhere or even stuck in Rivet City.
  11. Load order seems to be fine, did the crashes started happening only after adding MMM mod? You must toggle archive invalidation if you were to play the game with mods.
  12. GECK tutorial for world spaces. http://geck.bethsoft.com/index.php/Category:World_Spaces You must understand and read that first before making any land in GECK.
  13. AWE mod hasn't been active for months... He said someone was taking over his project, since months ago, but still no news/progress from the guy.
  14. "If you go back to the vault after escaping Raven Rock you'll see the door they came through is now open, leading to the main vault door. Beyond the vault door is just a brown void, however. A few hallways before the GECK chamber. There's this intersection with three doors, this is where they knocked you out. On your first time going through the Vault, one of these doors was locked, requiring a key. It should be open if you go back." Taken from gamespot forums.
  15. I've been waiting for that mod for a long time now and it's still hidden from public's view. I can't really help you out there since I have no experience with scripting but I will wish you good luck. Currently DC area is just too packed up by mutants, need patrols. I have a suggestion, maybe you could add some DC survivors/rebels (not sure if it's lore friendly) that wear common ragged clothes with pistols/rifles that's working with the BOS to get back the area/to survive in DC. They'll be a weak bunch but that's where the fun comes from, it'll be much of a warzone at the DC area now with more variety.
  16. When I installed MMM the first time, I had floating dog eyes. So it's a very common problem. I fixed it by re-installing the MMM mod, but this time... I do not drag and drop the whole data folder into Fallout 3 install directory. I copy them one by one, example copy texture folder first, paste. After finishing that, I copy meshes, paste... This is to make sure all files are transferred. If you copy and paste the whole data folder, some files might not be transferred, also common problem with big mods. Also remember to toggle archive invalidation after you reinstall.
  17. Lol, 600 clicks to be exact for me until I killed the boss.
  18. Here's another alternative. You could PM the author of Fallout 3 re-animated. He's an excellent animator too. You could request a barrel down animation, I know lots of others have requested that from him too but I have no idea what he told them though. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7670
  19. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3808 The link to the patch, make sure you make a backup first. It is not guaranteed to solve your problem though, but wouldn't hurt to try.
  20. What version of Fallout 3 do you have? GOTY Edition or the normal one? Have you updated to the latest patch which is 1.7 (not so important because I'm still using 1.1 and Amy works fine). There might be mod conflicts, Amy has different outfits (non-vanilla ones). Post your load order for us.
  21. Alternate Start - Roleplayers - choose yourself to be a raider/be in the raider faction http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1784 Sharing and Caring Companions - lets you recruit anyone (By being a raider in alternate start, raiders are friendly towards you, you can recruit them but NPC's shoot on sight) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2399 Or you can try this one Armor Disguises Updated (not so stable though) http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=772
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