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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. They are compatible with steam version, you install the same way as non-steam version. Extract mod files to here, C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\fallout 3\Data(mod files here). If you don't have the data folder, just create it yourself.
  2. If you have a premium account, you get faster download speed.
  3. Looks like Kazaburo hair style. Ashara's hairstyle is meant to fit default races and not custom ones. If you can't resize the head in the game, you need to get into GECK and resize it.
  4. I've been using 85 outfits mod for more than a month now and trust me, it's not that particular mod that causes the nakedness. I used purge cell mod, slept in Paradise Fall's barracks, exit the barracks the next day and "boom" everyone was walking around naked. Disabled it and loaded previous save game, tried to duplicate problem and no nakedness.... Not sure if you're using purge cell buffer mod, if so, disable it.
  5. Your post is actually quite controversial. Not everyone shares the same believes as you do. I agree with Ancient Aeon, not a good topic to discuss about.
  6. Have you checked out the links he posted? He's looking for another version of pipboy for the wrist, not a PDA.
  7. Please post a picture of it. Clip as in? Custom hair clipping is a common issue. Try resizing your character's face, either through G.E.C.K or Pinkerton from Rivet City.
  8. I would love to have the Force Commander's thunder hammer replacing the vanilla sludge hammers that actually blows enemies away upon impact.
  9. Your load order seems to be neat and tidy. Try disabling all unofficial patches, then check if the problem still persists.
  10. Never seen them before on Nexus Forums.... Why not just PM the uploader and ask?
  11. Please post your system specs, have you tried the radio stuttering fix mod?
  12. What's doing the same thing? People skating or CTD and can't start?
  13. I remembered someone was working on a mod that allows you to glide, it's suppose to go with the batman suit mod. So... you might need to wait a while until it's released.
  14. Ok first of all dumbass, I reinstalled the game BEACUSE IT WAS HAPPENING BEFORE I REINSTALLED and you can't seem to figure out that I didn't have enough time to sort the mods when I posted the load order. Chill, don't let others get on your nerves. Check your other thread that you posted, just follow FOIP then you shouldn't have a problem.
  15. Awww... come on you guys, stop the fighting. And mechine, you've been really helpful so far in the forum but can't you keep everything briefly, maybe like less than 10 sentences, I'm sure many would rather not read through all those. You can use this as reference to fix and check your load order. http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4968 There's no other better reference than FOIP.
  16. Moderator said there's no need to move it to the Druid's Garden, signatures aren't related to that section. Edit: Been moved to Druid's Garden. Ignore my previous sentence.
  17. I will PM the next moderator I see to move this thread to the Druid's Garden. "Hmmm... Guys, do you think it would be a good idea if we had a Sigmaker's Guild Thread or something either here or in the Druid's lounge for this? It seems to make more sense." If someone does make a Sigmaker's Guild Thread, please don't create it here or start the topic in this thread, make a new one at the Druid's lounge. Edit: Already PM a moderator to move this.
  18. This is the only way to add mods into Fallout 3. Either manually or through Fallout Mod Manager. Read this please, it has everything you need and should need to know: http://planetfallout.gamespy.com/articles/...-Mods-for-Newbs Has pictured tutorials.
  19. Well, I'm still learning one day at a time, slowly improving in time. thank you for the feedbacks.
  20. I see, thank you so much. Actually you get more than just my thanks, you're the person that actually inspired me to make signatures. If it weren't for all the signatures you made for some of the members here, I wouldn't even bother spending so much time on improving my photoshop skills. So, you deserve to feel absolutely proud. :thanks:
  21. Type "ShowNameMenu" without the quotes in the console. As for the weapons, you need to get into GECK.
  22. You can try to update your sound card driver, see if that helps.
  23. Thank you so much for your kind words. :smile:
  24. It is not a load order problem, if it's a load order problem you get a CTD right away. Show us your PC specs and also how long until you experience long loading time (after how many hours of playing the game)?
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