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Everything posted by Alastair91

  1. You may try these: Cinematic Dialogue HUD http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11165 Cinematic Dialgue HUD is compatible with Darn's UI. MTUI http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43 For MTUI, you must uninstall Darn's UI first before installing this, it's a totally different hud mod.
  2. Then have you tried downloading the latest video driver?
  3. Please post your mod load order if you play with mods.
  4. You can try loading them both, WMK and 20th century mod, if your game CTD's means they're not compatible, if they're compatible you should be able to play the game fine. If the case that they're compatible and you get to run the game properly, I do not think you can modify the 20th century weapon with WMK.
  5. Erm... What do you mean by "control what my character is wearing or not"? There's 2 types of Exnem's, one with underwear and one without.
  6. No problem. I think you're the person that awarded me the kudos, thank you so much!
  7. Sorry, I meant compatible with each-other. I see... "compatible". These are the only ones: Weapon Mod Kits - Wattz Laser Weapons Addon http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4781 Weapon Mod Kits - Unique http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4643
  8. When in game, press "Esc" to pause the game and go into menu, there should be a DUIF3 button right at the bottom, below the "quit" button. Click on that and a new menu will show up, then just turn off the things that you don't want. http://img713.imageshack.us/img713/3286/screenshot32.png http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/6823/screenshot33.png
  9. Well, good for you. :biggrin: Reading your post reminds me of all the fun time when playing Oblivion and Shivering Isles. Countless hours just sitting infront of the computer, collecting gems and carrots. Lol (I'm serious).
  10. Alright, thank you so much for the answers. Finally got to clear something off my mind. ;D
  11. Bans Thor for wondering why Pronon was reported.
  12. Try downloading 1.5 patch. http://www.thewitcher.com/community/en/news/918.html
  13. Yes, yes, YES. And thank you for coming forward; as much as I love being ignored and presented with a million retextures, I was looking for your mod. I liked it enough to have it among DaC's recommended mods. Would you allow DaC to host it, and update it when you release a newer version? I would like to have a look at it too. By the way, what is this DaC?
  14. Leliana: Maybe we could get you in a nice dress one day. Silk. No, maybe velvet. Velvet is heavier, better to guard against the cold in Ferelden. Dark red velvet, yes. With gold embroidery. It should be cut low in the front of course, we don't want to hide your features. Morrigan: Stop looking at my breasts like that. Tis most disturbing! :D Funny stuff!
  15. Remaking the model would mean remaking all in-game outfits too. Would be a tough job for one to do that. For me I think they look just fine, just my opinion.
  16. Granted, the answer isn't 42 but 24. I wish Heavy Rain would be released on the PC.
  17. Awee, don't worry, you'll still get a kiss from for participating and for your existence! ^_^ <3 (Unless you don't want it x3 ) How are you going to give them kisses? :unsure: Virtual ones like this? "XOXOXOXO" o_O
  18. Try moving all your .esm files near the top of the load order.
  19. Here is the mod: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=586
  20. The mod would be Epic if someone did successfully make this. A drawback though, players will get bored with it quickly, too repetitive. I've always wondered why NPCs never really buy any stuff from merchants, they'll just be walking around in the shop, sit, walk out. Same goes for Oblivion.
  21. I do not think that is possible. It's because Fallout 3 is made as a single player game only. It does not and will not have multiplayer functions. But... you can check out Project V13, it is not out yet. It's an MMORPG set in the Fallout universe. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Project_V13_FAQ
  22. You're posting it at the wrong section. This section is for spoilers. http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showforum=284
  23. :closedeyes: That saddens me a lot...
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