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Posts posted by antonkr

  1. Long distance relationships almost never end well. Friendships? Yes. Relationships... well it depends on how much you are willing to trust the other person. I would never go for it personally.




    A good rule of thumb is to never start a romance with someone whose problems are greater than your own.

    This is very important also. You might not realize what you are getting into, with the mistake causing a verrrrrrrrryy bad break up.

  2. *SNIP*


    Won't work. With our all-volunteer military we have now, we are still running short on soldiers for the field. Programs like "Stop-Loss", and extended tours of duty in warzones was the result. Our soldiers are already suffering from long, multiple deployments, and if we had fewer volunteer soldiers, and the draftee's were not to be deployed overseas.... it would only make the problem worse.

    Then why don't we stop deploying, minus the international US military bases we have, which is considered US territory.


    Well, for a time there, we had a couple wars going on..... we are down to one now.... more or less....


    Quite frankly, I am of the opinion that we shouldn't have been in either country in any event. Iraq was not a threat, and we went to war based on lies, manipulation, and false information. We went to afghanistan ostensibly to get one guy.... but, seemed we enjoyed overthrowing legitimate governments so much, we wanted to do it again. Or, at least, some folks in government wanted to.


    The US needs to STOP playing at world police. We simply can't afford it, and honestly, we suck at it. Iraq is degenerating into a sectarian civil war..... and once we pull out of Afghanistan, it will go right back to what it was when we left..... with the addition of once again being the worlds largest exporter of opium.

    That's the problem. It isn't in our interests, whoever if you ask many Iraqis most would say that they are happy that America got involved, and like it better now.

    However this really shouldn't be our problem. We got enough of our own s*** to shovel.

    Back to the topic

    If we didn't get involved as much as we did, I think draft would be pretty damn amazing. I mean look at Switzerland, they pretty much got it right.

  3. *SNIP*


    Won't work. With our all-volunteer military we have now, we are still running short on soldiers for the field. Programs like "Stop-Loss", and extended tours of duty in warzones was the result. Our soldiers are already suffering from long, multiple deployments, and if we had fewer volunteer soldiers, and the draftee's were not to be deployed overseas.... it would only make the problem worse.

    Then why don't we stop deploying, minus the international US military bases we have, which is considered US territory.

  4. As an American, a draft into the United States military would be in the longterm, one of the best things we can do.

    It will teach beyond what any classroom can.

    All Americans will learn lifelong essential skills, such as communication, marksmanship, fitness, and most importantly leadership.

    A trained 'fit-for-service' type of Army would make it possible to cut down on the costs of our military right now.

    It can transform whiny, obese teenagers, who will be sitting their *** on welfare into adults America needs.

    Finer details

    >6 month training, including these skills, and of course skills needed to defend the Constitution of The United States of America.

    >Upon completing the training, and background checks, you will receive your military, current standard issue rifle. (if needed only semi-automatic)

    >For the next 2 years you must report to a military outpost, monthly for equipment, rifle condition check.

    >Yearly retraining, to adapt to new military platforms.

    >upon two years of service you keep all your equipment, and the rifle, provided you went to all the mandatory check ups, and after a post-service background check.



    >as a draftee you are never to be deployed outside of the United States.

    >There is still the usual non-draftee army for actually being deployed, just less of them

  5. What about option 5, I don't like the MMO and I don't like TES, so I don't care? It will end up as a grind MMO anyway.


    @nyxalinth: People say cartoony because they can't say their real thoughts. Same as consolised or dumb-down or anime, they use ad-homumes and straw-man arguments to make a point. What they really want to say that the textures are not too detailed and the characters are pasty.

    Is it wrong to ask for realistic looking visuals? Or are devs going to be NONONO GUYZ YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ITS ART STYLE! translated to, we are using a crappy engine that cannot do anything better since we are too poor.


    Art style =/= cartoony. Art style is the general direction of the game, while the engine is how the game is rendered. If the engine cannot render things properly, then you have the whole "cartoony thing". You already know TES' general art direction or art style, but you hate how it's rendered in this MMO. And frankly I don't care, it's an MMO. I don't expect much and the cost to generate that much detail will have to be factored in their budget.

    It shouldn't be an excuse to not push technology to it's limits. Even for an MMO.

  6. What about option 5, I don't like the MMO and I don't like TES, so I don't care? It will end up as a grind MMO anyway.


    @nyxalinth: People say cartoony because they can't say their real thoughts. Same as consolised or dumb-down or anime, they use ad-homumes and straw-man arguments to make a point. What they really want to say that the textures are not too detailed and the characters are pasty.

    Is it wrong to ask for realistic looking visuals? Or are devs going to be NONONO GUYZ YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ITS ART STYLE! translated to, we are using a crappy engine that cannot do anything better since we are too poor.

  7. F04 won't be a good game at all. Obsidion (or however you spell it) makes the games fully now, whereas Bethesda can only publish it. NV was alright, but it had to many bugs that needed attention. The choices offered in the RPG aspect of the game were all small, you had very few choices. They also turned the story too fast, first you're looking for revenge then suddenly you're determining the fate of New Vegas. I'd expect more in the middle before you begin to take sides.



    FO4 will be the same, Bethesda needs to drop out of the series and focus more on their games (like Skyrim and the upcoming Dishonored) so they'll be better.




    Obsidion only rushes through the games, attaching the same engine the last one used and not going through it and editing. They're the only game company that is still using the same engines over and over (COD finished recycling, Treyarch got a new engine for BO2, so don't even go there). I'm not buying a FO4, it'll use the same engine as Skyrim or the engine Oblivion used because they can't gather the willpower to make their own engine for a change.

    Obsidian did a much better job in creating a better game then Bethesda did with 3. For once the game had actual gameplay without fake weapon accuracy shooting around your target. Yes some things were bad, but mostly it was a welcome improvement

  8. I hated that in fallout 2, was a pain in the ass, turn based dont work any more, no one wants to take 20 mins just to fight 4 dudes.


    Turn based works just fine, as for the combat speed all the devs have to do is to add options for controlling combat speed, just like they did in Fallout 1 and 2.



    i still fail to see the point in going backwards with a game. Turn based isometric games have no relevancy any more, there old, clunky and not to pleasing to the eye.

    And you are the reason for the developers to say "We want to appeal to cawadoooty audience"



    Simply because of the genre of Fallout. It wouldn't be any fun without some American 50s references and such. Plus more people play it in US then Canada, and US culture is more widely spread making it relate to much more people then if it was canadian. Although if you think about Justin Bieber ghoul, I would buy a Canadian-setting fallout game any day :D

  9. Doesn't surprise me. The British Government wants to pass a law to force ISP's to keep tracks and store records of our internet usage in much the same way and to be able to access who you are speaking to and when, what websites you visit and so on, WITHOUT WARRANT. Of course, they say they will need a warrant to actually read your emails, Skypes and PM's. Yeah yeah, we believe you, not. Never trusted them since my firewall once showed me I had been pinged from an address in Cheltenham. I am clearly a subversive since I protested against the hunting ban. (Yes, I know, is likely a coincidence and not GCHQ at all...isn't it????)


    Good luck with getting your Bill in the US kicked out, I suspect the ISP's here will probably tell this Government the same as they did the Labour one when they tried it, which involved an expression that translates as "Go away".

    Well considiring the fact that the British government bans pretty much any way to defend yourself, and you have to be 18 to purchase a plastic knife, I am not too surprised.

  10. i'll pay/donate

    Firstly this is something we tend to not do on the site. Paying for a mod really isn't right and most likely isn't completely legal.


    Secondly this requires a LOT of animation work. Just getting them to actually swing seems to be quite hard without it looking silly.

  11. So F-35.

    A stealth aircraft that cannot be stealthy enough


    I have no idea where you get that fact from but it's quite wrong.


    A fighter that is not good enough to be a fighter


    I have seen the released specs and it's capacity to perform a CAP and win is beyond dispute.


    A CAS that is not good enough to provide CAS

    And more importantly 25 Billion dollars



    The F-35 is a fifth generation ATF fighter, the development of a new generation is what costs money, subsequent aircraft will utilize the advances and be slightly cheaper as was the F14's to the later F-18's.


    What do you think? Worth it, or will more waste of tax-payers money?


    Air superiority costs money, we have been drawing down our forces, so we actually have fewer in inventory than 20 years ago. The current analysis estimates that the F-35 will be competent at a 1 to 5 ratio in combat. For honesty sake I'm biased being a former aviator and like having a cutting edge technological advantage over an enemy in actual combat. If you want air dominance in the future then that does not come at discount prices.

    I did see a lot of data saying that F-35's stealth is simply said, not nearly as good as F-22 and of course not even talking about B-2s.

    But with carrier operations is it being VTOL even that important? And the regular non-VTOL version already seems to be having trouble http://www.navytimes.com/news/2012/01/dn-design-blamed-for-f35c-tailhook-issues-011712/

    The question really comes out to if it is trying to do too many things at once.

    I can't see how an F/A-18 cannot do as much if not better then what F-35 is doing already, and of course let's not forget about the recent upgrade to the workhorse A-10, with the C upgrade.

  12. So F-35.

    A stealth aircraft that cannot be stealthy enough

    A fighter that is not good enough to be a fighter

    A CAS that is not good enough to provide CAS

    And more importantly 25 Billion dollars

    25 billion dollars spent so far on it


    What do you think? Worth it, or will more waste of tax-payers money?

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