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Posts posted by antonkr

  1. I recently got access to the beta. It's actually really cool. I bought a game on it, tested the chat features out, and stuff like that. I don't know if its all that useful for buying games, because I hardly think there'll be a situation when I'm too far away from my computer but absolutely have to purchase a game at that exact second.

    Who knows? Maybe some extremely short sale? :P

  2. Incorrect.


    Weapons manufactured and registered prior to May 19th, 1986 are exempted from the ban on civilian ownership. They still require a tax stamp and owners must be vetted by the ATF and receive the permission of their local head of police(Chief of Police or Sheriff). The vetting the ATF does is simply a more stringent background check like you one you have to take when buying any weapon minus a carry license.



    Unfortunatly those with a fully automatic weapon know of this, and aren't giving them up for a small price ;)

  3. I dont want every rotten punk running around with an m60.


    cant happen. fully auto guns are illegal. regardless....if you have a handgun that misfires and shoots two bullets, you can get into a lot of trouble for that.


    but that right there is what people seem to get in their heads. if everyone could carry a gun, youd be the sensible one and just have a regular 9mm or what have you, while the mean ppl would carry AK-47s and RPGs.

    Please quit saying that. Fully automatic weapons are NOT illegal in the US. You can buy ANY fully automatic weapon manufactured/imported before... '86? I think it was, free and clear, no issues. Otherwise you just need licensing from the ATF, which isn't all that complicated, just takes a lot of time, background checks, and makes you subject to a questionably legal search at any time the ATF so decides for any reason the ATF so decides, but I've never been searched and I've had mine for a few years, and make purchases regularly.


    However, you can get bump-fire compatible AR-15, that essentially allow extremely high Rate of Fire on a semi-automatic, simulating fully-automatic fire, that technically isn't fully automatic fire. It's the closest thing to a loophole that the gun world has to offer.


    Also, 'mean people', as you said, already carry AKs and RPGs. Cartels, the big gangs in the US, they have this stuff. Not en masse, mind you, but they have it. As for double-feeds, if that happens... you should definitely have your gun checked, because something is very wrong, or you tried to make some illegal modifications and failed.

    Regardless, legally acquiring a full automatic m60, would not really be something that rotten scum can do. Probably wouldn't even be able to feed it much either.

  4. So are they no longer planning on releasing mod tools?


    I don't know about that yet with their post launch talk.


    But most know how 'post launch' promises are a vague area.

    It will be like Battlefield 3.

    "err guys like the community umm wants like mod tools, so can we like implement them"

    "NO! Our master EA wants more money, so we must make DLC!, and no, no mod tools for no one. END OF LINE"

    "Alright, I'll just tell them that we are thinking about it, maybe more people will buy it"

  5. Yes really.


    Even by that map.



    Calls us an open carry friendly state, but it means carry in your car in the open, (which means bullets have to be away from the gun).


    I can carry my gun on the seat next to me, but I have to put the bullets in the trunk.


    That's not strapped to my thigh in public.



    Now you boys have fun with your pipe dreams. I'll leave you to them.

    At least maybe have some respect for people that actually do conceal carry? In many times they save lives. I do agree with open carrying. I find it rather silly for someone to be walking with a pistol holstered and visible to the public. It at often only escalates bad situations. The surprise factor of someone conceal carrying is amazing, and it does not spark the usual idiotic response of people who have never heard of 2nd amendment

  6. im sorry. to me RPG means i can customize my character any way i want. make an in game personification, a hero, a villain. what have you, where possibly decisions matter...i dont however want to play a game where the highlight is trying to find an egg for breakfast. where i legit take it day by day. where many days, nothing can happen...and i especially dont want that to happen to FallOut :P

    Except that's not what he meant at all?

  7. I'd like to see a fallout about just trying to survive day to day life. Raising up through the ranks of being a simple villager to something more. Be a petty robber, store owner, sheriff, good guy, bad guy, ect. Make travelling further away from a city more dangerous and increase the gloomy look of things. A fully explore-able city controlled by mutants or some unfriendly group where being caught at the wrong time means a firefight that gets harder as time goes by because of reinforcements. IF you're a known member of a city have it where other factions will retaliate against you or the city for wrong doings you or the city do to that faction. Have random events where raiders or mutants siege cities for their own gain/needs and you have the option to start a rebellion. I WANT A SIM FALLOUT MUWAWAWAWAWAWAAAAaaaaa


    way to much Role Playing and not enough action/adventure (and possible lack of story)....for my tastes that is

    I think there is a reason it's called an ROLE PLAYING GAME and not a shooter.

  8. You people seem to forget that it's the bloody same company that made Skyrim. And guess what. Skyrim made a LOT of money. A LOT of money. They have more then enough to make a successful Fallout 4 sequel. And if my silly perdiction is not correct, then they may indeed be working on it now, but I honestly doubt that it's past initial design/being discussed really.
  9. It seems people think of self defense red tape. When really if someone points a knife at you, even if you live in a country with 'silly' self defense laws, I would worry about it later. All I really would want would be to stop the attacker, worry about red-tape later.
  10. the next Bethesda studios fallout game within the next 5 years will not be an mmo because its not possible. if somehow BS wanted an to make a FO game in mmo within the next five years they would need 100 million to start and start hiring like crazy. simply note that mmo's are not made in secret they're too big to hide. nobody will ever reveal an MMO in compete secret for the foreseeable future.


    however i think fallout 4 will have some kind of co-op


    Blizzard's Titan project could be an MMO (not sure if theyve said otherwise, last i know, it was completely unknown what it was)


    and yea, FO4 will not be an MMO. it will be just like FO3 (just hopefully with the Creation Engine)



    Bethesda just just won the rights back to the FO MMO, there is no way they could start that MMO now and have it out any time soon. i dont even think its a project they are putting much thought into atm. i think they just wanted the rights more just so nobody else made money on the FallOut title over the fact that they wanted to make an MMO.

    Well Skyrim was rather successful, and they did get rights for it. And like I said, just my prediction. They might follow the same formula again to get money, or they might not. No one really knows. Oh and not in a long time it won't be even announced. There are still quite a lot of Skyrim DLC's and expansion packs to go. Who knows who knows. Just my wild guess. :rolleyes:


    wait. why are we bringing up Skyrim? :P

    Because it was made by Bethesda and it has everything to do with Fallout games? Look at the bloody lockpicks!

  11. the next Bethesda studios fallout game within the next 5 years will not be an mmo because its not possible. if somehow BS wanted an to make a FO game in mmo within the next five years they would need 100 million to start and start hiring like crazy. simply note that mmo's are not made in secret they're too big to hide. nobody will ever reveal an MMO in compete secret for the foreseeable future.


    however i think fallout 4 will have some kind of co-op


    Blizzard's Titan project could be an MMO (not sure if theyve said otherwise, last i know, it was completely unknown what it was)


    and yea, FO4 will not be an MMO. it will be just like FO3 (just hopefully with the Creation Engine)



    Bethesda just just won the rights back to the FO MMO, there is no way they could start that MMO now and have it out any time soon. i dont even think its a project they are putting much thought into atm. i think they just wanted the rights more just so nobody else made money on the FallOut title over the fact that they wanted to make an MMO.

    Well Skyrim was rather successful, and they did get rights for it. And like I said, just my prediction. They might follow the same formula again to get money, or they might not. No one really knows. Oh and not in a long time it won't be even announced. There are still quite a lot of Skyrim DLC's and expansion packs to go. Who knows who knows. Just my wild guess. :rolleyes:

  12. Wait for a few DLCS few expansion packs for Skyrim then maybe we'll get an announcement. The announcement might be a bit different then many of us expect. And I have a prediction (which hopefully won't be true) for what will be the next Fallout game. :rolleyes:




  13. Wow, defending a break-in with a sword, talk about excessive force............

    Since it was a clear 'touch' without a riproste I believe that was worth a regulation point, though if we are going to be picky it was outside of the standard competition target area but well within legal dueling limits, though if memory serves I did bypass the formality of announcing 'en garde'. :whistling:


    No, I understand the necessity of your actions; after all, you don't know if he's armed or not.

    Yes anyone should be allowed to own a gun, as many of the police forces should be trained in riot control to counter a civie on the loose with a firearm.


    That statement is just full of fail:


    1. Just because you're trained for an emergency does not mean you want one.

    2. Riot control != controlling a crazy guy guy with a firearm(s).

    3. Riot control is a special division within the police force.

    I think the term used might be not correct it gets the point across. Picking on it is the fail here.

    Police in United States are trained with their weapons and shoot to like someone said before stop their targets.

    As for weapon ownership, yes. It should be allowed. Not only does it teach people how to use a firearm which is the weapon of the 21st century. (who knows when that might come in handy), it is also a great hobby, great way to protect yourself and a great investment.

  14. Gotta love American suburbs.

    Neighbors are generally nice. I have a Marine veteran on the left. A quiet Russian family on the right. Another very great elderly neighbor across from us.

    We even clean snow for each other, with pretty much the first one to wake up to clean most of it up (usually not a problem with snow plows).

    It's just a generally nice enviornment and only one incident happend, which was more funny then unsettling. But well I am more or less okay with a Marine veteran getting out to drink then confusing his home for mine, resulting with him sleeping on our couch :biggrin:

  15. soo all you guys (not talking those on this thread specifically, talking PC players in general) do is complain when a PC game is ported to consoles and it ruining the games, and consoles in general ruin the PC games....but now your begging to have a console game ported to the PC?.....nice bit of hypocrisy right there.


    already played and beat the game, so i could care less if it gets ported.....i highly doubt it will though. if anything you will see a Demon Souls 3 come out for all platforms.


    also note, petitions dont exactly work, at least not with From Software....the Demons/Dark Souls community had a petition to get the servers back to the way they were before in Demons Souls (the way they are in Dark Souls, ruined the game imo), and it was never changed. and we are talking a petition directly from the community, on the official forums.


    That is all.

  16. snip

    Look at success of most over ambitions projects. Rebuilding Morrowind is impossible. Unlike with being employed to do it, people will want to do some things one way, while others the other way, which will throw the team apart and the whole project will become an utter mess, and all the work will be wasted into nothing.

    Best way to prevent this is to rely on yourself to know that you can do more than 80 percent of the project.

    Have good organization which is utterly hard with a big project.

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