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Posts posted by antonkr

  1. Since you have over $2000 to spend on it I would definitely check out the soon to be released Sager 9270. It starts around $2200 but it is a really powerful laptop. Here are the starting specs:


    Intel Core i7-3820 Processor 3.60GHz-3.80GHz (Yes, its a desktop ivy bridge!)

    8GB Dual Channel DDR3 SDRAM at 1600MHz

    Nvidia GeForce GTX 675M GPU with 2GB GDDR5 Video Memory

    500GB 7200rpm SATA 300 Hard Drive

    8X DVD±R/RW/4X +DL Super-Multi Drive


    You can make changes to it like a second hard drive(or even a third), second gpu, and even a 6 core desktop processor. It has a 17.3'' 1920x1080 screen on it also. (The downside is that its one really heavy laptop :laugh: )


    Here is a link to the American site with pricing: Sager Laptop (America)

    I am not sure about Australian resellers but there should be a couple.

    Can I ask with a powerful nVidia GPU such as GTX675M in a laptop. How does this thing operate without setting the house on fire?

  2. Pointless.

    Good luck getting any REAL US intervention. He did not violate our economy, our security, nor anything that would have US hunting for this guy. If they really want, make their own army and find the guy, US is not getting involved in this past some 100 military advisers. We have no business going there.

  3. doesnt work that way. Ownership does not affect respawn, respawn affects respawn. And that is insid ethe objects properties, which i do not believe you can change during game time.

    I am not familiar with the scripting engine, but isn't there a script for it?

  4. I don't think they'll be doing a Fallout 4, though I have to admit, I wouldn't mind one. Fallout has been known to run off of a TES engine.... or the other way... idk.... but Skyrim's engine wouldn't fit a Fallout game, so they'd have to completly recreate one, and Bethesda HATES doing that.


    Err why not?

    Fallout Alaska much? Do you even know what a game engine is :psyduck:

  5. If I side with the Imperials, I'm siding with Thalmor. And I really HATE those things. They do those epic robes dishonor.


    If I side with the Stormcloaks, I can get a wicked awesome crown for keeps.

    Except that Thalmor want you to join the stormcloaks so Skyrim is weak and easily captured. Durr :psyduck:

  6. The distance from a planet to the sun can't affect very much.


    There's still another planet closer, and it maintains itself.


    Earth could still be hit like Venus, no matter what the distance from the sun.


    Um, no.


    One degree closer to the sun, our oceans would boil. One degree back, they would freeze. Distance does matter. In fact, it matters a great deal.




    You are aware that the Earth has an eliptical orbit, right? It's distance to the Sun changes all the time. We would have to move A LOT to burn up or freeze.









    And by his logic a minor earthquake would cause 2012 :biggrin:

  7. Cooking misfortunes? Oh I have a lot of those :biggrin:.


    1. Exploding apples: Once I thought it would be cool if the apples are warm (since it was freezing outside) so I stuffed a couple of them into a microwave (I was 12). After they were done I went to take them out and as soon as I opened the door one blew up and the others a second later. I had to clean the whole kitchen after that but at least I learned I shouldn't put apples into the microwave.


    2. Exploding eggs: The same as the above but with less cleaning.


    3: A burning chicken soup: Well, it turns out you shouldn't let the chicken soup boil for 3 hours. I went to see my friend and I completely forgot about the soup. When I came home, all I saw were flames coming out of the pot.


    4: Carbonized chicken: I was making several meals at the same time and I forgot about it. I realized something is wrong when my stove started smoking but it was too late, the chicken was destroyed.


    5. Electrocuted sausage: The power went down and I was hungry, so since I went to school to become an electro-mechanical technician, I decided to bake a sausage on a car battery. I stabbed it with two forks, attached wires to them and hooked it up to the car battery. Nothing happened for half a minute so I decided to go to the bathroom and it should done by then. When I came back the sausage looked weird, it was charred where the forks were and the rest of it was bloated up and deformed. But I made the second sausage perfectly.


    6. Diarrhea mashed potatoes (my favourite): My father asked me to make mashed potatoes for lunch. And so I did, but they were a bit unhealthy. Since there was not enough water in the pot I added more water. Ice cold water. So the potatoes came out raw (I don't know is that the correct word) and they took extra effort to finish (I had to use a blender to make them edible). I was eating lunch in the restaurant that day, but the rest of my family ate at home so they had some stomach problems.


    And the list goes on and on, but I think this is enough to show that cooking is not one of my talents.

    Note to self. If werne somehow becomes my roommate. Don't let him cook. :biggrin:

  8. Hello, I am still very much a beginner in modding, and I mostly make or edit player housing

    In Skyrim I have read and re-read the tutorial for navmesh, and easily made it in my interior house however in the exterior in which there are stair cases, I really don't know how to go with it. Would I have to mess up the original Bethesda nav mesh outside to edit in my housing? Because it seems rather implausibly as of right now, as the navmesh passes through the solid house.


  9. How would I edit the Proudspire Manor so it only shows the items after you have all the upgrades?


    this is what it looks like now



    It's not exactly something you can do with a click of an option. You have to actually have a script for it. How about salvaging the existing upgrade script?

  10. Lol yes that would be the change :whistling:

    Nah just kidding.... :whistling:


    Please vote for me :sad: it seems I'm losing votes ??

    Don't worry! Next election you are being assigned voted fairly on to become president. Just give time until summer to make it a year.

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