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Posts posted by antonkr

  1. So, from what I understand, people are not upset that the elves look different from humans, but because they can't adjust them enough to satisfy their own personal aesthetic tastes?


    ... Working as intended. To go back to my real-life race example -- you can change the hair all you want, you can throw makeup on them, you can do whatever, but nothing's going to stop a white guy from having white guy facial features, nothing's going to stop an asian girl from looking asian, etc., NOT WITHOUT ARTIFICIALLY MODIFYING THEM (mods).


    Can't get the elves to fit within your realm of looking good? Then you might as well ask for Bethesda to have an option to remove fur from Khajiit, or scales from Argonians. The inhuman eyes and the face shapes, I can not emphasize enough, ARE NOT AND NEVER WILL LOOK HUMAN (with the exception of abortive travesties like Oblivion's models or mods) BECAUSE THEY ARE DEFINING FEATURES OF THE INHUMAN RACES OF "MER", and I wouldn't have it any other way. Does this mean you can't get it to fit within your ideal of beauty? Then I guess tough s***. Saying Bethesda should change the race to, I don't even know what... have smaller/more 'human' eyes, reduce the brow ridge, etc.? Or having sliders to that effect? That's bulls***. If those stand between you making an attractive character, good on them, I say. That just means that they did a bang-up job of making a race that, for SOME PEOPLE, will never look 'human enough' -- and, as I said all those posts ago, this is exactly the point. You are 'racist' insofar as you don't like the made-up race of the Mer. Before you start with the "HURR PERSONAL ATTACK XENOPHOBE DURR", I'm racist too because I don't like the looks of Klingons on Star Trek. There's nothing wrong with disliking the looks of a fantasy race and, indeed, that means the creators made it exactly the way it should be.

    congratulations on your first kudo. You made me regain hope in humanity.

  2. I must argue against the purists' responses:

    Quest marker can be turned off.

    There are a lot of creatures. Morrowind had more but there was a lot of basically the same thing.

    The quests aren't all repetitive: I've only had to go into 1 dungeon for quests, and ice don't lots.

    Stats: they're pointless. Nuff said.

    Come back when you played the game for more than 2 hours. :hurr:

  3. *snip*

    There are no pointless debates other then those where people try to push their opinions upon others.


    I would like to edit that face on your screenshot....smooth it a bit make it younger what are my options?

    Your options are mods, since the general public does not care much for how their characters look. And if you really wanted to you could even in vanilla.

  4. Wow talk about not reading prior post or missing the point.


    Have fun children I have said all I can on this subject.

    If you want elves to look like humans with pointy ears and flawless faces, feel free to mod it. Just don't ask Beth to do it. I know you are saying that there should be a way to make them look pretty but that's what mods are for. Beth had a more interactable char creation in Oblivion yet, everyone still looked exactly the same.

  5. I thought pointless debates only existed in "Mod author's" :rolleyes:


    Here we have a Dark Elf from Morrowind.

    Notice how he doesn't look like a doll, nor does he look like he has 1 ton of make up on. He looks how Dark Elves were MEANT to be looked by the lore.

    Here we have a Dark Elf from Oblivion :dry:


    Note how this looks almost nothing like Morrowind, and looks more like human than an elf. Of course being a dark elf, it shows the darker skin and red eyes as their significants BUT it is not the case with other elves that looked like humans. I mean I couldn't tell the difference in Oblivion if the person was Imperial or an elf. They didn't act differently, they didn't talk differently, and weren't treated differently.


    Now we are going to Skyrim


    Notice how the Dark Elf doesn't look like he has a ton of make up on, and guess what it resembles? Morrowind!

    This game was SUPPOSED to be more dark, and characters were supposed to have more "dirt" on them, and not look all exactly the same.


    If you want go ahead and install your sexy 5 tons of make up mods on, but if that was in the original I would not enjoy it. I am playing this game to have fun and explore, not to look at my character's face for half an hour each day.

  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQysdRTDIYE

    I am quite sure it was a more or less normal group, but the reason they were hated, was because they were obnoxious on internet boards, and especially on one of the more popular chan boards. It became in a way an annoyance for those that wanted to discuss what they usually discussed on the certain board, and by first looking at the people an image they created of themselves it was easy to see the hate source.

    Oh and also, the video. Whatever you do, DON'T bring anything like this to public. No one cares if you are a furry, a brony or whatever. Keep it to the part of the internet where it is acceptable and that's it. :facepalm:

  7. My biggest complaint:

    Linear dungeons :wallbash:


    Minor complaints.

    No blocking while dual wielding

    Very few houses, but could be fixed with mods

    Companions still stupid, but at least more dynamic than before.

  8. Skyrim is not dumbed down. It doesn't have pointless stats. Or pointless numbers. It has a lot more depth than Morrowind or Obliion combined, but for the misguided fool it may seem that fewer pointless numbers or stats mean the game is dumbed down. It's actually much deeper and more time can be spent ENJOYING the game, not the most pointless thing and something that I simply couldn't give a sh it about: the levels. I don't know what level I am. I just immerse into the world and if you'd stop trying to play it like dungeons and dragons or world of warnerd you'd be able to play 100hrs and have just breached the surface of things to do. Not levels to complete, but adventures.


    Classes are pointless too.

    All it is is purist fever: the core fans hate change and if it ain't a reskin of the favorite it's not a true sequel or is "dumbed down" as many purists are saying about Skyrim.


    Same problem in any game community. I played morrowind lots too...great...in that level never cared about my level, and there was so mug less depth than oblivion. If you stop caring about the useless: levels and numbers and text, you'll see Skyrim kicks the sh it out of morrowind.


    You know mate, that's a bit unsubtle, but I have to agree with you. Its shameful how many PC gamers treat their console kinsmen like second class citizens, the level of elitism is appauling. Frankly I sometimes feel ashamed to call myself a PC gamer simply because of how abnoxious the vocal PC gaming community is. Console players are gamers to, calling them the usual tropes of "idiots" or "casuals" just proves PC gamers are a pack of repulsive hidebound elitists, and makes me feel ashamed to identify with them, no matter my almost exclusively PC playing background.


    Consoles are gaming for the masses, and as far as I'm concerned, that's entirely a good thing. More consoles = more gamers, more gamers, more profit in the industry, better industry = more games, more games, more fun. Treating console players like the spawn of all evil, acting as if ownership of a PC somehow maks you superior, and spouting endless garbage about how consoles are "ruining" the games industry is just shameful. We're all the same at a core level-we all love games.


    And the other thing to remember is for some, ownership of a console is not a choice-a gaming PC is a lot more expensive than a console, and a lot of people lack the quantity of spare time needed to make their own. So, consoles attain some popularity by selling to those who cannot afford a PC. Console players aren't "12" or "a bunch of idiots" console games aren't "dumbed down for idiots" If anyone has a problem it's the PC community, who's elitism and willingness to attack people for difering likes or choices is absolutely shameful.


    I miss the days when, a hella long time ago, being a PC gamer actualy meant something. Yes, a long time ago we were the elite, but not anymore, most gaming PCs are simply treated like consoles now, and so few people build their own rigs that they may aswell be another console. Yet the elitism remains, and has grown even stronger, and to be honest, I'm sick of it, when you badmouth a console player to seem cool, when you tell someone they're an idiot because they're too poor to buy a $7500 Alienware, all you do is drag the repuation of my beloved platform through the mud. It's like bogans-they drag the Australian flag through the mud by wearing it as a cape. :facepalm: For shame.

    I am sure you would be saying things differently if you knew what Oblivion was supposed to have and didn't due to XBox 360.

    And PC gaming in general is cheaper than console gaming. You seem to forget that for work/school/internet you still need at least a 400 dollar more or less decent computer. With an average console costing about 200, you can either have a shitty comp and a console, or a decent comp for 600.

  9. Well lets see... the humans are perfectly fine, save for some weird odds and wrinkles, which were easily fixed with Gimps' blur tool.


    Argonians are awesome, though I'm disappointed that the females still have breasts when they really shouldn't.


    Khajiits look cool. Now our favourite kitties can have some individual variation! Yay!


    Orcs are awesome as well. No longer look like the lime green clay I made for a history class project, now they look like some ludicrously sexy beasts!:wub:


    Elves, however... Bethesda made a big blunder here.


    Dear God, they've made elves so ugly it's unreal. I think the way they looked in Arena/Daggerfall/Morrowind/Oblivion was perfectly fine. Why the heck did they have to go and make them look like Klingons? Seriously, those rubber forehead aliens ceased to be attractive or even remotely likeable back in the 1980's.


    I'm upset. In Oblivion elven men were smoking hawt... now... well... it's the opposite.


    Thankfully some talented modders fixed the issue with the wrinkles and plastic foreheads, but they still look pretty homely. I pray they release the CK soon. I need to fix this so bad. :(

    There's your problem. People actually look realistic for once. In Oblivion everyone looked pretty, even if they were in a Daedric death camp for 6 month. Oblivion elves were horrible.

    Really? I thought everyone looks damn ugly in oblivion.

    Both ugly, and unrealistic. Everyone looked like they had 2 pounds of make up on. :facepalm:

  10. Well lets see... the humans are perfectly fine, save for some weird odds and wrinkles, which were easily fixed with Gimps' blur tool.


    Argonians are awesome, though I'm disappointed that the females still have breasts when they really shouldn't.


    Khajiits look cool. Now our favourite kitties can have some individual variation! Yay!


    Orcs are awesome as well. No longer look like the lime green clay I made for a history class project, now they look like some ludicrously sexy beasts!:wub:


    Elves, however... Bethesda made a big blunder here.


    Dear God, they've made elves so ugly it's unreal. I think the way they looked in Arena/Daggerfall/Morrowind/Oblivion was perfectly fine. Why the heck did they have to go and make them look like Klingons? Seriously, those rubber forehead aliens ceased to be attractive or even remotely likeable back in the 1980's.


    I'm upset. In Oblivion elven men were smoking hawt... now... well... it's the opposite.


    Thankfully some talented modders fixed the issue with the wrinkles and plastic foreheads, but they still look pretty homely. I pray they release the CK soon. I need to fix this so bad. :(

    There's your problem. People actually look realistic for once. In Oblivion everyone looked pretty, even if they were in a Daedric death camp for 6 month. Oblivion elves were horrible.

  11. the way i see it you're either VERY misinformed or a troll, pick one.

    I thought it was quite funny! I had a good laugh, it's all in good fun. All in all, Skyrim will be a great game, I feel it's okay to poke fun at things once in a while. :tongue:

    Is it just me or does the TES community have the worst sense of humor ever. Seriously.

    Look who's talking. The article was amusing, perhaps you're the one that has a troubled sense of humor? You might be a fanboy, perhaps that's why you didn't think it's funny?

    I meant as in people not understanding the joke and taking it seriously. :psyduck:

  12. the way i see it you're either VERY misinformed or a troll, pick one.

    I thought it was quite funny! I had a good laugh, it's all in good fun. All in all, Skyrim will be a great game, I feel it's okay to poke fun at things once in a while. :tongue:

    Is it just me or does the TES community have the worst sense of humor ever. Seriously.

  13. I don't agree, the TRUE way to play Skyrim is to play it without a computer and go to Alaska with nothing.

    The true way to play Skyrim Elite master of extreme badass and awesome.

    Things you will need


    *a computer capable of running at freezing temperatures

    *a generator.

    *A map of Alaska

    I will leave it to you to figure out your task

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