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Posts posted by antonkr

  1. Many of us are still playing the game for the first time BUT I challenge YOU to play this game the way it is meant to be played

    Things you will need


    *A notebook

    *a physical Skyrim map (either printed or the pre-order bonus works)


    The challenge is to disable the HUD and not use the map nor the journal, but instead use your physical map, and write things down manually on your journal.

    You must also eat and drink at least once a day. (going near a water source counts for drinking)

    Sleep for at least 8 hours at least once every 3 days.

    You must NOT use any resources during your quest other than the physical map and your journal.

    You cannot use fast-travel and no caravan travel either.

    You must also shout at your monitor every time you say a shout in game

    I am doing this next time I play Skyrim hehe

  2. ... *Noms Raspberry Trifle* ...

    I'm on a Minecraft 1.0 survival server right now.


    Skyrim can wait... Minecraft is a far superior game.


    "Minecraft had dragons first :3 Skyrim just copied" <- I'm waiting for those kids to start rolling in :P



    That news is so old my grandma doesn't talk about it anymore :P

    Your grandma is probably quite cool to be playing Skyrim eh?

  3. ... *Noms Raspberry Trifle* ...

    I'm on a Minecraft 1.0 survival server right now.


    Skyrim can wait... Minecraft is a far superior game.


    "Minecraft had dragons first :3 Skyrim just copied" <- I'm waiting for those kids to start rolling in :P


  4. NPC gold and weight of Dragon junk is rather annoying. If I want to sell off some dragon loot for the best price, I have to visit 2-4 vendors.

    Not going to spoil for you, but you don't really want to sell dragon bones :rolleyes:

  5. I hear some people say yes and some say no. I was hoping for being a large modding community someone actually has some kind of information some code they seen or functions they played with or something that indicates this. At this time this game really really blows for organization. I have 100's of items stored into my chest AND OMFG SOMETIMES I click take All Button lmao ohhh man :(

    We didn't get creation kit yet. This will be my first mod probably

  6. a lot of complaints I've seen aren't legitimate at all. No hot keys, for instance. Page 7 of the manual tells you how to assign hot keys. Like the guy on the first page who said he wants to use a mouse, it seems like people just want more of the same, and not necessarily because its better. The current UI is a lot more efficient than previous elderscrolls games if you take the time to get used to the keys. Maybe it could have been better if designed specifically for the PC, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with it the way it is now. Other complaints I've seen are more of the same: reduced # of skills and things like that that have been cut. All things that we've known about for a while and most of which are highly opinionated gripes anyways. Again, change = bad for them. I wish the graphics could be better too, but it WAS a console port. I'm glad it looks as amazing as it does. Unless you put something up in your face, the textures aren't gona look bad at all.


    As for me I have no real gripes. The game could have been set up to tweak a little easier for people who don't know about the ini or how to use it. But other than that I am 100% satisfied.



    Forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't it called The Elder Scrolls? The same franchise? The same series of games...Oh no no no, it would be completely wrong to have more of the same indeed.

    So you would want an exactly the same game that looks exactly the same with barely anything new added to it. We have CoD series for exactly that.

  7. spill coffee/mead/wine on it and microwave it dry, that always helps to "age" maps.


    Kidding of course, you can if you want but I haven't tried it on one of these maps (yet).


  8. 1. Is this game similar to fallout 3? I loved that game.


    2. Since I never played an elder scrolls game, can you give me the basics to the story and gameplay briefly?


    3. Is there a main quest in this game or is it just do what you want?


    Thanks for answering!

    I would suggest also reading about what happens in the previous elder scrolls games but it's not necesssery

  9. <br>How the hell were you carrying 2000 rounds?! The standard box size for my countries army is 200, so by those numbers you would have been carrying a whopping 10 boxes of rounds. Which kinda means you'd be too loaded to stand, let alone walk.<br>
    <br><br>200 rounds of .223 caliber (5.56 mm) ammo weighs around 6.2 pounds, add a decimal point (for a total of 10 drums) and you have a full load out. I carried between 4 drums on me (and one on the weapon) and the rest in my battle pack which I carried on me most of the time. Didn't have to move very fast most of the time, but then again, I got used to it quick. Total battle load ( most of the time) was about 120 pounds of added weight to my frame of 220 pounds. (Including water, night vision, etc.) When I mounted the Humvee to slide into the turret, the whole vehicle would rock in the direction I came up on. Depended on the mission. I have pics of me carrying my full load out and usually a .50 BMG on my shoulder just offloading the Humvee from a mission. It was not easy and it took its toll on me, I will admit.<br><br>To antonkr:  Actually, it was the way we did it. If you were qualified on any machine gun, you got stuck in the turret for patrols. For dismounts and assaults, I was on the ground like the rest of the grunts with a backup (who carried an M4) in the turret. The longest "march" I did in country was a night insertion that was 5.72 klicks from our drop off point. Got to the village, reconned it and then boot scooted to a  Humvee pickup point 1 klick out.<br>Here is a funny story, I tripped going into a house in a friendly village. It took 4 guys to pick me up and place me on my feet. lol<br><h4><a href="user/1025971-antonkr/" title="View Profile"><br></a></h4>

    I don't see how it still would be wise to have one of the most important people on a fireteam in the most dangerous position. As far as I know automatic rifleman is easily the most important person on a fireteam. I'd much rather lose a guy with an M4 to a sniper than a guy who knows and can operate an automatic weapon.

    I am not too familiar with most real world tactics, (mostly ArmA 2) but I don't see how that would make sense.

  10. I used to carry an M249 with 2000 rounds (on me) with a M9 on my thigh and running either a M2 .50 cal or a M240B in the turret of the humvee. (But when we deployed, they took away my C4. What a horrible thing to do to a Combat Engineer! lol)


    How the hell were you carrying 2000 rounds?! The standard box size for my countries army is 200, so by those numbers you would have been carrying a whopping 10 boxes of rounds. Which kinda means you'd be too loaded to stand, let alone walk.

    I don't think it's very likely a gunner on a Humvee would also be the one with a squad automatic weapon.

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