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Everything posted by antonkr

  1. I would probably agree. Battlefield 3 is a very well developed platform EA/DICE have spent millions of dollars on. No way they will ditch it any time soon for sure.
  2. Maybe in a few thousand years there will be a mod like that
  3. I want Mass Effect Omni tools :D
  4. look for a pretty non populated planet to call home. Id to be honest rather stay home. Space sounds depressing and lonely.
  5. i don't know if they'll do a Bad Company 3. It seems rather unlikely actually. I am more expecting the support for BF3 to last for about 2 or 3 years with quite a bit of expansions. I don't think they'll make another game within a short time for sure.
  6. The reason digital distrubution costs as much as it does on disks is because the company distrubituning if it's a third party company (example being Skyrim for Steam), Valve in this case would take some of the money from the sale and give it to them, and eat some of the money you used on Skyrim for lunch.
  7. Yup, you might have to get a proxy for this. Which may not really be a good idea.
  8. But this isn't a sequel to Bad Company 2. It's a a sequel to Battlefield 2, it plays and feels more like Battlefield 2 then Bad Company 2. It is exactly what it is supposed to be.
  9. You bought it and burned it because you didn't like the campaign. :facepalm: Campaign in a Battlefield game
  10. Correction: Cover Destruction. Only objects like concrete blocks and sandbags can be destroyed. You still cant blow a hole in a random wall. And the reason CoD games have little bugs is because its same s*** different disk sort of deal.
  11. Calm down guys. This is indeed a Battlefield game, and Battlefield games are known for having buggy terrible releases. Every single one was terrible on release. 1942, 2, BC2, you name it. And Bad Company 2 is considered casual by most BF2, and even more so BF2 Project Reality guys. Battlefield 3 is a great balance between Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 2. Bugs? This is Battlefield after all, and DICE have never got a good release right. But they did what they could best. Patch it, and patch it and patch and patch it. There are many things in a Battlefield game that can go wrong, and there is no good way to ever make it right the first time. If you think about it you must consider bandwith, releases, balance, huge maps. There's too much for even a public beta to notice fully.
  12. UberKommando for PC. Finishing up with the campaign, then gonna get a headstart with co op weapons for multiplayer. I mostly play support and engie.
  13. Firefly is quite amazing. This was good too!
  14. Try the email form. Doubt you will reach Mr. Howard but http://www.bethsoft.com/eng/contact_email.php I asked them about a tour, and got politely rejected. :biggrin:
  15. What the title said. Do you own any firearms? Do you use them for target shooting, home defense, hunting or other (wonder how many hitmen this site has)
  16. No matter how much you disagree or dislike the person, ffs let the person rest in peace. Obviously, everyone overreacted at his death but you are going way above the line here.
  17. If the bomb is armed and the attackers tickets reach 0 at the time it is armed, they can still win, as long as the bomb isn't disarmed.
  18. Heh, maybe luck will be on my side and won't have to spend another 60 bucks on a pre-order. On both currently :D
  19. That isn't really the case. Would you want to live a life in which you have experienced pretty much everything? Think about it like playing Oblivion for one million hours. Of course in real life things will be created and things will be changed but, by the time you are 1000 you would be able to gather insane amount of knowledge no one else has. Most likely you will get a lot of money eventually and whats next? Just sit in your mansions, knowing that your wife will die and you would have to stand that for eternity? And would you really want to be the smartest being on Earth? Would you want to try to educate a kindergarten class why the shouldn't pull each others hair and punch each other?
  20. It has been explained how easily this could have been done as a trick and I personally did it. :facepalm:
  21. RIP :( He made a contribution most of us really take for granted.
  22. I never really managed to get into the game for some reason. I guess I started playing too late.
  23. Nah The only reason I like suits is because I wear them rarely. If I wear it more then 3 times a year then I start hating them.
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