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Everything posted by IxionInc

  1. VNV Nation, Further At the end of days, at the end of time When the Sun burns out will any of this matter? Who will be there to remember who we were? Who will be there to know that any of this had meaning for us? And in retrospect I'll say we've done no wrong Who are we to judge what's right and what has purpose for us? With designs upon ourselves to do no wrong Running wild unaware of what might come of us The Sun was born, so it shall die So only shadows comfort me I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me Each day shall end as it begins And though you're far away from me I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me The Sun was born, so it shall die So only shadows comfort me I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me Each day shall end as it begins And though you're far away from me I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me Without a thought I will see everything eternal Forget that once we were just dust from heavens far As we were forged we shall return, perhaps some day I will remember us and wonder who we were The Sun was born, so it shall die So only shadows comfort me I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me Each day shall end as it begins And though you're far away from me I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me The Sun was born, so it shall die So only shadows comfort me I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me Each day shall end as it begins And though you're far away from me I know in darkness I will find you giving up inside like me ***************************************** Clutch, The Mob Goes Wild Please allow me to adjust my pants So that I may dance the good time dance And put the onlookers and innocent bystanders into a trance Give disease so the swine who marry and propagate lies. Tough luck for elected officials. The beast you see got fifty eyes. Bring it on home, spread the wealth. Play it cool, the hand's been dealt. Now, all the odds are in our favor. Save the victory speeches for later. Streets on fire, the mob goes wild,wild,wild. Streets on fire, the mob goes wild. 21 guns, box made of pine, letter from the government sealed and signed Delivered Federal Express on your mother's doorstep. 21 guns, box made of pine, letter from the government sealed and signed Delivered Federal Express on your mother's doorstep. Condoleeza Rice is nice, but I prefer A-Roni. And that man on the T.V. who speaks to the dead, you know that man's a phony. Everybody move to Canada and smoke lots of pot. Everybody move to Canada right now. Here's how we do it: Bum rush the border guard before he and his dog ever knew it. Streets on fire, the mob goes wild,wild,wild. Streets on fire, the mob goes wild. 21 guns, box made of pine, letter from the government sealed and signed Delivered Federal Express on your mother's doorstep. 21 guns, box made of pine, letter from the government sealed and signed Delivered Federal Express on your mother's doorstep. Well alright. 21 guns, box made of pine, letter from the government sealed and signed Delivered Federal Express on your mothers doorstep. 21 guns, box made of pine, letter from the government sealed and signed Delivered Federal Express on your mother's doorstep.
  2. The beginning is ready, and you two are held captive, tied to wooden stakes, in an Alagoi sacrificial ceremony. You have no weapons, as your gear had been taken by the Temple witches. You are also tied up with Khale Stormstrike, my gambit character, and are about to be cut with a hunting knife.
  3. Oh, you'll have defenses, and it's not like I'm going to be putting you all in someplace dangerous like the belly of Archaon or anything, but I'm not going to be putting you anyplace safe either. Anyway, i'll think up a perfect starting place in this universe of mine, but, all these ideas and thoughts cloud my control, and it might be some time for me to think of a good place to start, and a good scenario.
  4. Okay, since nobody but you two have applied, I'll begin development of the beginning setting.. Should be up monday at latest. If anybody else wants in, they will be redirected here to apply. May the skies watch over you all!
  5. Yes you CAN! You are now enlisted to help liberate Anchorage soldier!... wait, wrong accent, but yes, you are in the que for it. Now I just need three more people, preferably not stealth-based chars, since Khale Stormstrike will be making an appearance. And I mean, that if I haven't trusted someone in this RP enough to promote them to DM when i'm gone, then a mod will elect one. Hopefully that won't happen, but with the possibility that my grades might be slipping, I might be in the doghouse for a few weeks, especially near the end of the school year.
  6. Point taken, I was trying to keep it balanced by having two skill points to each player to spend, since the skills have a 10 point maximum, but i'll raise the skill cap and give 5 points instead. Also, you are on the checklist of peeps to join in on the realm of Aeros! :biggrin:
  7. Hi all, this would quite possibly be my first RP made, so please don't flame me. Hopefully I will use the setting continously as well. My plan is to have an RP set in a semi Steampunk world called Aeros, where two empires of magic and tehnology are starting out, and fighting for territory. I am planning of having a group of about 5 or 6 people, because if I had it to be a free-for-all, it would get confusing for me to remember people. So that means, once that number of *proper* character sheets are posted, the sign-in is closed. -Also, I would prefer to have *Active* players, because I hate waiting for the next post, the suspense is always excrutiating. -If a player signed up for this RP, and does not come on within two weeks, he will be removed, and another spot will be open. Rules *************************************************************** ******** -If I do not post a comment or am not active for three weeks, I Have Fallen And I Can't Get Up™. So therefore, a moderator can crown someone else as a new DM, as long as he/she keeps the RP within the boundaries. -Absolutely no exploiting the Circle.. (maxing all points, saying your a ninja with 1337 skillz just to max kinetic.) -No god modes or items. The people have enough to worship, especially with war hanging over.. -Literacy plz? I know people mess up, but please, make an effort to at least get the words capitalized.. D: -There is no controlling other players. That means, if you are attacking someone, you "attempt" to attack them, giving them a chance to dodge and whatever, and it gets rid of the whole "Nuh-uh, I dodged out of the way before you hit me!" bull**** -Also, I dont really mind swear words, but please keep it in moderation. I think thats all I need to cover. *ahem* Anyways, now for the setting.. **************************************************************** ******** The story unfolds in the Realm of Aeros, home to the Ixionian Empire, named after their god Ixion. They are masters of machines and the skies. But the world also holds the tribes of the Alagoi, worshippers of the god bearing their same name. They are masters of magic, drawing their powers from the earth and magma. The Ixionians are Victorian style, and use electricity and tesla coils for weapons/power/light. The Alagoi tribes have Aztec-style buildings, and use complex grids of magma energy for power. These empires are fighting, vying to eliminate each other, so only magic or science shall reign. Also, there is rumor that a race, far off into the north, past the continent of Asilon, worships Archaon, the stitch god, and are extremely cannibalistic. The other realms will be revealed in the RP. Aeros is home to three gods; Alagos, lord of the eyes, master of flame, and the serpent king. Ixion, the Thunder steed, Stormbringer, and god of intellect. Then finally, Archaon, the Death Ray, a giant manta ray that circles Aeros, and holds in his stomach, the city of the dead. Archaon is also known as The god of Stitches, as he is pieced together from dead stars.. Enough mythology, now on to character creation. ************************************* "All things in this universe are bound by The Circle, even gods." Skill Tree- The way it works is each skill goes on an axis, in ranges from 1 to 25 and every skill has an opposite, except for Willpower. Basically.. *Kinetic: Kineticism is being able to use your muscles and strength to alter your abillities. Being like a ninja or whatever, if you are high in this skill, you can leap over buildings and smash through walls. Kinetic opposite is Mental. *Mental: Mental is altering things with your mind. Moving things with your mind, telepathy, and premonitions. Mental opposite is Kinetic *Willpower: Willpower, the middle of all skills, is using your Will to alter yourself and other people's thoughts. Having strong willpower is being able to heal your wounds with a thought, resisting pain, and bending people to your will, like a Jedi. Willpower has no opposite..yet.. *Magic: Magic is changing the laws of nature to your whims, basic wizard stuff, blah blah.. Magic opposite is Science. *Science: Science is using the laws of the world, and devices to enhance your powers. Craftsmen use this skill, to make guns, explosives, jumper cables, and can even use chemistry to change matierials. Science opposite is Magic. Races: Any races that are human are preferred, however, since I have convieniently made the main setting, Thunderflint Harbour, a trans-dimensional city, any race is accepted, so long as it seems like they have stumbled out of a portal or something. Classes: No real rigid class structure here, just pick a title (samurai, magician, thief, ninja, beast, etc.) and put points into whatever skills you think they might have. *************************************************************** I know it seems a bit strict, but as the Sheogorath said, "This is my realm, My rules!!!" May you all have a good time, and sorry to those who might miss out. :thanks: Edits here: Also, since it is kind-of medieval themed, the only guns allowed are gunpowder types (Muskets, Blunderbuss, Pirate pistols.) Another thing is, I might decide to implement a dice-roll-system (Thats right, just like in D&D) to make combat a little easier. -Skill caps raised to 25, and players will now have 5 points to spend in them.
  8. I would really like it if my ideas could be considered.. ATOM Corp. Faction Request and CoH Arachnos Faction Request.. Also, I'd like it if Plasmids could be implemented.. Like maybe make it a controlled FEV virus strain that causes the desired mutations. Also, I have an Oblivion request for an Order Crystal spell: Clicky click..
  9. After walking into the bar, and lighting an entire wall of it aflame, Khale Stormstrike sat down at the bar, and watched as the people inside ran around screaming for water. He closed up the bag on his belt containing the explosive cards he had just bought from a vendor in Archaon, the City of Silence. The bartender looked at him as if he were a madman! After seeing his look, Khale pulled out about five shaving razors and started juggling them, then proceeded to toss them at bottles on the wall, successfully breaking each one that they hit. "Now you are assured that I am a madman. Now can you please go about your regular business?" As Khale said this the bartender frantically started polishing glasses and bottles. "Alright.." He said, ponderously, "Let's see if I can get some work, or at least some poor sap to buy into my act..."
  10. Name: Khale Stormstrike Race: Human; Subrace: Ixionian Class: Gambit/Archer Profession: Bowcrafter, part-time Swindler Weapons: Deck of explosive cards, Steambow, Shaving blades. Circle Skills: Magic: 1 Science: 5 Willpower: 0 Phsycic: 0 Kinetic: 10 Background/Description: Being raised in Thunderflint Harbor, Khale Stormstrike had learned three things, Trust no one, Never take more than your worth, and Karma's a female dog.. As well as being an exile from Thunderflint, he is also a Gambit, a fast and agile master of luck, deception, and accuracy. His parents were motley folk, who performed in the Harbor Square, performing petty tricks. That is until a far more jealous performer decided to end their performance forever, by "accidentaly" killing them with throwing knives... Ever since, Khale lived on the rooftops, thieving and tricking the people of Thunderflint Harbor. Till the day he reached the age of 21, he had lived the rich life of a thief, until a High Priest caught him stealing a bowl full of offerings to the Gods, and cast him into exile. Then Khale took up the profession of bowcrafting, finding the accuracy of a steam-propelled arrow far more efficient than a dagger. Now he wanders along the world, or worlds, seeking fame and adventure... As Khale walked into the large tavern, with his Steambow in hand, drenching wet from the rain, the entire pub got quiet.. "What? Never seen someone walk in from a storm before?" he exclaims, and the tavern stares at him. "You all best turn around and begin conversing again, or we might have a fire on our hands.." Khale says, as he pulls out an exploding card, a ten of clubs. When he pulls it out, it bursts into flames, and he throws it at a nearby dart board. The board catches fire, and the whole tavern breaks out into a horrible cacophony of screams as the fire spreads. Then, Khale sits down at the bar, and watches..
  11. THE NEW REQUESTS ARE OVER NIIINE THOOUUSAAND!! ......Sorry, couldn't resist...
  12. This would make an awesome mod, especially if it were a new faction... *drools at the thought of Metal Gear Ray flying down and crushing several mole rats* Sign me up!
  13. What about having a mod where you can have two pistols in your hands at once? I'd love to be a wasteland gunslinger! :smile:
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