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Everything posted by Warmaker01

  1. I wish for light green, jet black, polished steel, sliver, quantum blue and bright nuke cola red. And if it was possible, there an armor color in the monster hunter games called rainbow, your armor colors changes into a different color of the rainbow every now and then. So fabulous! What I hate about the paints more is that the vault paint has no 111 logo. Like the hell beth?! Why not?! Nuka Cola Quantum Blue colored Power Armor with that same glow...
  2. You want Legendary Revolvers? Keep running the central storyline or Nick Valentine's companion quests for some nice .44 pistols. Especially the central arc. The rewarded pistol there would be a featured weapon for my use if I had the Gunslinger Perk. Lastly, anytime you fight an NPC with the skull icon and the "Legendary" name prefix, it's guaranteed to have a "Legendary" piece of equipment on them. It's a bit random though but you get surprised what you find with them at times.
  3. Settlement Building is a massive aspect of FO4 and very little is explained to you about the many intricacies about it. It's literally a Trial and Error aspect and even then, there's still more things you won't learn until much later. Also, a screen to list everyone in a specific settlement so you can assign them roles would have been nice.
  4. What you say is a good thing. The factions in the FO franchise since Bethesda took over with FO3 have generally been Black & White. The Brotherhood's depiction of FO3 is an aberration and not typical of the organization. Senior members still around in FO4 specifically state their dislike of Elder Lyons' leadership and his wasteful campaigns of charity. They're pretty up front with the player in what they're about. The Minutemen like you said are the closest thing to the Shining Light, Clear-Cut Goodguys but they were too fragile and as you see in their history, they had huge internal stability issues and one guy (Gen Becker) prevented them from going at each other. Once that man was gone, the entire house of cards fell apart. The Minutemen are pure good guys but they are far too weak against any threat more dangerous than a Raider. If the player wants to REALLY see how things went for the Minutemen after Becker's death, head to Libertalia far East. It's a cleverly designed, awesome map with a great background on the Minutemen after the collapse. Not sure about the Railroad since I just got in with them. I haven't seen what their angle really is. The Institute? From what I see so far, when you get into their base, they try to wow you into supporting them. Clean, fancy facilities. Tons of scientists, doctors that you never will see anywhere else in FO. High technology. They try to throw their lofty goals in your face to save the future of humanity. It's all actually pretty convincing, really. That is, until you start peeling back the onion of the Institute (Virgil, why he left), their secrecy even within the organization (Dr Li, Virgil, etc). And of course, I would hope the player remembers exactly what kind of crap the Institute is pulling at the surface with all those killings and disappearances, attacks on settlements, etc. Members of the Institute like to say all the stuff said about them on the surface is exaggerated but the player sees first hand what they're doing. Hell, the Institute is raiding your settlements. The Institute puts on a face that they have humanity in mind but the hand behind their back is bloody from the murders they commit on the surface. Or the killing at their home base.
  5. The PA Jump Pack just absolutely screams for a Warhammer 40k mod, using Space Marine Power Armor with the Jump Packs that Bethesda copied the idea from :laugh:
  6. Ha, considering how much customization we used to have with Power Armors before (none), I'm happy with what we got right now in Vanilla FO4, just over 1 week after release. I also want to emphasize that I think many around here complaining about customization have been spoiled by previous TES/FO games that have had the benefit of years of thorough modding. FO4 is 10 days past going live. The game's version of GECK isn't out yet. Give it time. And BTW, the color of the headlamps do change when you change the light color. http://i.imgur.com/tsllVpx.jpg Now, I do wish the materials do change the general appearance more of the PA's but again... The game is 10 days past going live. RELAX. Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, FONV did not get extensive customization options until much later. RELAX.
  7. s#*! hit the fan when I saw several ghouls rise out of a pool of water or jump down from ceiling openings. Sometimes they unfairly spawn out of nowhere like walls with decals of damage but no true way of access. Their ability to quickly close distance is dangerous when you're not in Power Armor. With PA you can shrug it off. But in regular armor they can get to you very quick and sometimes several at a time. Very bad if you're a long distance oriented fighter.
  8. With Fallout 4, there's several uniform items that I think can be altered for a decent representation of the uniforms the USMC used for the 1940s-50's. The FO4 clothing in question: Army Fatigues, Dirty Army Fatigues, and of course, Macready's Cap. The cap is the 8-point soft cover/cap used by the Naval Services. Some tweaks to give it the vibe of the USMC from the 40s and 50s: - Using the lighter color (USMC used a lighter color than the US Army's version of the uniform), have the USMC with Eagle, Globe, and Anchor (EGA for short) on the right breast pocket. The EGA back then was different than today's, namely that it has the double scroll and not the single scroll of today. For reference is this picture. http://olive-drab.com/images/usmc_hbt_ega_pocket.jpg In addition, if the cargo pockets on the side of the trousers can be removed since those were not on the uniform until decades later. - On Macready's cap, have the EGA device on the front. This wasn't stenciled or ironed on back during WWII and Marines often attached the device there. The device back then: http://www.hqmc.marines.mil/portals/134/Mixed%20Media/EGA%2016.jpg An example of the cap with the device as worn by Chesty Puller. Excuse the meme but it was a quick, easy, clear image to grab with a cap and the device. The image used by the meme is flipped, because the anchor should be pointing to the lower left and not the lower right. For the modder's option, you could use instead an easier route and have the EGA stencil on the cap's front panel instead of the device. It seems in the 1950s the Marines finally had the symbol stenciled on. If you can drop the elastic band on Macready's cap that would be great also. - Lastly, if a regular US military steel helmet used from WWII until the 1980s could be modded with the camo cover that would be outstanding. That probably would be a lot more work because the actual helmet is nothing at all like the ingame helmets which are closer to the modern US military helmets that have the obvious German inspiration. Also, this page has 2 pictures pertinent to the uniform items in question, namely the first two images from the early 1950's. You get to see the uniforms in question. The 1st one has them with the soft, 8-point cover with the stencil and not the device. The 2nd shows them with the camo covered helmets, a staple of the USMC during the WWII and the 1950s. P.S. - I know someone is going to nitpick... "Marines don't use the word dungarees! That's the Navy!" That is incorrect. The Marine Corps used the term Dungarees for their field / work uniform. "During the war, the word "dungarees" was the common nickname for this uniform in keeping with the nautical heritage of the Corps. Marines also frequently called the uniform simply, "utilities." It was never called "fatigues," this being an Army word."
  9. The game has a wide variety of Power Armors already in the game: T-45, T-51 (the classic, original FO1 styled PA's), T-60 (closer in appearance to the T-45), Raider Power Armor (new to the franchise). Advanced Power Armor is in the game. It's the X-01. I wish the different paint jobs had more variety of an actual... paint job on the armors though.
  10. I had one settlement alert in particular. I fast traveled there ASAP and expected the typical Raider or Gunner attack but nothing was going on. I go inside the settlement expecting the worst but when I enter I see everyone is fine except for one Settler who's dead. You search the body and find a Synth Component. I had a few turrets on the inside and not just the perimeter so they probably took him out quickly before he could really do harm.
  11. I highly suggest that when you first get Dogmeat, run back to Vault 111 and go back to where you saw the locked up Cryolator. Tell Dogmeat to go fetch you something and you can watch him take it and bring it to you. Dogmeat is S.P.E.C.I.A.L.!
  12. Not sure about clearing/scrapping large bits at a time. 7 stories? Damn! :pirate: As far as NPCs doing things for the settlement, you sure you can't have them do something? Assign them to guard duty, scavenge table, man a shop table or something? I haven't come across an NPC that I could not assign a task. If for some reason you don't know what is: 1. Go into V / Build Mode 2. Hold the cursor over the NPC and their silhouette lights up 3. Below the wheel of build icons you should see a series of things to do with the NPC, a few include Go/Command, Supply Route which are the most important. Supply Route can be assigned for that NPC to run from that settlement to another of your choosing. I'm not sure what that does in game terms though. Go/Command is the act of assigning them to a specific assignment like having them man a Guard Post, Shop Table, Scavenge Table, etc. You either select the NPC first in Build Mode, then run over to the assignment in question then click on that to make that NPC take care of that. You can do it from the reverse also, select that item first then clicking on an NPC to make the assignment. Some of those things you build require an NPC to specifically be assigned to it or nobody uses it like the Scavenge Table, Shop Table. I've had guys specifically assigned to a Guard Post and I equip them with better armor, equipment, ammo because they're the ones typically engaging trespassers first alongside the turrets.
  13. I'm doing a jack of all trades, master of none kind of build with low str, end and high agility and luck. I will have the advance perks and that it. I dislike op builds. I like shabby stuff so I don't need all the caps in the commonwealth. I originally started out to do a rifles based build with moderate intel and perception, good charisma. I ended up doing a generic, all-around build. I think I just broke Lv50 (I've been playing an unhealthy amount) and right now my character can do it all but open up those high end locks and computers. Sneaking is out of the question but with Rifleman, I don't need to sneak in. Gun Nut in particular is awesome for juicing up all your weapons on top of combat perks like Rifleman, Commando, etc. Even then, the other crafting perks have big uses. Science is also essential in getting higher end mods. My character has mastered all the crafting perks so her gear, with a lot of careful saving and spending, is fully worked up. Mod F power armor, full mod selection for all weapons and armors... It's very nice. Right now I have a wide collection of Power Armor Sets. T-45 (2 of them), T-51 (I found a second set and have to go back and collect it), T-60, parts of X-01. Most of the time I've been using Combat Armor but lately I decided to splurge on PA usage and feel like a tank. I got a decent Fusion Core stockpile to do so at this stage. Edit: I mentioned in an earlier reply in this thread the X-01's headlamp is the eyes. If you switch headlamp color, the eye lens also change color. Default is yellow lens but if I select red headlamp, the lens will be red.
  14. Sounds very weird of an issue. I didn't have it but then again, I personally escorted the crew from Concord to Sanctuary. I know it sounds stupid and obvious but have you completely exited the game and reloaded the save? I've had a weird issue with the Railroad arc where I couldn't open the Old Mission Door again and the only way to fix it was exiting the game entirely. The door all the sudden worked when returning to the save. The game has some weird mission bugs here and there, where NPC dialogue doesn't continue like it should.
  15. You take the body / bodies, drag it behind the settlement, and toss it in the ditch that is the dry river bed, dust your hands off, walk away and whistle innocently.
  16. Glowing Sea is an eerie setting on the map. I said it in another thread, no FO game before had something like the SW corner of FO4. The radiation danger and the critters there, the constant glows all around, green mists, sometimes red/orange haze and pools. Ghouls popping out of the ooze. I like the X-01. Activating the light is also cool on them. Unlike the other Power Armors that have a separate lamp on the helmet, the X-01's helmet eye lens light up and illuminate what you look at... Real cool! Children of Atom also have that Gamma radiation pistol. Something you may not be specced too well to resist. Regarding your mention of Hack skill... This game, more than the previous FO games, rewards you going with Hacker and Locksmith. There's tons of locks, computers keeping you away from obvious loot. Unlike FO3 and FONV where you can very carefully play the system and unlock higher difficulty things, it's not necessarily so in FO4. There's definite walls with Advanced, Expert, Master level stuff. Basic Novice will get you far but not at all the goodies locked away, teasing you.
  17. OP, you talk like previous FO weapons are not in the game when you haven't played the game itself. Previous FO weapons in FO4 that I've accumulated: Hunting Rifle Tommy Gun Laser Rifle/Pistol Plasma Rifle/Pistol Fat Man Missile Launcher Minigun (triple barrel upgrade is pretty sweet) Gatling Laser .44 revolver is in but is silver and not black Combat Shotgun Double Barreled Shotgun 10mm Pistol Chinese Officer's Sword Bottlecap Mines Frag / Plasma / Pulse Grenades Combat Knife Ripper Shishkebab Switchblade Etc, a whole slew of melee weapons And even more I have not acquired yet. Some are in but visually got changed. Assault Rifle got changed from the FN-FAL look-alike into something of a cross between a Maxim, Bren Machinegun, but more portable. There's also the Combat Rifle which is similar in function but actually looks more proper for the American setting. The Combat Rifle with a bit of mods looks like the M-14, which would be proper for the U.S. setting. The Flamer is in also but looks different. FO3's Rock-It Launcher is now the Junk Jet. Looks different but functions the same. Keep in mind also that the weapon modification system can GREATLY alter the appearance and function of a weapon. The Double Barreled Shotgun is an excellent example. By default, stock version looks and acts exactly like the old sawed-off double barreled shotgun. Very short and no stock. But with a stock mod, barrel mod, you take that same gun and it magically becomes the regular, double barreled shotgun with longer barrel (and tighter shot spread) and stock. So is the same with many weapons in the game. I expect Bethesda to of course throw in more weapons later with DLCs. Not to mention the modders which have traditionally, heavily backed Bethesda's RPGs to do their magic once again.
  18. How? Boston seemed very destroyed to me. NV is much finer. It's been forever since I played FONV but yes, as I recall, out of all the settings of the Fallout franchise, the New Vegas region was the least damaged. FO1 and the Los Angeles region got nuked hard. FO2 in the region of San Francisco / Central California got hit but not like L.A. FO3? The Capital got wrecked real good. FO4? Boston region got nailed the worst, IMO. A lot more bomb hit sites and the entire south western corner is a total radioactive wasteland, the likes of which you've never seen on that magnitude in any previous FO game. New Vegas? It got hit but just not as hard as the other locales. The people were doing better there when you start the game than any other FO games (I haven't played FO Tactics). As for remaining on topic with my reply, lore-wise, the inclusion of Fusion Cores for Power Armor use is more of a gameplay element, balance. You never had to worry about powering your Power Armor before. But in FO4, unlike the previous games, Power Armor is literally a juggernaught. Some of those mods if you have the works in Science, Armorsmith, Blacksmith, Gun Nut? It's almost God Mode and most things will barely hurt you. I mean, you can get mods to turn the armor into Warhammer 40k styled Assault Space Marines with Jump Packs! (I predict a WH40k styled mod specifically taking advantage of this in the future) Power Armor in FO4 is literally Power Creep compared to previous versions. Prior FO games treated them as the endgame armor set but in reality, they were nothing more than statistically better Combat Armor. Add onto this, you can get a set of T-45 armor early on and there's sets of armor scattered about. I came across a set of the FO1 styled T-51 and I just came across the torso and helmet for the X-01, i.e. Advanced Power Armor that the Enclave symbolically used. Which was why the Fusion Cores are included in the game. PA is readily available and far more powerful than before. You also have to remember in a Vanilla game, especially in the early levels where you're counting caps, getting those Fusion Cores can be costly. Finding reactors to pull cores from is also another deal. For early, early-mid levels, I still regularly used my regular armor. I saved the Fusion Cores and Power Armor for the special occasions. Power Armor is also now, unlike FO3 and FONV, the only equipment that you actually have to repair. If you're running around the Commonwealth all the time in PA, you're sucking up power and cores, something you may not be able to afford in the early development stages of your character where resources are more scarce. Now, if you're using cheats, then it's all out the window in terms of balance. But in a vanilla game, the cores are more precious. You need the caps for everything else still, especially ammo and mats.
  19. You know, you may want to take a look at the Better Vampires mod by Brehanin. Tweaking the ingame mod menu, you can begin very early infected with vampirism. Like, while you're starting out at Helgen kind of early.
  20. A request to change the vanilla helmets so that facial features can show through openings / uncovered areas of the helmet. Also, to remove the lazy cloth coverings on the undersides of the helmets that don't show parts of the face, such as the the bottom portions of the Nord Steel Plate Helmet. Let's see the eyes of the Guardsmen of the various Holds through the openings of their helmets. Let's see the eyes through the vision slits of the Ebony Helmet. On and on.
  21. Firstly, I was very happy to see Bethesda making the Imperial Legion in Skyrim closer to what they were in Morrowind. They were loosely based off of the Roman Legions. A few things I'm asking to bring a bit more of the Legion feel, both Morrowind and actual history. 1. Tower Shield - Skyrim has no Tower Shields. Tower Shields were available for the Legion in Morrowind, so it would be nice to have them again in Skyrim. Current game Imperial shields just don't look right for the Empire. It'll lend even further the "Roman" feel to the Empire. Here's a link showing a Morrowind Legionary. The shield could still be the roughly the same design, for the sake of paying more homage to the game Morrowind. The black can be replaced with the same dark red used by the other armors of the Empire. Maybe even use gold trim for the wreath looking design. 2. Centurion style helmet - Has not been done before in any TES games, AFAIK. It would be cool to have, IMO, to again further push a "Roman" vibe with Skyrim's Legionaries. Replacing the Imperial Officer Helmet in Skyrim with a Centurion helmet would be nice and you can see the actual officers in game wearing it, denoting their rank and standing, i.e. Legate Rikke. 3. Replace Light Imperial Armor - Instead of leather armors, replace them with chainmail. Keep stats the same for the sake of simplicity. Helmet? Just use the regular Imperial Legion Helmet as standard headgear for all Imperial soldiers, to include stats. Example: 1 4. Additional Cold Weather versions of the Imperial armors - Skyrim's a cold, cold place. Always has been. It would be fitting to have the Empire's soldiers equipped for it. Namely leggings and sleeves to keep themselves warm. Here's a figure for example (Legio I figure). In addition, if you can add furry capes, that would be awesome. Concept art for the Imperials in Skyrim had them, but didn't make it into the game. 5. All Imperial gear should be craftable - Currently in Skyrim, you can only craft the heavy versions. Light versions to include the Officer helmet are not on the list. All the Imperial gear should be craftable under the "Imperial" tab when you go smithing. 6. Auxiliary Shield - To replace the current "Light Imperial Shield" equivalent. I know it's all a lot to ask, but if it can happen, it would be great.
  22. ...? Again, what's going on between the two games? One game's engine is quite capable of doing and showing a whole lot more than the other. And that's if you just want to ignore the gameplay that's being shown between the two.
  23. I wouldn't say Daggerfall isn't for noobs. What it isn't for, are players that need a lot of guidance to move along in an RPG. Out of all the TES games I payed, Daggerfall really fits the title of "drop you in the middle of somewhere, and have it." If you're one of those guys that will find things to do on your own in a game, Daggerfall was for you. If you need big in-game reminders showing, telling, and pointing out exactly what you must do (especially today's MMORPGs), then you won't like Daggerfall. Because I can see a bunch of new players today asking, "What am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to go? Please tell me!!! WAAAGGHH! This game sucks!" If you were the kind of player that says, "Hmm, what can I do in this game? What's over there behind those hills? I'm going to check it out. I wonder what this city is like, never been there. Looks a ways off, so I need to get started. Might see stuff along the way." If that's your cup of tea, Daggerfall was for you. The only thing is the graphics. The game is quite old and looks its age. There's also repeated textures. But if you can get over those obstacles, you will appreciate the openness of the game and the immense game world. Morrowind and Oblivion are but single provinces in Daggerfall. When I first played Daggerfall, opened the overall map, travelled around a bit, and looked to see how far I got along, and realized it was literally not far at all, I figured "Holy s**t, this game is big!"
  24. THANK. BLOODY. GOD. I wanted this ever since i noticed that it wasnt in BC2. Also, the suppression thing seems pretty awesome as well. They stated earlier that with the new suppression system, Machinegunners will get points for doing such actions. That is the main purpose of MGs, especially at the squad level (SAWs): Keeping the enemy's heads down, giving them things to worry about. So, finally, MGunners get rewarded for doing their main job and losing out on points just because someone else moved into a superior position because you suppressed the enemy, and reap the rewards of getting the killing shots. If you can't tell the difference between one game having crewable tanks, jets (with dogfights in the air), vehicles in general, alongside infantry (on the SAME maps and game), and with the other being only infantry, then I don't know what you're smoking. It's gotta be some good stuff. You telling me MW3 has players flying around in F/A-18s, Sukhois, Ka-52s, AH-1Zs, and crewing M1 Abrams, etc.? REALLY? They're the same?
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