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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. Well, to correct the 3rd person running it wouldn't be nearly as simple as replaceing a few animations. What you are talking about would also require a great bit of code to calculate things like slow down speen when you release the directional button and the like as well as totally new animations which would have to be added in somehow.


    It isn't really poor animations that cause the running to look the way it does, but an oversimplified system that controls the running and the fact that there are not enough different animations used.


    I can animate a character running, but a task like this is far beyond what I am capable of.

  2. Been busy, havn't had much time to do much of anything for any of my projects.


    If I am not at work I am at school, and if I am not at school I am at work... And when do get home I have to finish some project for class the next day...


    I havn't even got around to playing Mass Effect 2 yet.




    If only my boss would let me put 3Ds Max on my computer at work, then I could get some stuff done.

  3. I have been working on an adoptable child mod, where you rescue a child during my quest and then have the option to take them home and raise them as your own. Then, based on how you take care of them they will become more social.


    There are also different options that would only make sense to you if you knew what my quest is, so I won't go into detail on that here.




    I also would have had great progress done on haveing a dynamic family as well, if it wern't for the fact that every single person I have had working on dialogue has quit without any form of notice.


    It is incredibly hard to move foward on a mod like this when you don't have someone who understands how to write good dialogue. Between me and Quetzlsacatanango we have the whole system pretty much worked out game wise, and it is just lacking good dialogue to carry the story along.




    Animation I can do, but writing good dialogue I can not.

  4. you can port mods if you get permision from whoever made it


    you just can't port stuff owned under Bethesda's copyright, or any other copyright you don't get permision for



    but I don't think porting animations works to well in the first place, I would think it would be easier just to build stuff from scratch...


    then again, I didn't think it was possible to make a new walk, since both male and female use the same skeleton and animations... but from the link above it looks like I was wrong.

  5. I really, really hope they give bethesda´s voiced dialogues the finger. Sure it sounds nice and such, but it completely killed any attempt at having a good story with enough background information to make things believable in their last games.


    For a current generation game to not have voiced dialogue would be pretty unacceptable.

  6. well, I didn't read that whole thing, but...


    I like to limit myself to only carrying 100 pounds of stuff, including what I have currently equiped. I don't make a limit to what type of gun simply because I think it is interesting to come up with different combinations that work withing my weight limit.


    I also don't bother raiding the bodies of people I kill unless I am desperately low on ammo. But this is mostly because I get bored running around raiding everyone I shoot, when I would rather just continue on with what I am doing and not constantly have to be stopping and takeing myself out of the action to loot stuff.


    In the vanilla game I get more than enough ammo just takeing it off the shelfs at Raider bases and the like.


    The last thing I do is play the game on a day to day basis. So I pretty much avoid being out in the Wasteland at night unless my mission requires me to infultrate someplace. So I return home to Megaton and sleep for 8 hours every game day, and that is when I will decide what mission I want to do for the next day and choose my equipment accordingly.

  7. thanks for the reply and for the explanation i know it takes a long time i was just hopping for somebody on this forum to actually be a bleach fan himself enough to commit such hard labor for himself as for the community thats what i was hoping for ill just have to keep on hoping thanks for the reply bro and yes i am 23 believe it or not age doesnt matter when it comes to things you enjoy


    The problem is not that you asked for the thing, you can ask for whatever you want.


    The problem is the constant bumping and wineing because no one will make it for you. It really just makes you come off as disrespectful.



    Then again, I don't really care what you do, and you have zero reason to care what I think about you, so ignore me if you like, but my advice is not to get your hopes up and expect anyone to be makeing this for you anytime soon.



    And I will go ahead and choose the option not to beleive you on your age, and it has nothing to do with the fact that you like Bleach, because I too have watched it from time to time.

  8. this is just plane sad...


    The simple fact is, it takes a very long time for a modder to get to the point where they can model, texture, skin, and import a full character into Fallout. Character design not only takes a lot of knowledge of 3D modeling, but a decent knowledge of human anatomy and how clothing falls over it. It also takes an insane amount of pateince.


    Just simply makeing an outfit to make you look like Vasto Lordes Ichigo would take a good 9 or 10 hours of work from the best of modders, probly even more if you want it to be real high quality, with a high poly normals baked onto a low poly model.


    I don't think you have any concept of the workflow of makeing a new character model.



    But anyways, that is just simply makeing the outfit to look like Vasto Lordes Ichigo. I am not a scripting expert, but I am fairly confident that everything else requested in this mod is nothing short of immposible. The Cero would require new weapon animations, which arn't even possible in the GECK without replaceing other weapon animations.


    you know the deal and if you could implement a reiatsu system so that when ichigo goes full hollow the reiatsu created would stun the enemies around you making them kneel to the ground thru the immense pressure and of course a custom screen effect just as you can see in the anime


    And maybe, just maybe that one would be possible, but I really doubt it. But if it is possible, it would take such a high level of programming that you are pretty much out of luck finding someone who can pull it off.





    and on an unrelated note, I don't beleive for a second that you are 23 years old


    also, I have in fact watch a decent amount of Bleach, but I still have absolutly no desire to stop my own projects of my own design to work on copying some anime that doesn't even really fit the setting...

  9. I don't understand; if New Vegas is using the same engine, even the same development tools, then why is it considered a new game as opposed to a DLC?


    The exact same reason that two movies are different movies, even though they may use the same camera or two books are consiered different books even though they may use the same font.


    The engine and development tools are just that, tools to make a game. Just look at how many different games have been made of of the Unreal 3 engine.


    It is a new game based on the fact that it is in no way connected to Fallout 3 other than takeing place in the same alternate universe, and that the game is completly stand alone game with its own beggining and ending that rely in no way on Fallout 3. It isn't even the same people makeing the game, it is a totally different team using the tools made by Bethesda.

  10. I definently want to be able to get married and stuff, and I also want more people! Crouded cities and people walking around, that's what I want from the game (Plus more weapons)


    I selfishly hope that you arn't able to get married, simply because I am in the process of makeing that happen through my mod that I plan on transfering over to New Vegas as soon as it comes out...

  11. i hope that there will be like a giant outcast base, and new ghoulos and weapons :D that would be pretty cool


    Outcasts forevr!


    Sorry, but the Outcasts are limited only to the DC Wasteland because they are a seperation of Lyon's faction of the BOS.


    But, the good news is that the Western BOS are much more like the Outcasts than Lyon's faction, just no red armor.

  12. Another thing that I hope for is that the whole game would be twice the size of Fallout 3 and it'll take you twice as much time to complete it.


    Honestly, I would rather it be the same size or shorter than Fallout 3... More content in a shorter amount of time would be nice, but after going through Fallout 3 twice and doing all f the sidequests it took more than enough time to complete.

  13. Just took a look after loading the meshes and checking the save with the "patient zero" auto-axe mutant; he was still flailing his fists, unfortunately. :(


    However, depending on how similar mutants are to swamp folk, could it be of use in helping expand their repertoire?


    I would assume that Swamp Folk use a different skeleton, so it wouldn't help with them, though it is the same process. But I am not 100% sure on the process of putting animations onto a creature. I have only done a little bit of research into it, because I have just started animating, but havn't tried getting anything into Fallout yet.

  14. Are you using Windows Vista and have the Fallout folder in your Program Files?


    If you are using Vista, or possibly 7 (im not sure if it does the same thing) try this simple thing.


    Enstead of just clicking on the GECK and opening it, right click and select "Run as Administration"



    Then try to save something in the GECK, if it works after you do that, tell me and I will tell you how to fix the problem.



    I am guessing that it doesn't want you to save to the Program Files, because it is a secured folder.

  15. I like the idea, and I could see it taken even a step further and adding the Enclave and BOS and Outcasts into the mix.


    And then ontop of that, we could put in the ability to trade with and have diplomatic discussions with other factions.


    The whole thing would create a whole new strategy-base defending aspect to Fallout. Then it would only be a matter of takeing the main quest and the major sidequests and implementing them in ways that completing them gains favor for the town or makes new enemies.


    Really, the possibilities are endless... If only I had the ability and time to pull something like that off...




    But in the end, I am not a scripter by any means. My knowledge of programing is simply limited to basic Maxscript. The information is out there, and I could learn it, but I just have too many other things to do on this mod, in the areas that I already have a somewhat decent skillset.


    Right now I have to focus on what I am good at, and that is makeing 3D models,textures, and animations. Out of the other two people currently helping me out, one makes quests, works out the dialogue in the geck, and handles other geck stuff like the ability to upgrade the parts of the house and such. The other is a dialogue writer.




    I would be very happy if I could get a dedicated scripter that could pull of such a system for my mod. I am hopeing that once I can get my main part of the mod done, that it will be easier to get someone on board. All I can really offer is new outfits and stuff for the different gypsie factions, or newly modeled and animated species of animals, or maybe even seige weapons.


    I bet Q could get the communications that allow you to trade and conduct diplomacy with the other Faction leaders.


    It would only be a matter of finding someone to pull off the scripting and stuff.




    With my current sceduel, it may still be a while longer before I have the main part done, so I will look to expand on that part of the mod down the road when I finish building this town.

  16. Sure; It'll be my pleasure!


    ok, I will try to get the rifle fixed sometime this week, shouldn't take me too long at all.



    I even know how to fix the handle now, which I didn't last time I worked on it...

  17. Super Mutants and Swamp Folk are creatures, and don't use the standard human skeleton and animations. They also can't jump and some other stuff. So yes, you are right about it haveing nothing to do with the weapon and everything to do with the set of animations available to that particular skeleton.


    But adding new animations would deffinatly be possible.

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