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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. Fallout modelings alo more complicated that tw modling... Nifskope doent have half the things that the tutorial says it should have. :mellow:

    Ill try again some other time.


    You don't model in Nifskope...


    Inconsistencies like the fact that everyone would be dead except maybe rats and cockroaches in a real post-apocalyptic world? There is also strong evidence that nuclear winter could result in another ice age rather than sunny skies and hot temperatures for the DC area.



    Now that would be an awesome mod. Replace all the human characters with cockroaches and all the super mutants with rats.

  3. Well, if I make any models that fit what you want I will send them your way (I am making a lot of random stuff in zbrush and max just for practice)


    But sorry, I am not about to sign up for makeing 20 power armors and who knows how many more cars and whatever else



    You can use my Midwest Power Armor if you like, just not the special edition one that I make, since that one will be saved for my mod.

  4. Tony, I built an esp for you that I will send you. In game the helmet is rotated 90 degrees on the y axis and I can't remember how to fix that. I will revisit when I sober up :D


    I can fix that in Nifskope no problem


    what direction is the face of the helmet looking in relation to the character?

  5. You need to be far more specific about what you want done if you want anyone to be interested in your project...


    Even if I didn't already have a mod I was working on, I wouldn't offer to help you model and texture stuff unless I knew what you wanted to be modeled and textured.

  6. 15. A family or marriage mod just for fun. That may or may not be 2 mods put together if you're talking about adding kids to the family.



    I kinda like that one.


    All you would have to do was make several NPCs. Several wife choices, 3-4 random male children, and 3-4 female children probably one of each race preferably. They would essentially work like a house theme but with some extra scripting to make it more complex. You buy, make, find a ring. Take the ring to the woman you want to marry. If you have the ring you get married if you want to and if you don't have it then she asked for a ring first. When you're married her location would be changed to the Megaton House/Tenpenny Suite or whatever place you want. Her old location would be disabled then in the house her model would be enable there. Give her a walking pattern with some random animations. She could have some options to ask how her day was and that you love her and all that. Another option would be to ask her if she wants to have a baby(really means that you want to or not :P) You would have to buy a crib first then after that she'll have one. The baby should live there for a few weeks or months game time for simplicity's sake. It would then turn into a random child that you created. You can can talk to the kids and stuff. I could see this being done pretty well.


    You'd have to build some type of house expansion for the added family for the mod though. Something you'd have to get before the family would be available.


    Quetzlsacatanango already has all of that stuff figured out for my mod. The challenge is to take the marriage to a level above what you have on Fable 2 or whatever, and actually put some depth to the characters and make it expand as time goes on and add to the overall appeal of the open world sandbox aspect of the game.

  7. "Write" or "Recite"?


    I have been trying to get someone who is a good writer, since a mod like that requires a large deal of dialogue. Writing dialogue is not something I am good at as well as something that I don't have time to do myself, since I hardly have enough time to finish the other stuff I am doing for the mod. I am a game designer and 3D modeler, but not a writer by any means.


    Between Quetzlsacatanango and me we have come up with a dynamic system to not only allow the character to get to know and move foward in a relationship with a NPC but to also allow different paths based on choices made during conversations. It lets the conversations link together in dynamic ways as opposed to just moving foward in a linear fashion.


    The simple example would be this





    The whole thing is, we needed someone to fill in the system with dialogue that was actually of high quality in order to make the mod seem good and not really cheesey and lame...


    But right now this guy has offered to help




    So hopefully that means we that this mod now has a shot at actually becoming reality.




    But yes, this if FAR from an ordinary mod, as it is really more of an experement on how far I can push sandbox style gameplay. It is all part of the town mod I am working on.

  8. I seem to recall a WIP marriage mod, dunno where it is tho...

    The mech stuff could probably be done. I'm actually working on something like that.

    Same goes for the NPC randomization, though not exactly as you described.

    And gang wars would probably be easy.



    I've been trying to get a relationship mod made for some time now, but I have had a lot of bad luck finding people who can write dialogue.


    I think the new guy who offered to help out is going to turn out good though

  9. Well I have photoshop cs1 maybe you have a version that's too new.


    I could give it a try if you want but it won't look as good as if you got your plugins working and did it.



    Oh and I forgot to add, EPIC!


    well, technicaly all it would require is to open up the Targa (how I save my textures) and then saveing the file as a DDS (how Fallout reads textures)


    but I have them sent to Q, so it won't be an issue



    I do have CS4, but it has been out long enough that it shouldn't be an issue... I never get an error message or anything, I install the plugin and then I go to save as a DDS and nothing has changed... so I don't have the option to save as a DDS file...


    If only every game engine was as simple to import assets as Unity I could have had this thing done in 5 minutes.

  10. I can program and animate and build models and everything else, but I can't get a stupid plugin to work for Photoshop...


    Final version for now, have to see what it looks like in game before I do anything else.



  11. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm98/Supernaut14/rrehrsehser.gif


    I also got nifskope working only to find out that I have to have DDS files for my textures, and my DDS converter for photoshop doesn't show up...


    anyone want to convert some textures for me?

  12. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm98/Supernaut14/lo.jpg


    I could get it finished today if only this Nifskope stuff wasn't so overly complicated and the Max pluggin is now crashing my computer when I try to export stuff...


    finishing the texture should be easy though

  13. I would very much doubt it would be possible for a modder to fix what is wrong with the animations, simply because it isn't an animation issue at all. The problem is part of the mechanic that changes between animations which I wouldn't think can be adjusted by a modder.


    To fix what you are talking about you would have to be able to add in more animation triggers to have stuff such as backwards walking and adding new animations for turning or linking bones to the look at target.


    To my knowledge none of this is possible in the GECK.


    So you say the engine needs to be fixed first, and then these fixes should be implemented into GECK for modders to be able to fix these issues?


    What about behavior? Are there mods to fix these issues? (using patch 1.7 and didn't fix any of them.


    It isn't the engine, but the mechanic that makes the characters move. I would think that the chances of them putting that into the GECK is slim because that stuff gets pretty complicated, but then again, I'm not an expert at makeing tools and the like, I just use the tools.


    I don't know how the thing is coded, so I can't really give you any more specific information. I just know that if I was doing it in Unity I would just go in and add more triggers so that I could animate for all sorts of different actions, especially haveing a 3/4 animation and backwards animation. So basically it is like this (but more complicated) "If the player hits the W key the foward animation is player" "if the player hits the S key the backward aniation is played"




    But anyways, as far as your other questions, I don't mean to sound rude or anything, but I don't care... I don't really want to spend all my time trying to fix or explain issues for people. I am only interested in talking about animation because I am currently in the process of working on my own third person mechanic for a platforming game, and I don't mind explaining my limited knowledge to people.


    I don't have nearly as much expereince with NPC behavior and the like. I just know it is complicated and makes my head hurt when I think about it...

  14. Havn't been able to find any video of Heretic2 with any NPCs in it... though just judgeing from my past expereince I would imagine that what looks clunky in 3rd person would work even worse when applied to NPCs.


    I'm not saying that Fallout 3's animations are good, but I deffinatly don't want to see them go in that direction. In my opinion that would be a large step backward, but I personally would much perfer a bit of ice skateing than haveing a game feel clunky.

  15. I would very much doubt it would be possible for a modder to fix what is wrong with the animations, simply because it isn't an animation issue at all. The problem is part of the mechanic that changes between animations which I wouldn't think can be adjusted by a modder.


    To fix what you are talking about you would have to be able to add in more animation triggers to have stuff such as backwards walking and adding new animations for turning or linking bones to the look at target.


    To my knowledge none of this is possible in the GECK.

  16. Can we at least have this?


    This is Heretic2. A game from 1998 (twelve years ago) When your character turns, he first moves his waist. Then he starts to move his legs to turn when he can no longer turn his waist. I'd like to see characters in the game move at least like this. (1998 anyone? We are in year 2010)


    I don't want to see characters moving like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en5yQww2XpY


    If the characters moved like that I wouldn't buy the game...


    if you take away my ability to run left, right, and at angles then I can't possibly play the game, I would much rather see the wrong animations than to have to deal with only running foward and haveing to turn before I can move left...


    a lot of games have better movemen then Fallout, but Heritic 2 is FAR from one of them, it is just way to clunky...





    but anyways, it is all a matter of aveing the bone constraint to control the bones to follow the target. in animation you ALWAYS animate from the center our, so the chest would be weighted to move more and then limbs would catch up.


    i havn't worked with the gamybro engine particularly, but here is an example with Unity



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