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Tony the Wookie

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Posts posted by Tony the Wookie

  1. It is deffinatly possible, I just havn't done it is a while...


    If I remember correctly the console command is player.setscale 1.0


    In the Geck it is one of the options after you click on a character



    I have changed my character for every playthrough I have done, I just havn't started a playthrough in months so I can't remember the specifics.

  2. Teams over the internet are usually more trouble than they are worth.


    I tried to put together a team for my mod and it was nothing short of a disaster. I spend hour and hours of my time getting people organized and explaining the grand scheme of my project and brainstorming ideas with people, and in the end I have only have ONE person so far actually do ANYTHING at all.


    The people who were so quick to offer help wern't even nice enough to shoot me an email to say they no longer wanted to help me. Most of them just disapeared midway through a PM conversation...


    I had over 20 people offer to help me, and now my team consists of 3 people...




    Most people come on here looking for teams and never get a single response, which in some ways I guess they were luckyer than me, since at least they didn't waste their time working with these people and not getting anything for it.


    It just isn't worth it...

  3. With the Gamebryo engine, eliminating the neck seam is impossible.


    Not impossible, not likely, but definatly possible. Any Engine can be tweaked to work the way you want, though re-working the lighting system is pretty much not going to happen.


    I wonder if an alpha could be used to make a smooth blend between the two.. :huh:


    I didn't see a position open for someone who can whine about shortcomings


    Being able to point out glaring flaws like YOUR MAIN QUEST IS TERRIBLE. X, Y, AND Z ARE BAD GAME MECHANICS would be pretty useful I think. I pointed out why they failed in certain areas and how they could've improved, even excluding the basic flaws such as the entire Gamebryo engine. A few examples off the top of my head: skill/special system, perks, crit chance balancing on weapons, basic plot/quest, karma system.


    But hey, why be reasonable when you can be totally condescending instead?



    So basically you want to be a QA tester then...


    No openings for that I'm afraid, though you could always be a Senior Engine Programmer since you seem to know so much about Gamebryo :teehee:


    Well, all I know is that it didn't work out so well as a shooter. I do admit that my knowledge is severely limited on such matters, and you probably know much more about it than I do.


    are you actually considering working at bethesda some time?


    Well, in case you are interested, the engine really doesn't effect much of what made Fallout 3 a sub par FPS. I can't be 100% sure, but I would really doubt that any game studio would use physics and the like on bullets. Calculating the stuff with an engine just seems like it would take up too much processing power to be worth it. For things like bullet spread and falloff over range is simply calculated by a program added onto the First Person Shooter Mechanic (as it is called in Unity, which is the game engine I personally am most familiar with, they probly call it something else in Gamebryo.


    But the point is, it is all part of the programming of the game mechanics and controls, not really a game engine thing. Like I said before, I have worked with Unity more than any other game engine, and though I may not know much about programming I could still go in and adjust stuff about how the first person or third person mechanic works without ever modding the engine.


    The same goes for most of the stuff people blame on the engine. The only things that I would think are really the fault of gamebryo are the issues with the neck seam and the lack of shadows. Though I can't be 100% sure becase I havn't worked with the engine first hand, only with the GECK.



    But anyways, long story short, if the game designers at Bethesda were more expereinced and familiar with FPS mechanics and the like they could have done a better job makeing a FPS even with the Gamebryo engine, even though Gamebryo doesn't have built in mechanics fo FPS like Unreal or whatever would have. The problem is not that the engine is only good at makeing games like Oblivion, but that the designers are used to makeing games like Oblivion and not games like Call of Duty.



    But this is all just a logical guess on my part, being that I don't know the engine or Bethesda's workflow first hand.



    Game Mechanics are not part of the Game Engine.




    And to answer your question, I don't plan on working for Bethesda in particular, though I would take the job if they offered, but I am more looking for any job being a Level Designer / Environment Artist at any game studio that isn't named Rockstar. I still have a lot to learn, but I plan on getting a job at some studio in the next year or two.


    I didn't see a position open for someone who can whine about shortcomings


    Being able to point out glaring flaws like YOUR MAIN QUEST IS TERRIBLE. X, Y, AND Z ARE BAD GAME MECHANICS would be pretty useful I think. I pointed out why they failed in certain areas and how they could've improved, even excluding the basic flaws such as the entire Gamebryo engine. A few examples off the top of my head: skill/special system, perks, crit chance balancing on weapons, basic plot/quest, karma system.


    But hey, why be reasonable when you can be totally condescending instead?



    So basically you want to be a QA tester then...


    No openings for that I'm afraid, though you could always be a Senior Engine Programmer since you seem to know so much about Gamebryo :teehee:

  6. For those who believe they can do a better job... there's still time! ObEnt Jobs


    I didn't see a position open for someone who can whine about shortcomings :wink:


    I however am only about half way to where I need to be as an environmental artist to even stand a chance at such a job. I did see however that they list haveing former knowedge of the GECK as a plus when you apply.

  7. I had a good 12 guys offer to do voice acting on my mod, even though I didn't have any dialogue compled...


    Never once found a female voice actor, even though I had a decent amount of the dialogue done....

  8. I do realise I could hunt around in currently developed mods however it is much easier just to post a thread. Essentially I am an avid player of Fallout 3 and having downloaded several hundred mods on FO3 Nexus I wish to give something back to the modding community. Alas, I am no modder myself, however I do have a talent for writing so if there are any modders out there, feel free to give me a PM. If you wish to know more about me / my writing my website is included in my signature. Happy modding!


    I have been trying to get someone who is serious about writing to help me out for quite some time now, but havn't had any luck so far...


    I am more of a 3D modeler / animator / level designer, and don't really have the skills to pull off the writing what I want to for my mod. I will be straight foward with you, what I am trying to do is far from easy, I am trying to take interactive dialogue to a level that no one has tried before, and as a game designer I know exactly what I need, but I like the lines of dialogue to put into my system to get things to work.


    I have a guy working with me that handles getting all the dialogue scripted into the game, so if you can write the thing he can handle all of the rest.



    I have characters and stories and stuff already, all of which need some depth and polish, but if you want to work with me I will give you full creative freedom where you arn't restriced to doing characters my way, because after all, I am a game designer not a writer.


    I am also completly willing to work with whatever direction you want to work with the interactive dialogue, I have half a million ideas that I could get working if only I had someone to provide me with good lines, so if you are interested in working with me then we can begin dicussing more specifics of stuff.




    Here is a link to my main page




    And here is a link to a general overview of the most basic elements of my dialogue scheme




    And if you are more interested in plot that dialogue here is my brainstoming thread






    If you have any questions or want examples of what I have done or what I can pull off just PM me.


    If you do want to join the team I am more than willing to make you a full Co-Creator with just as much credit for the finished product as me. But I will warn you, it is quite a bit of work. A lot of characters that I want to add dynamic personalities.




    No modding skills required, just the ability to type

  9. Sounds like you need to make your own game, no one is going to make a game just for you which is what you appear to want. For one thing you really ought to look into the game engine they using and what limitations that brings, it eliminates a bit of your list right of the top.


    Which of my wishes can not be done on the engine? I can't see what can't be done apart from proper physics which can be added by some effort.



    Anything can be done on any engine with the right programmers


    A lot of people around here throw arond the phrase "game engine limitations" too much, at least when it comes to Bethesda and Obsidian. There are a lot of game engine limitations to modders and they are a huge deal, but for Bethesda and Obsidian if they want something bad enough they will get it to work regardless.


    But most people don't truly understand what exactly a game engine really is, so I can see where they get mixed up.


    For example, fixing the engine has nothing to do with animations, though the problem with animations would be a mostly a programmer issue not an animator issue, since there needs to be triggers to do backwards animation and 3/4 walking. Something that would be the engine would be the lack of shadows and that the draw order on the head and body creates a seam.



    But anyways, without getting technical and nitpicking the subject, you could do pretty much all of that stuff in any hame engine if you had enough programmers to do the job.



    A lot of stuff that people think is the engine really isn't the engine at all, and just things that are hardcoded, have no access to the code, or just isn't available with in the GECK. Stuff that would be immposible for a modder to change but requires no modification to the engine itself.

  10. Why don't we address this issue to whoever are making New Vegas? Maybe they'll implement clothes hair and body parts like we saw in Vampire Bloodlines. That would be awesome. Picture yourself walking in the desert camera on your back with your coat and your long hair and coat loose in the wind. I really really hope this implemented into a game which is as moddable as Fallout3. This way our characters hats, clothes and edited bodies wouldn't clip with the hair. and the game would become much more immerse. It may even deserve to be the game of the year.


    A game studio could deffinatly pull it off, there is just absulutly no way your going to get hair physics from a modder.


    It is all going to come down to whether or no Obsidian thinks it is worth their time. Though, depending on how they implement the physics it could vary well make it much more difficult to make hair and outfit mods.

  11. You can't expect to have all the great FPS stuff as well as haveing great Meelee combat and also having it be a decent RPG. It is possible in theory, but for a company to pull that off it would be pretty much imposible.


    on the subject of first person rpgs: dark messiah of might and magic was freaking epic. Not a shooter, but the melee combat was extraordinary! the magic system was very fun too, although I didn't play around with it much before my computer got stolen along with the game. The combat system was simply awesome. You could try to do a lunge into the face, instakill but leaves you vulnerable. There are other combos you can do also. Between attacks you can throw in a kick, which costs stamina but can be a very tactical decision. I loved kicking people into fires and then watching them burn. A strong enough attack, or if they're unbalanced, will knock them down and let you do a finisher. You can pick up items, like in oblivion, but also throw them either to distract during stealth or to screw them up during combat (throw a plate at someone's face then follow up with a power slash in the head). It was also a great RPG although not freeform (the only real issue with it).




    The whole point I was trying to make is that you can't expect


    Game A to be as good as Game B in an area Game B is specializes but is bad in almost every other aspect (like Dark Messiah)


    as well as being as good as Game C in an area Game C specializes in but has limited other features (Like Call of Juarez)


    and not expect Game A to have shortcomeing somewhere else.



    Makeing a game is all about compromising based on the size of the team working on it and the amount of time to finish it. If Bethesda had spent their time makeing a complex meele system then they would have had to cut corners somewhere else to make up for the extra time spend of meele. If they had spent more money on better voice actors that would have had less money to higher texture artist or something.


    If anything Bethesda is simply guilty of trying to do too much with limited time, money, and technology. But if you want a polished but less extensive game then go buy something else.

  12. TO MODD!!!!!


    i dont know if this is the right section to ask


    this would most deffinatly be the wrong section to ask, since this is deffinatly not a Modification Request and this forum is called Fallout 3 Modification Requests...


    I don't want to sound rude, but I am seriously very curious. What part of


    Fallout 3 Modification Requests

    Got an idea for a killer modification that hasn't been made yet? Outline your ideas here and discuss it with others. Who knows, it might get created!


    made you think this would be the right forum?



    But anyways, good luck with your modding, the links above should deffinatly help. Once you go through the Bethesda vault tutorial you will have a better idea of what the process of modding actually is and then you can figure out which specific areas you want to work with.

  13. Fallout 3 tries to be a lot of different things, so of course it can't be the best, or even good at all of them...


    You can't expect to have all the great FPS stuff as well as haveing great Meelee combat and also having it be a decent RPG. It is possible in theory, but for a company to pull that off it would be pretty much imposible.


    You can't expect to have deep characters and story yet at the same time have full customization and control of the ending. You can't expect to have a large depth of characters around the world and have a high standard of dialogue and voice acting for all of them.


    You can't have a game that is huge and expect every place inside of it to be filled with high quality unique peices. You can't have a game that is as open worlded and replayable with over 60 hours of stuff to do and still expect the polish to be as good as an 8 hour game like Call of Juarez.




    When it comes down to it, Fallout isn't the best at everything... Sometimes it isn't even good in some aspects, but the thing is you can't just pick it apart into little peices and say how much better other games were. When you look at the big picture Fallout 3 is great, and one of the top titles I own.


    Fallout 3 is one of the few games that includes everything I want. And if for that I have to sacrafice the polish of shorter less expansive games to get that, then so be it.




    People have absolutly no right to expect more than what they got with Fallout 3, if you don't like it then go play another style of games, but you shouldn't think you are entitled to haveing the most perfect videogame ever made that includes the best features from ever other game out there.


    Yes, I can name a good 10 games that beat Fallout 3 in every single category, but only one that I can think of that beats it overall. It is just wrong to sit around saying "well game X has better boob mechanics than Fallout" and "game Y has better FPS physics" and "game Z has better story, characters and dialogue" and "game A has more options to roleplay and customize"


    If what you are looking for is a game that is perfect in every way, you better be willing to pay a whole lot more than 60$ for it, because the time and manpower to produce it would be through the roof. (enough to make Avatar's budget look like an indie film)

  14. Well, there is one tool that already allows you to do what you are asking. It is called the GECK.





    It's an interesting idea. I have to admit that placing items in the GECK is a Pain with a capital 'P'.


    Doing it in game is much easier but you can't just get any item you want just what you have at hand. If you had a mod like this you could copy items from all over then just call for them later for placement. It's really not a bad idea.


    Honestly, I was thinking just the opposite. I find placeing items in the GECK far simpler that trying to move stuff around while in game... Then again, maybe that is just because I spend more time working with 3D modeling programs and game engines than I do actually playing games.

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